Wax depilation

Depilation with wax at home

Depilation with wax at home
  1. Features, pros and cons
  2. Wax selection
  3. What else is required?
  4. Preparation
  5. Step-by-step instruction
  6. Further skin care
  7. Recommendations

Women's beauty requires regular care and attention, and hair removal is one of the procedures for taking care of your own body. This topic is relevant for every woman, and the problem can be solved in different ways. Parting with unwanted body hair is possible with the help of wax depilation. This procedure is very common and allows you to make the skin smooth for at least 30 days.

Depilation can be performed not only in a beauty salon, but also independently, at home. The procedure is not so difficult, and by doing it on your own, you can significantly save the family budget. So that the results do not disappoint you, you need to know all the nuances and subtleties of waxing.

Features, pros and cons

Wax depilation at home is no different from a salon procedure, since the essence of the technique is the same. The wax, when warm and liquid, envelops the hairs on the body and allows them to be quickly removed. The advantage of the method is that the procedure must be repeated after at least a month. Some women avoid waxing, believing that it is too painful. But these are vain fears. If you do the depilation correctly, the pain effect during the procedure is minimized.

If you have never tried waxing on yourself, then the first such procedure is best done in the salon with a professional. While working, observe the actions of the master and try to remember them so that you can perform the next depilation on your own at home.

Good results can be achieved provided that the procedure is properly prepared and carried out in stages, according to the instructions.

The wax depilation technique has a number of advantages, which are as follows:

  • if everything is done correctly, the heated wax does not cause irritation and burns on the skin;
  • with regular use of the technique, the effect of ingrown hairs is minimized, as the skin gets used to the procedure;
  • hair growth slows down significantly, and the hairs themselves become thinner and softer in structure;
  • the result of depilation lasts at least 30 days;
  • the waxing technique can be used for hair of any color and stiffness;
  • the procedure is simple and available for independent conduct;
  • ingredients for depilation can be purchased at specialized retail outlets;
  • at a cost, a home procedure is much cheaper than in a salon.

    The technique also has some disadvantages, which should also be taken into account:

    • with inept performance, bruises may form on the skin, which quickly pass, but spoil the appearance;
    • if the hairs have grown too long, their removal can be painful;
    • if the preparatory stages are not followed and the procedure is performed incorrectly, irritation or pustules may appear on the skin;
    • if the hairs have not grown to a length of 3-5 mm, then the wax captures them poorly, therefore, between the procedures, for some time a woman has to walk with a slight degree of hair growth;
    • with a regular procedure, the vellus hair begins to thicken and darken.

    The wax depilation procedure, like other techniques, has its own contraindications. The area of ​​the skin on which there are birthmarks, warts, papillomas, pustular formations, skin diseases or wounds is not subject to depilation.

    Manipulation cannot be performed in the following cases:

    • diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypertension;
    • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
    • varicose veins and bleeding disorders;
    • a tendency to allergic manifestations to wax components;
    • infectious diseases and skin diseases;
    • diseases of the nervous system, epilepsy.

    Experts warn that when used at home, wax is not recommended for depilation of the area inside the nose and ears, as side effects can be allergies and pustular processes.

    As for the bikini area, due to the increased sensitivity of the skin and its tendency to irritation, it is better to entrust this procedure to a professional cosmetologist.

    Wax selection

    Despite the fact that depilation is called wax, not every wax is suitable for this purpose. For example, don't think that the procedure can be performed using candle wax. For work, good beeswax is used with certain additives; a tape or cassette version, or a can, which is applied warm, can be used.

    For home depilation, the choice of wax is presented in 3 versions.

    Hot wax

    Wax warmed up to a temperature of 50 ° C should be used very carefully, since if the composition overheats when applied to the skin, a burn may occur. The composition is heated in a special device called a "wax melt", which operates from the power supply network. When melted, the composition is similar to a plastic polymer. The heated substance, getting on the skin, warms it and expands the pores, so hair removal occurs quickly and without causing pain. With this composition, hair can be removed even in areas with increased skin sensitivity.

    If the wax melter is not at hand, you can use a water bath to heat the wax to the desired melting point.When heating, you need to ensure that the consistency of the composition in appearance is similar to liquid honey.

    Hot wax should be applied to a dry and talcum powder coated surface of the skin, and then a bandage tape is applied over the wax layer. - with its help, hairs are removed from the skin surface. To use hot wax, use a wooden spatula. In the event that any hairs remain in place, they are removed with tweezers, because repeated application of the hot composition to the skin in the same place is not done.

    Warm wax

    The difference from the hot version is that it is a less dense wax, placed in a special cartridge. Warm it up with a wax melter designed for cartridges. If you do not have such a device, you can warm up the cartridge in a water bath. The cartridge is equipped with an applicator, with which the composition is applied in a uniform and thin layer to the skin surface.

    Warm wax melts already at 40 ° C. It is not difficult to check the readiness of the cartridge - you just need to try to apply wax to the surface of the skin, and if the desired consistency is achieved, the applicator roller will move easily. In a wax melt, the cartridge comes into working condition in 25-30 minutes. After applying wax to the skin, a tape is applied over it, with the help of which depilation is performed.

    The so-called film wax, which is produced in granules, can also be used as a warm wax. Before work, the granules must be melted, and then with a spatula, apply a small amount of the composition to the skin, while leaving a small tail, not pressed against the skin. When the wax hardens, it will be necessary to remove the wax along with the hairs adhering to it for this tail.

    Warm wax is considered versatile and less traumatic when used, but it cannot cope with thick hairs, so it is used only for hair that is weak in structure.

    Cold wax

    This is the easiest to use option and easy to use at home. In this case, the wax is factory applied to a tape of dense non-woven material. To use such a strip, you will need to warm it with the warmth of your palms for 1 minute, remove the protective strip of paper, and then attach the wax tape to the skin surface. Hair sticks to the wax and can be removed along with the tape.

    Because of its ease of use, tape wax is very popular with women. After depilation, the skin remains smooth for 3 weeks. Even facial hair can be removed with wax strips without the risk of burns or bruising.

    This technique is recognized as the most gentle and effective. The basis of a successfully carried out procedure is that the skin for depilation must be dry and clean; it is recommended to take a shower 2 hours before the start of the procedure.

    The choice of the type of wax depends on the structure of the hair and the place for depilation. Thick and coarse hair can only be removed with hot wax, while fine and vellus hairs are easily removed using the warm and cold version of the wax formulation. After depilation, it is important not only to perform a number of skin care actions, but also to use a remedy that slows down hair growth. With its help, you can prolong the smoothness of depilated skin.

    What else is required?

    To perform the depilation procedure at home, you will need to use more than wax. In addition to him, you must prepare the following tools and devices:

    • wipes with special impregnation, designed to remove excess or residual wax (they can be replaced by a sponge moistened with vegetable oil or fat cream);
    • strips of non-woven material for depilation;
    • tweezers to remove missing hairs;
    • baby powder or cosmetic talcum powder to prepare the skin before depilation;
    • a wooden spatula for applying wax to the skin;
    • rubber medical gloves;
    • lotion for skin care after the depilation procedure.

    Before you start depilation, you need to determine if you have enough wax available for the procedure. For example, to treat the surface of the legs, half of the cartridge, the volume of which is 250 ml, is used. In addition, you need to make sure there is a sufficient amount of consumable material in the form of strips of nonwoven fabric. Usually 12-15 pieces are required for depilation of legs. The consumption of wax and other materials depends on the area of ​​the skin to be treated. It is worth starting the procedure only if you are sure that you have a sufficient amount of materials necessary for the work.

    In addition to the above, it is important to think about how you will melt the wax. The easiest way to do this is with a special wax heater, but if it is not there, you need to prepare containers for a water bath. Working with a wax melter, you can choose the temperature regime and maintain it at a given level, while when heating the composition in a water bath, there is a risk of overheating the wax unnecessarily.

    The procedure will require you to have a large and comfortable mirror, which will help you see the entire depilated area and facilitate the procedure. It is inconvenient to use small cosmetic mirrors during depilation.


    The algorithm of actions to prepare for the depilation procedure should be as follows.

    1. Determine the length of the regrown hairs. If it is less than 5 mm, the depilation should be postponed and wait for the hairs to grow back. If the hairs have outgrown 5-7 mm, they will have to be slightly shortened to the required size.
    2. A couple of hours before the start of the procedure, you need to take a shower and use a scrub. The main task before depilation is to prepare and cleanse the skin of old epidermal cells in order to reduce the risk of an inflammatory reaction to zero.
    3. After the skin dries a little after the shower, treat the depilation area with a solution containing alcohol. This manipulation is necessary so as not to provoke the appearance of pustules. It will not be superfluous to wipe with alcohol and tweezers.
    4. Before using the wax composition, a skin sensitivity and allergy test must be performed. To do this, you need to warm up a little wax and apply it to the surface of the skin, approximately covering 1 cm of the area in the wrist area. After 15 minutes evaluate the result, and if irritation does not appear, wash off the wax with a sponge with vegetable oil.
    5. Prepare strips of non-woven fabric, if necessary, cut them in half or into smaller pieces.

    If you have a high threshold of pain sensitivity, ice or a cloth moistened with cold water can be applied to the surface of the skin 5-10 minutes before the start of the procedure. Another way to make the procedure easier is to steam the skin with a warm compress.

    Under the influence of heat, the skin expands its pores, and it becomes less painful to remove hairs.

    Step-by-step instruction

      To get rid of the antennae above the upper lip on your own, remove the hairs on the abdomen, make a deep bikini using liquid wax at home, you need to know the rules for performing this procedure. It is important not only to properly prepare the wax, but also to be able to use it.

      Depilation with wax is necessary in the following sequence.

      Warming up

      Melt the wax before using it. The wax can be canned, and then it just needs to be heated, or briquetted, and then the large pieces must be completely dissolved in order to get a homogeneous mass.

      One of the options for preparing wax can be the following:

      • read the instructions and determine how long and to what temperature you need to heat the wax before work;
      • after the wax has melted, it must be mixed with a wooden spatula, and then heated for another 30 seconds - there should be no lumps.

      If you are at a loss to determine how well the wax is warmed up and whether it is overheated, get a spatula with a temperature indicator. If you dip the spatula into the wax, you see the inscription "Yes", executed in blue or green, then the temperature of the wax is suitable for depilation. If a red indicator appears, you need to cool the wax a little so as not to burn the skin.

      When heating the wax composition in a water bath, make sure that no water gets into the wax, otherwise the material will be damaged and unsuitable for depilation.

      Hair application and removal

      When the wax is ready for use, the algorithm for your further actions will be as follows.

      1. Take some talcum powder or baby powder and treat the area to be depilated, shaking off any excess with a tissue. Then you can put on protective gloves on your hands.
      2. Dip the spatula into a jar of wax, draw up a sufficient amount, and wipe off the excess on the edge of the jar. Apply the composition to the skin evenly, following the direction of hair growth. The width of the stroke should be approximately 4x5 cm.
      3. Immediately apply a strip of nonwoven fabric over the wax and press firmly against the skin. Let the wax adhere to the strip by waiting 1-2 minutes.
      4. Once the wax has set, the strip can be removed. With your right hand, press the leather and pull it slightly in the opposite direction from the direction in which you will remove the strip. With your left hand, grasp the edge of the strip and with a movement parallel to the skin, tear off the strip with a sharp jerk.
      5. Examine the depilation area. If there are some hairs left, remove them with tweezers. It is no longer possible to reapply wax to this place.
      6. The next portion of wax is applied to the nearby area and the procedure is repeated.

      After finishing the leather treatment, it is necessary to remove the stickiness left after the wax.

      Further skin care

      Moisten the sponge with vegetable oil or fatty cream, and if you have special soaked wipes available, use them. You should know that to remove stickiness, you should not use a washcloth, as it unnecessarily traumatizes the skin after the procedure and can cause an inflammatory reaction.

      After wiping and removing wax from the skin, you can apply a cream or lotion designed to care after this procedure. This will help reduce the rate of hair regrowth and keep your skin smooth for a long time. Besides, the lotion contains a component of chamomile or other antiseptic, which has a healing and soothing effect.

      After the depilation procedure, it is necessary to refuse to go to the bathhouse or sauna for 2-3 days, and also not to wear clothing that is tightly attached to the treatment area. Otherwise, you can get an undesirable effect, which is expressed in the appearance of ingrown hairs.

      Experts advise 3 days after the procedure to do a light peeling of the treated area in order to prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs.


      Depilation on your own requires a certain skill and dexterity that comes with experience. Sometimes it happens that drops of hot wax get on objects or fabrics. You need to remove such a wax stain from clothes right away - remove the drop with a spatula until it is completely frozen. Next, you need to take paper napkins, put them under and on top of the stain, and then iron them with a hot iron. The melted wax will be absorbed into the wipes and the fabric will gradually peel off.

      If, after the procedure, irritation appears on the skin in the form of a pustular rash, experts advise treating this place with an ointment containing an antibiotic. This product will moisturize your skin and help you heal the infection quickly.

      After depilation for 2-3 days, it is not recommended to sunbathe or go to the solarium. Hot showers and baths are contraindicated for you during the day. If the depilation was carried out in the armpit, then the use of deodorants should be postponed for at least a day. Do not use perfume or alcohol on the skin after the procedure. If you get a small burn that manifests itself as pain and redness, then use a remedy called Panthenol, and if the pain is quite severe, apply a cold compress.

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