
What is major depression and how to deal with it?

What is major depression and how to deal with it?
  1. Features of the disorder
  2. Development factors
  3. Signs
  4. Varieties
  5. How to get rid of?
  6. Forecast and methods of prevention

In the modern world, more and more often there are people who suffer from depressive disorders. Why it happens? Apparently, because human life today resembles steep hills. Every minute certain events take place in it. They are both negative and positive. Therefore, the psyche does not withstand such strong changes. However, do not give up and do nothing. There is always a way out of a difficult situation. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Features of the disorder

With deep depression, the lowered mood of the individual is rather persistent. Therefore, both inhibition in his behavior and his cognitive functions are distinguished by resilience.

Prolonged depression is a rather affective feeling in which the emotional-volitional sphere is suppressed. It is dangerous in that it plunges a person more and more into the so-called abyss of madness. This state leads the subject to complete degradation in actions that are aimed at continuing his correct life.

Major depression can drive any individual to suicide. That is why a sick person tries with all his might to get out of this situation at an intuitive level.

Depression is an invisible disease. However, each of us knows about this state. And this is not surprising, since according to the WHO, almost 350 million people worldwide suffer from this destructive disorder. And this figure is only increasing every year.

People feel very lonely when they are sick. Depressive disorder is not easy to get rid of. To overcome an illness, a person needs to very delicately rebuild his inner world. Otherwise, nothing will work.

The diagnosis is often misdiagnosed. Depression is often confused with increased anxiety and therefore do not seek help from specialists on time. The reason for this frivolous attitude is that deep depression is multifaceted. You think that you are just in a bad mood or apathy, but in fact the disease is already beginning to take over your consciousness.

Depressive disorder can have a variety of causes. When it appears, a person begins to feel his own helplessness in front of himself. He seems to fall into the trap of his own state of mind, and therefore oppression arises in him.

No one is immune from a full-scale onset of the disease. Major depression is often caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Therefore, a person cannot take control of his state of mind and get rid of the disease.

With deep depression, thinking is distorted. Therefore, a person's behavior changes completely.

Development factors

Long-term depression does not arise from scratch. Good reasons are needed for the disease to become widespread. Let's consider them in more detail.


Mood disorder often occurs when a person turns on psychological defenses. As a result, the subject turns all internal and external negativity against himself. He begins to suffer from mental anguish. This is exactly what the famous psychotherapist Z. Freud stated. For example, if a person, for various reasons, is withdrawn from childhood or not confident in himself, then he falls into a risk zone.

So, here are the personalities that can get sick the fastest.

  • Melancholic who are prone to pedantry. Their consistency and conscientiousness only make the situation worse.
  • Hypothetical subjects experience feelings of insecurity. Because of this, they consider themselves to be inferior individuals and can be seriously worried about this.
  • Statistic subjects are hardworking and have a heightened sense of fairness. Therefore, they suffer greatly if they do not find a response to their feelings.

Note: Depression is often shaped by an almost manic desire for perfection. A person with such a desire underestimates his dignity and his self-esteem. Therefore, he always has very high standards of claims.

As a result of the above factors, such subjects suffer from mental anguish and need the support of loved ones. Usually these individuals are proud and therefore cannot afford the slightest indulgence. As a result, the psyche cannot withstand such a load, and an affective disorder sets in.


Man is a social being. Therefore, the following factors greatly influence his condition.

  • Chronic stress against the background of modern society. We are always in a hurry and want to achieve great success.
  • With an increase in average life expectancy, the human body receives a higher load.
  • Overpopulation of cities and the constant problems associated with this factor also negatively affect people.
  • Travel in connection with business trips.
  • If a person experienced psychological stress and stress at a young age, then this will inevitably affect his future life.
  • If, at a young age, the subject experienced constant control by adults, then he will not develop a sense of control over his state of mind. As a result of stress in such a person, his own “I” can easily get out of his control.
  • If a person constantly explains his failures by external circumstances, then he will inevitably be attacked by affective feelings. In this case, the subject will not be able to keep his state in the right direction because of such thoughts: "Nothing depends on me."
  • Long-term stress - the loss of a loved one, financial ruin, etc. - can also lead a person to negative mental health levels.


Severe depression can be caused by hereditary conditions. If a person who is prone to negative states does not have anything bad in life, he lives calmly and does not get sick. If grief occurs in the life of such an individual, then he is inevitably attacked from the side of a destructive disorder.

Experts have identified the following fact: chromosome 11 has a gene that is directly associated with the onset of mental disorders. Various failures in the above system lead to their occurrence. Therefore, the risk of developing a depressive state increases 15 times if this problem arises. That is why depression in a person can occur “from scratch”.

You need to know: if one of the family members has already had a difficult episode with the development of depression, then other relatives can also easily undergo this condition.

Why? Because patients with a genetic predisposition have a deficiency in the functioning of glucocorticoid receptors of neurons. In this case, nerve cells become very sensitive to stress.


Major depression includes these symptoms.

  • Every day a person is tormented by depression, which is expressed in inexplicable melancholy and sadness. This happens every day. This condition can torment an individual for many years. This is how long depression manifests itself.
  • A person loses interest in things that previously caused him a very strong attraction. It should be noted that sometimes there are periods of relief. Then the individual begins to enjoy life again. However, the relief of the state of mind is temporary. After a short pause, the disease returns.

In addition, if a person has a destructive disorder, then he may:

  • lose appetite, as a result of which body weight will decrease (there is also the opposite situation: a person begins to eat too much, and then his weight increases);
  • experience insomnia or excessive sleepiness;
  • experience slowness in action: work that was previously performed quickly will be performed very slowly;
  • feel anxious for no reason;
  • feel constant fatigue;
  • begin to feel guilty;
  • lose concentration and attention;
  • start thinking about suicide.

Note: When a person gets depressed, they feel hopeless. It seems to him that the whole world around him is crumbling.

Therefore, his behavior changes, and he can act in this way:

  • skip work;
  • judge yourself and criticize;
  • stop being interested in the opposite sex;
  • lose the ability to learn;
  • stop communicating with loved ones;
  • stop looking after your appearance;
  • start to get involved in bad habits;
  • become a whiner and whiny person;
  • lose interest in their surroundings.


To prevent depression from becoming irreversible, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. To do this, you need to know the types of affective disorder.

  • Endogenous occurs due to disturbances in the work of metabolic processes. Mood neurotransmitters fail. This has a bad effect on a person's mood.
  • Somatogenic appears with pathologies that arise in the brain. Another reason may be endocrine disease.
  • Neurotic occurs if a person does not adapt well to the environment.
  • Psychogenic the disorder begins with the appearance of certain psychological factors.
  • Hidden depression is a very insidious disease. Her symptoms are very subtle. Therefore, specialists often have difficulty in making a diagnosis.

Depression has severity: mild, moderate and extremely severe.Also, the disease in question has its own duration. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

  • Recurrent depression.
  • Depressive episode that happened once.
  • Either an elated mood, or a depressive one characterizes cyclothymia.
  • The phases are reversed - this is a violation. It occurs when bipolar disorder occurs.
  • If the depression is long-term, it means that chronic depression has occurred.

In addition, oppressed states have various forms: melancholic, anxious, apathetic.

Every disease has its own specificity and basis. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

  • During pregnancy, a woman may experience prenatal depression. After the birth of a child, a person may experience postpartum depression.
  • There are disorders that occur in older people.
  • Anxiety depression is typical for people who have increased anxiety in their nature.
  • There are also male and female depression, adolescent depression.
  • There is depression that is caused by the change of seasons.

How to get rid of?

To cope with depression on your own, you must complete the following points.

  • Admit that you are suffering from a negative condition. It is important to realize that your consciousness is in a long-term crisis. And this will be the beginning of treatment.
  • Redirect your focus to uplifting your mood. For example, start going to the fitness room or go hiking.
  • Develop positive thinking. However, if you cannot be “positive” all the time, you don’t need to fight yourself for a good mood. Just keep the situation under control and don't act fake.
  • New acquaintances will help you get out of depression.
  • You can get a person out of a bad state with the help of meditation.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Do not plan any events in advance, and even more so do not think that they will not take place at all.
  • The way out of depression can be like this: ask yourself - why did the sadness come? Maybe you have no health or a roof over your head? If you answered negatively to all the questions, then stop being sad. There are people who live much worse. However, they do not despair, as they are endowed with fortitude.
  • When you have another attack of hopelessness, hurry to go outside. Here you will find things to do: watch passers-by, take a walk in the park or garden, grab a rake and clean up your front garden.
  • When you're depressed, you need to do things that you don't feel like doing. For example, if you want to lie on the couch, on the contrary, get off it and clean the room of dust and debris.

Forecast and methods of prevention

Each person is different. Therefore, no one will give accurate predictions for the cure of any particular person. Nevertheless, there is information that gives a generalized description of the course of the disease.

So, in more than half of patients, remission occurs in six months. The rest of it takes almost a year or more to heal. In 60% of people who have been ill, the disease occurs again within 5 years. In this case, it all depends on the residual effects and the number of seizures.

Prolonged depression reappears when a person has cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, fears, dementia, and alcohol dependence.

As you can see from observations, getting out of depression is not so easy. In addition, prolonged illness has consequences. What they can be, consider below:

  • a person's worldview completely changes;
  • the individual may lose his family, since he will no longer be able to find points of contact with his loved ones;
  • the subject may have a fear for his future;
  • professional activity will suffer;
  • it will be very difficult for a person to adapt again in society without anyone's help;
  • subject may experience serious health problems from taking various medications.

However, to prevent this from happening to you, always look for a way out of this situation and do not drive yourself into a corner. And for this it is necessary to perform such actions.

  • If you feel that you are starting to panic for any reason, stop. “Turn on” logic in your mind and “turn around” a negative event with the help of it. Remember, everything in life can be fixed except death. And even the death of a loved one should not drive you to an extreme. You have your way in this universe.
  • Stop thinking bad things all the time. Ask yourself the question: "Why should something bad happen to you or your loved ones?" You probably won't find any reason. Then why think about something that will never happen?
  • Don't remember past events. Everything that happened to you is left behind. Go forward!
  • Always fill your life with meaning. To do this, set several goals. As soon as you pass one level, take on the second.
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