
LOL doll style birthday

LOL doll style birthday
  1. Room decoration
  2. Invitations
  3. Choosing costumes
  4. Holiday table ideas
  5. Competitions and entertainment

For any child, birthday is the most favorite holiday, because he has fun with his friends and receives many gifts. And the holiday, organized in the style of your favorite toy, will cause even greater delight. Most girls will love the LOL doll style celebration.

Room decoration

To have a party in an appropriate atmosphere, the room should be decorated in a suitable way. Decorating it in the style of an LOL doll means using accessories and colors that are typical for a toy. And since the children will be in themed costumes on their birthday, they will certainly want to take pictures.

Therefore, a good solution would be to create a photo zone.


It is not difficult to equip a beautiful photo zone with your own hands. The easiest way to make it is with balloons, which can be simply attached to the wall or made from them. arch... A number should be placed in the center of the composition, which will correspond to the age of the child.

On the wall, which will be the background, stick lol doll pictures... They can be printed or drawn on Whatman paper, or cut out and colored in styrofoam. The dolls can also be seated and placed on decorative tables. These bright stylish details are obtained by covering the stools with shiny fabric.

It's a great idea to set the tantamaresque as your favorite character. Buying an item is, of course, expensive, but the item can be rented or made at home. Ready-made templates and manufacturing instructions are easy to find on the Internet.


To make the holiday themed, the decorations must be in a certain style. Therefore, paraphernalia for the holiday is an LOL doll and its accessories. The shocking toy is packed in a ball. Taking off its bright wrapper, you can find surprises - accessories... Among them you will find dresses, shoes, glasses, headbands, pacifiers, tattoo stickers and many other funny things. Make garland from the flags with the image of these items. You can also decorate a candy bar with a composition of flags and balls.

It would be appropriate to place posters with dolls and made of colored cardboard on the walls. accessories... It will be useful Balloons suitable colors: pink, blue, lilac, light green, golden and silver. Tablecloths on tables should be in the same shades. They can have polka dot or striped prints. And placed at the entrance pinata lol will welcome guests.


Guests should send out invitations, which are one of the attributes of the holiday. They also need to be stylized. Postcards can be bought ready-made, but it is much more interesting to make them yourself, showing imagination and involving the birthday girl in the entertaining process. The postcard must have an image of your favorite toy and its logo.

It's a good idea to do invitation cards in the form of a doll or in the form of her accessories. On the back, write the necessary information: the place and time of the celebration. You can also indicate a phone number for communication (suddenly the invitees have questions) and even a dress code. Of course, the condition must be met, for example, one of the guest's clothing items must be themed color.

Choosing costumes

Modern clothes for children are beautiful and bright. It is often made of fabrics with various prints, so it is not difficult to choose a suit for a celebration. Girls probably have more than one elegant dress of the required color... If you know how to sew, you can copy favorite doll costume... Do not be afraid that someone will be in the same outfit, since the number of clothing options for a toy is truly limitless.

To make the image more vivid and give the young lady the opportunity to feel like a heroine of a thematic holiday, you can use unusual makeup and even an original wig. The girl will like it if she gets an interesting hairstyle. And the boys invited to the holiday can be handed at the entrance withHomemade paper caps with pasted attributes.

Holiday table ideas

The choice of dishes and sweets for a stylized holiday is made taking into account the preferences of children, there are no special rules. It is much more important to arrange the children's table in a suitable way. Take care of the dishes in advance. Today, the industry creates special children's dishes, there are also various sets with the theme of LOL dolls at quite reasonable prices. Products can be ordered online. And also there is a large selection of napkins in the desired style.

Eclairs, cookies, marshmallows, marmalade decorate with small doll figures... They can be printed on thick paper, or you can purchase special sets of cupcake toppers. In addition, the fun toy has become so popular that there are waffle and sugar figurines on sale LOL for decorating confectionery. Stick pictures of dolls on drinks bottles and glasses in a candy bar.

Some pastry shops make cakes and biscuits with the appropriate symbols. And if you love to cook, then you can bake gingerbread and apply the desired pattern on them. It's not hard to find a step-by-step recipe.

The culmination of a festive treat - cake... Any sweetness will do, the main thing is that the creamy decoration is of a suitable color. Among the abundance of products in stores, you will find a suitable one. Additionally, it can be decorated with figures and candles corresponding to the style according to the number of years of the birthday girl.

Competitions and entertainment

The holiday should not be boring, so you should think about contests and entertainment in advance.They also need to be prepared, taking into account the theme of the holiday. It should be noted that the scenario should be different for children of different ages.

  • The little ones will definitely like outdoor games. For children 5 years old, a dance competition is suitable. The dolls should be placed on the floor or on a table. Their number should be 1 less than the number of participants. While the music is playing, the children are dancing. When the music is turned off, each child should take 1 toy. Anyone who did not have enough toys is eliminated from the competition. The game continues until the last participant.
  • Children can help the doll put together their belongings. For the competition, you need to prepare 30–35 clothespins with LOL accessories. All children must close their eyes, and the presenter attaches clothespins to any objects in the room: curtains, tablecloths, toys. Then the children open their eyes and begin to collect clothespins. The winner is the one who collected the most accessories.
  • To give the kids some rest, you can play "Guess-ku"which will be useful for developing thinking and communication skills. The presenter says a word, for example, one of the LOL accessories. With the help of leading questions, children must guess the object. However, the questions should be asked in such a way that the facilitator can answer “yes” or “no”. The one who guessed the word becomes the leader.
  • Children 6 years old can be invited to assemble a puzzle. Participants should be divided into teams. Each team is given a bag with a picture of a doll cut into pieces. The winner is the team that completed the task faster.
  • If there are many girls at the celebration, you can take an interesting action. Children are also divided into teams, each team receives a cosmetic bag filled with various small items. The team needs to separate LOL cosmetics from other items as soon as possible.
  • Girls will love to dress up the doll... Only they will do this blindfolded. Each participant is given a doll and accessories, which may be superfluous. To win the competition, this must be done not only quickly, but also correctly.
  • With children of 7 years old, you can conduct a quest... Preparation for it, which will take time, will have to be done in advance. Children will be looking for the surprise that the LOL doll has hidden. Hints will help you to find it. The surprise and envelopes with tips are hidden in the room until the start of the party. The first envelope is given to children.
  • After an active noisy game, you can to take the participants of the holiday with a more relaxed event: take the doll out of the maze. You will also have to prepare for it in advance. Depending on the number of invitees, mazes are printed. The guests' task is to guide the doll through the maze as soon as possible.

It is imperative that there be rewards for the winners. These can be figures or pictures with a doll, its accessories, sweets.

How to make a cake with LOL dolls, see the next video.

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