
Best Adult Birthday Party Drinking Contests

Best Adult Birthday Party Drinking Contests
  1. Funny word games
  2. Fun contests with paper
  3. Unusual toasts
  4. Other entertainment at the festive table
  5. For a small company
  6. For a large family

Adult birthdays have a number of features that set them apart from family and children's events. Outdoor games are traditionally replaced by drinking contests. Participation in them does not require active body movements, but develops ingenuity and cheers up.

Funny word games

There are many cult game scenarios for the company of adults. Those gathered at the same table participate in them with pleasure and excitement, regardless of social status, age categories and individual characteristics. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with the number of tasks and riddles in one evening. Otherwise, even the funniest entertainment program can be turned into a "hackneyed disc".

All entertainment options are easy to organize without a toastmaster. The host is chosen among the most relaxed and talkative guests. To organize fun contests, you will need cardboard cards and boxes to fold them and other props. It is advisable to buy incentive prizes for participants.

"The alphabet is next to us"

Option 1

Sometimes the hero of the occasion acts as the host. Toothpicks are handed out to the guests and several letters are named, according to the first letters of the products in sight on the festive table: apple, cheese, olives, ham (the first letters are i, s, m, v). On command, those at the table begin to collect canapes. Whichever option is especially to the taste of the birthday boy, he won. The combination, design and serving of the appetizer are assessed.

Option 2

Leaves with written alphabet letters are laid out in front of the adults. The first participant is invited to choose a piece of paper, and the rest to come up with a word starting with this letter. But not just, but so that some kind of connected story turns out.

In this game, a wide field for imagination is very fascinating. The better the imagination works, the funnier the stories are.

"Burime in order"

For this verbal fun it is common to take the last two rhymed words for the first pair of lines. And two for the last two. This is a kind of set of keywords that will be used in the quatrain being composed. It is easy to find many ready-made rhymes for "Burime" on the Internet. But it's more fun to come up with words yourself.

For example:

  • friend-pie; barking-melting;
  • bird egg; patience-doubt;
  • raspberry-reed; cold-free;
  • nut hedgehog; bunny boy.

Each guest is asked to come up with four words that are convenient to rhyme two at a time, as shown in the examples. Then you will have to compose a quatrain from the supporting words. Participants take turns writing their keywords on a piece of paper and passing them to a neighbor next to them. He, in turn, sends the sheet further in his own words. The next competitor repeats this chain of actions. The challenge is to come up with a meaningful four-line verse. Of course, foldable:

A friend was sitting in the clearing,

He found a pie with meat.

He used to be angry and barking

And now - melting with joy!

Another version of a similar game is adapted for companies of different ages. If there are representatives of different generations at the table. Everyone gets a piece of paper and a pen. It is supposed to write from memory the first two lines of any poem that comes to mind. Those who know how are allowed to compose the beginning on their own. The two initial lines are written one below the other:

My uncle has the most honest rules

When I got seriously ill ...

Then the top line is folded, the sheet goes to the participant on the left side. He, in turn, adds a rhyme to the last line viewed. Of course, you do not need to continue writing lines from a classical piece. It's more fun to come up with something original. You can continue:

He left me a will ...

Now bend the second line. The sheet moves further down the table. The next participant starts from the phrase:

He left me a will ...

And I have to come up with a rhyme for this line. Let's say:

The house is dilapidated and the cat ...

The next poet adds:

This is probably not without reason ...

Another adds rhyme to this line:

That I was seriously carried away by him ...

Writing continues until all the pieces of paper run out of space for text. That is, until the leaf turns into a rolled scroll. Then they are unfolded, and each one in turn reads the general poetic masterpiece.

It's usually incredibly fun because everyone at the table has different thoughts.

"What's in the package?"

This competition will require a host. Take an object, for example, a vegetable marrow and wrap it in foil, making many turns. The mysterious bundle is passed in a circle to those sitting at the table. For each layer, the leader is supposed to make a riddle or give a task to the participant.

If the guest manages to give the correct answer or to cope with the task, he is allowed to expand the first layer. Otherwise, the baton is passed to the neighbor, and the loser is entitled to a penalty forfeit. Whoever is lucky enough to remove the last layer of foil is awarded a prize.

"Modern fairy tale"

A leader will be required again. He invites the guests to compose a fairy tale dedicated to the hero (culprit) of the occasion. Everyone should come up with their own plot, but write only one sentence on a common sheet. The beginning of the tale is always the same: "One wonderful day a beautiful (s) (name) appeared on this world."

The leaf is passed in a circle. The first participant writes his sequel, taking into account the meaning of the first sentence.The second person sees the sentence of the first, and he adds his own line and folds the sheet so that the third guest can see only what was written by the person in front of him.

Thus, the plot is written until the sheet makes a circle and returns to the one with whom the writing began. Together, an incredibly hilarious story about the host (hostess) of the evening is being composed. The tale is read aloud in a modern way.

"Broken phone"

The more people take part in this competition, the more unexpected the outcome will be. The participant starts the game, who is invited to come up with a phrase and transfer it to paper, in order to confirm after that what was originally conceived. Then he must whisper this phrase in the ear of a neighbor on the table. This should be done very quietly so that other players cannot hear.

In turn, the neighbor passes on what was whispered to him. This happens in turn, until they reach the very last participant. He is asked to say out loud what he heard.

The most interesting thing awaits the participants after the final phrase is sounded. After all, humorous proceedings will break out, who and what did not hear and did not understand. It seems to be such a well-known game, but it still does not get bored and allows everyone to have plenty of fun.

Fun contests with paper

You can use paper for contests anywhere - at home or in a restaurant. This does not require a lot of space and special costs. Tasks with pieces of paper do not imply a change in sitting position.

"Your choice"

Each player is given a piece of paper and asked to choose: pilots or sailors? At the command of the leader, each potential participant builds a paper boat or airplane. Then the presenter will have to calculate the total number of origami of different types. Those who turn out to be more, receive a prize.

"In the bag"

Put rolled up pieces of paper with flattering words describing the birthday person (birthday girl) in a deep hat, for example:

- wise (smart),

- attractive (beautiful),

- slim (curvy),

- gifted (talented),

- skillful (economic), and the like.

Guests are divided into pairs. One partner is asked to get a piece of paper, read what has been written to himself and explain this word to his partner with gestures. If you cannot get an answer, you can allow one hint, but not name the word, but describe only its essence.

The team that manages to get the most correct answers will win. There is no need to divide guests into pairs. And invite each in turn to take out a piece of paper and show the rest of the gestures the word. Each correct answer is equal to one point. The player who manages to guess the most words wins.

"Find your soul mate"

Comic competition for guests of the feast, developing acting skills. Each participant takes a sheet of paper indicating the role that he should play. The roles will be paired: the goal is to quickly determine the partner. On command, all players begin to read their role and at the same time follow the play of others in order to quickly understand who their soulmate is. For example, Ippolit and Nadya from "The Irony of Fate": the hero says: "What disgusting is this your jellied fish" and the like.

Unusual toasts

Not a single birthday goes by without congratulatory toasts. However, not everyone succeeds in speaking them masterly. Therefore, traditionally, such congratulations are limited to simple wishes of "health, longevity." To get something more original, toasts will be pronounced according to certain rules.

  • Associate your toast with food: "May your fate be sweet as honey!"
  • Choose a thematic direction for non-standard congratulations (depending on the company at the table). Mysterious, playful, in criminal jargon.
  • Associate a toast with some kind of beast: "Be playful like a cheetah!"
  • Say congratulations in a non-Russian language. For example, just portraying a representative of a nation.
  • Or, on the go, come up with a congratulation in verse.
  • Combine an incongruous selection of words for toast.

Much more tasks are allowed. They are written on pieces of paper and distributed to guests. Such comic contests will surely dilute the feast with fun.

"Box of revelations"

A lot of pieces of paper with prepared questions are placed in the box. Guests are invited to take one piece of paper out of the box and try to answer the question. But not just honestly, but in a humorous way. The questions are supposed to be the most discouraging, the topics are limited only by the degree of familiarity of the drinking company. The winners are those whose story will be the most interesting and have received unanimous approval.

  • What's the most ridiculous purchase you've ever made?
  • What is your favorite childhood cartoon?
  • Remember how you were played the funniest in life.
  • What funny situation did you experience?
  • What was your most memorable (or disastrous) vacation?
  • The funniest incident from childhood, which is still remembered with laughter.
  • If you have a pet, share your funniest prank.
  • What New Year's wish came true in reality?
  • Do you like your neighbors or why don't you love them?
  • What is the funniest experience that happened to you at the doctor / at sea / at work / during your studies?
  • The brightest childhood dream?
  • Do you love your husband's (wife's) mother and why?

Other entertainment at the festive table

These contests are suitable both for a family holiday and in a friendly company.

"Come on?!"

Sedentary play will be appropriate for the age category. For several guests sitting at a common table, the host gives the opportunity to think and tell a few facts about his personality (2-3), weaving them into a funny story from his own life. Some of what is said will be true, and some will be false.

Those at the table must determine the false fact based on their intuition.

"Patient speech therapist"

The most suitable competition for a youth company. Hot guests take turns filling their mouths with marmalade. The first person should say out loud the phrase written on the sheet. At the same time, the rest should not see it. He says the phrase with his mouth full to his neighbor at the table. Speech will turn out to be unintelligible, which will cause bursts of laughter.

This phrase is not simple, but is a task that is supposed to be completed by the one who turns out to be the last. Let's say: "You have to dance the dance of little ducklings." And the participant must do what he heard.

"Where is the crocodile?"

If you are thinking of small drinking contests, you can apply this one too. Before starting the game, everyone needs to read the rules. The game can last the whole evening, with switching to other entertainment.

In the midst of the celebration, the host secretly hands the "hunter" (any guest) a crocodile clip. The hunter must somehow discreetly attach it to the victim's clothing. A guy can put a "crocodile" in his pocket, and a girl can be attached to a dress. Unbeknownst to him, he needs to notify the presenter that the victim has been marked.

Then the presenter announces aloud: “The crocodile is gone! Where is he hiding? " and begins to count out loudly from 1 to 10. During this period of time, they fussly examine themselves from all sides.

If during the countdown the “victim” manages to find a spy “crocodile” on himself, the hunter must empty the “penalty” cocktail. Otherwise, it is the "victim" who is fined.

"Under a loud hum"

The presenter offers someone at the table a card with the name of the song. She wonders if the guest knows her words. If the answer is yes, he treats the guest with lollipop or caramel. Now he is invited to, uttering inarticulate sounds, hum the verse or chorus of the song with his mouth closed, without spitting out the candy. Guests will wonder what kind of composition they are voicing.

It is convenient to hold such a competition with your family. Sweet drool can ruin a guest's outfit, and changing in a cafe is problematic.

For a small company

"Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"

This game is suitable for a small group of guests and is sure to amuse everyone! Pick everyone's favorite movie, turn off the sound on the TV, and cast out the roles. Now the imagination turns on, the guests begin to try themselves in dubbing. You can voice Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and so on. Let's say Angelina nags Brad for the socks scattered around the house! Guests are guaranteed the best emotions!

"Seven-flower flower"

The game involves seven participants. The presenter brings a hand-made paper flower into the room, on the petals of which a specific task is written from below (tell an anecdote, jump like a goat, show a weightlifter, etc.). Participants tear off one petal and proceed to pantomime. It is good to stimulate participation in this competition if you play with prizes.

"Guess where?"

The participant sits on a chair with its back turned towards the rest of those present at the table. On the back of the chair, the presenter hangs a sign with the inscription - "Laundry", "SPA-salon" or "Zhilservice".

The guests begin to ask the participant tricky questions, without revealing what exactly is written on the plate. For example: "Why are you going there?" or "What are you taking with you?" and so on. The one sitting with his back to the guests gives leading answers, trying to understand what kind of place he is. If he guesses correctly, he gets a prize.

It will be funnier if it is oil for SPA procedures, a copy of a receipt for utilities, etc.

"Apple of discord"

An arbitrary number of participants is allowed. Requisites: apples, candles, lighters or matches. Participants receive an apple and a lit candle each. At the command of the host, the contestants begin to bite and chew apples, while trying to blow out the neighbor's candle. In this case, you must try not to let your candle blow out. The winner is the one who manages to finish the apple while the candle is burning.

For a large family

"On emotions"

The presenter asks to say a phrase after him, but with a different emotional color (threatening, rejoicing, frustrated, flattering, etc.). You can choose the following phrase: "Neighbor, what's the matter?" or "Well, hello, Boris" (the name of the hero of the celebration). A series of emotions from all guests will involuntarily cause bursts of laughter.

"Handmade wishes"

The host gives each guest a light plasticine. Contestants must express their wishes for the birthday boy creatively. For example, mold chocolate for a sweet life. Or a bird for a dream flight. On command, the participants proceed. The competition ends when everyone is done, but you need to ask them to speed up. At the end of the competition, souvenirs are handed over as a keepsake, voicing their message.

"Who am I?"

For this competition, you will need cardboard masks of different animals. The participant is closed his eyes and asked to wear a mask. At the same time, he cannot see himself, but only looks at others. Guests need to help him guess in whose guise he is.

In this case, the player asks leading questions, to which they can only answer "yes" or "no".

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