
What is endogenous depression and how to deal with it?

What is endogenous depression and how to deal with it?
  1. What it is?
  2. Comparison with other species
  3. The main causes of occurrence
  4. Diagnostics and control measures

Endogenous depression is uncommon. The condition of patients with such an ailment is difficult. Both the person himself and his loved ones suffer from this. And this is understandable. It is difficult to be around a subject who is in a negative mood. What if you are faced with such a manifestation? Don't panic and read the following information.

What it is?

Psychiatry considers this negative disease as quite a serious disorder of the human psyche. In this condition, the subject develops a depressed mood, as well as decreased activity and inhibited mental functions.

Why is a certain category of people susceptible to this disease? Based on some studies, experts believe: the reason lies in the violation of metabolic processes in the patient's brain. Due to this factor, inhibition occurs in the production of biogenic amines, norepinephrine and serotonin.

It should be borne in mind that there is no scientific evidence that depression occurs due to problems in the endocrine system. In most cases, specialists diagnose the disease based on the patient's complaints or on the basis of observation of his behavior.

In addition, endogenous depression can be caused by individual genetic predisposition... That is why the name of the disease has two directions: "endo" and "gene". It often occurs due to a malfunction in the endocrine system and due to hormonal disruptions.

And this means that the above considered mental state can arise "out of the blue."And even very favorable news or events cannot affect the improvement of the patient's condition.

People suffering from endogenous depression are incapable of crying and hysteria. They are so lost in their state that they are not interested in anything except the painful idea of ​​self-criticism, self-flagellation or self-destruction.

Endogenous depression - a mental disorder, which experts call a "special case". Usually, the etiology of the disease is mixed. It occurs more often in women than in men.

Experts distinguish two periods when the risks of getting sick increase.

  1. The first period may come when a person enters adolescence. It is at this time that hormonal disruptions occur in a young body. If the poor state of mind is exacerbated by stress, depression will ensue.
  2. The second level most often occurs when a person crosses the threshold of 60 years of age. At this time, there is a decline in hormonal processes and old age sets in. A worn-out organism does not have the ability to cope with the problems that have arisen that relate to the higher nervous system.

A competent doctor must determine the symptoms of the disease and prescribe a specific course of treatment. Usually, with the correct diagnosis and the correct appointment of procedures, remission occurs in 3-4 months.

Comparison with other species

By and large, the negative state of mind of a person always has a very bad effect on behavior and thoughts. However, you need to learn to find the differences between neurotic symptoms from each other in order to provide qualified assistance to a person in time. Endogenous depression has some similarities and differences when compared to other types of depression.

  • Psychogenic depression usually occurs due to trauma, and endogenous depression for no apparent reason.
  • Psychogenic depression has the following typical symptoms: there is practically no mental or physical retardation. Endogenous depression symptoms are expressed in the classic depressive triad. Again, the first one arises due to some negative factor, and the second one arises from "empty space", that is, for no apparent reason.
  • With exacerbations in both cases, there is connection with trauma, which influenced the development of the situation.
  • Psychogenic depression mainly manifests itself in the evening, and endogenous affects the human condition already in the morning. While the first form can be cured without pills, the second form must be treated with medication.
  • It should be noted that in both cases suicidal outcome is not excluded... Therefore, both forms are considered extremely dangerous.
  • If we compare exogenous and endogenous depression, then it should be noted that the first type occurs due to external causes (stress and negative situations), the second type arises from the manifestation of hereditary causes.
  • If we talk about the development and manifestations of reactive depression, then we must say: this disease is considered pathological... Reactive depression is caused by extreme stress. With this form, the emotional background of a person always remains stably low. With endogenous depression, the emotional background has some instability.

It should be borne in mind: endogenous depression often develops against the background of a successful outcome of affairs. Everything is going very well for a person, but his state of health leaves much to be desired. He and his loved ones think that this is how fatigue manifests itself.

However, this is how depression manifests its symptoms. Malaise occurs due to disturbances in the human central nervous system. Therefore, it is imperative to respond to such alarming signs and not let the disease take its course.

The main causes of occurrence

Any sane person always asks the question: why did the disease arise in him and for what reason did it get out of control? To answer the question asked, you need to familiarize yourself with the causes of the negative disorder.

Hormonal disruptions

This factor is considered almost the most important reason. Numerous studies in the field of psychiatry have proven that genetic predisposition affects the onset of the disease.

Nevertheless, do not panic if you suspect something like this in yourself or your loved ones. Remember that self-control is almost a panacea for all kinds of mental illness.

To prevent stressful situations from harming you, try to switch your attention from a negative situation to a positive attitude in time.


It is this factor that experts consider the true causative agent of an effective disorder.... Although even with such a combination of circumstances, you need to remain completely calm.

If you suspect that you or your loved ones have a genetic predisposition to depression, then always be on the lookout. You need to keep your mental state under special control all the time and develop a positive attitude in your mind. Then these risks will remain only in the theory of probability.

Affective insanity

It is also called bipolar disorder. This ailment implies the development of endogenous depression. Nevertheless, experts say: each disease is strictly individual in its development.

Manic-depressive psychosis can easily disappear for a while, and then endogenous depression will replace it. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and undergo treatment.

Severe stress

When they occur, the human nervous system is colossally overloaded. When it comes to long-term and very strong stresses, then such a chronic negativity leads to the depletion of all the body's resources. It is natural that this load affects both the functioning of the brain and the correct functioning of the nervous system.

Psychological trauma

When a very bad event occurs in a person's life, it somehow affects higher nervous activity. It so happens that instant overvoltage gives a very strong disruption in the work of the whole organism.

Events such as the death of a loved one, financial ruin, etc., can have a tremendous impact on the development of reactive depression.... As a result, a person ceases to perceive reality as needed, and endogenous depression will arise.


In a person's life, various age stages are envisaged. At the moment of the transition from one stage to another, a failure occurs in the work of the whole organism. For example, adolescents very often become depressed due to the fact that their conscious activity has not yet fully formed. At a young age, there are no clear goals for further progress in life. Therefore, the landmarks are lost, or even completely erased. As a result, some adolescents feel desperate.

Therefore, it is at this age that people experience very strong nervous overstrain. They can last for more than one year. As a result, a negative state may well ensue.


Elderly people are characterized by impulsive behavior, however, adolescents also differ in the same behavior. Therefore, these ages are considered dangerous because of the risk of rapid development of endogenous depression.

Lowered self-esteem

People with this behavior are stressed all the time. As a result, endogenous depression can develop. To rectify the situation, you need to work in two directions at once: improve self-esteem with the help of a psychologist; and treat depression.

Poor stress tolerance

It leads to the fact that a person constantly experiences negative emotions. If from birth a person does not have stress resistance, then he can easily develop a disease.

Schizophrenia, alcoholism, drug addiction

Due to these negative factors, a mood disorder occurs. For example, in schizophrenia, mood is disturbed due to the symptoms of the disease. If a person suffers from bad habits, his mood depends on the intake of neurotransmitters. Their role is played by narcotic or alcoholic substances.


When it occurs, depression can develop. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this disease so that it does not cause a more severe one, such as depression.


The following factors can be attributed to the indirect reasons that can cause the above disease under consideration:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • various head and brain injuries;
  • strokes;
  • oncological diseases.

Diagnostics and control measures

Strong personalities rarely have severe depression. And all this happens because a person can control his mental state, and in the event of any negative manifestations, try to eliminate it on his own using willpower.

However, before doing this, you need to know the signs and symptoms of the disease, as well as ways to eliminate the negative disease.... Let's consider this issue in detail.

A rare but very dangerous form of depression is psychotic... When it occurs, a person may see hallucinations or hear various “voices”. In addition, he can express delusional ideas. This kind can only be cured by a doctor.

When observing the complete clinical picture, one can judge that major depression has occurred. In this state, a person practically does not experience positive emotions. To the above symptoms, you can add 1-2 more symptoms that are inherent in a typical triad. Some more negative mental manifestations can be added to the latter.

Partly in a person's mood, there is minor depression... When it occurs, the emotional background is slightly reduced and the thought processes slow down. In addition, the affected subject may experience weakness, fatigue, and drowsiness.

In this case, you can advise to see a doctor or try to fix the situation yourself. For example, through the use of meditation.

Some very sensitive individuals may experience a postpartum disorder due to disruptions in the hormonal system. As a result, the young mother may develop psychosis. Further, it will cause the development of endogenous depression.

In this case, you need to keep the situation under control with the help of a doctor.... However, the woman herself, experiencing the above symptoms, should be aware that her condition may develop into a more severe one. Therefore, she needs to keep her thoughts in a positive direction and think more about the future of the child.

If endogenous depression is episodic, then this means that it has a recurrent form. The periods are accompanied by positive and negative moments. They can last from several weeks to several months.

During the onset of "light" periods, it is necessary to explain to the patient that he is at risk. Therefore, he needs to follow the rules of behavior: not to think about the bad, to lead a healthy lifestyle and not to expose himself to dangers.

If a person's emotional background is in a constant negative channel, then this state indicates that endogenous dysthymia has occurred. In this case, the patient's condition has no pronounced signs and is stable.

To avoid the onset of full-fledged endogenous depression, it is necessary to take certain measures aimed at correcting the situation, namely: not to injure the patient's psyche and in every possible way to maintain a favorable environment around him.

If a person's negative state is accompanied by fears for life, fear and anxiety, then this indicates that anxiety endogenous depression has occurred.

In this case, it is necessary to create an environment around the patient that could calm his psyche. For example, playing soothing classical music and putting the person in a positive mood.

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