
How do you know if a person is depressed?

How do you know if a person is depressed?
  1. Physiological symptoms
  2. Emotional signs
  3. Behavioral changes
  4. Overview of non-obvious symptoms

Often, the depressive state that destroys the personality cannot be immediately determined. People around do not pay attention to certain manifestations in human behavior only because they simply do not know about them. Therefore, all people need to know about the hidden signs of discouragement. It is also necessary to be able to recognize them in order to provide timely assistance to your loved one. Then more serious consequences can be avoided.

Physiological symptoms

Depression, which will be discussed, has several names: masked, larvae and latent. Why does it have so many names? Because she is insidious and can disguise herself under various diseases. Its symptoms are so varied that this factor becomes simply invulnerable.

For example, some people suffering from latent depression cannot understand in any way what is really happening to them. And all this happens because such a state causes psychosomatics.

If masked depression has begun, then first of all, the patient begins to complain of pain in the heart. The so-called heartache is expressed in a lack of air, as well as in the malfunctioning of the heart itself.

Naturally, such factors are reflected in a good sleep. As soon as the subject tries to calm down and fall asleep, the above symptoms begin to torment him, and the condition only gets worse. For example, a person often has sleep disturbances. Sometimes he cannot fall asleep at all for a long time. As a result, the general regime is violated. This factor is reflected in biorhythms.

There are other signs as well. It's no secret that a depressive mood has a bad effect on the entire body. For example, a patient may experience very strong and prolonged headaches, and even the most effective drugs cannot cope with them. Therefore, people often have to undergo medical examinations in order to exclude various serious diseases that have the same symptoms.

Besides, the state of mind in question may be accompanied by spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. In nervous conditions, there is a violation of peristalsis. As a result, a person experiences flatulence. Because of the above problems, the patient often suffers from either constipation or too loose stools.

Moreover, people with latent depression suffer from psychogenic pain. They are multidirectional. For example, a person may suddenly have a pain in all their teeth. After visiting the dentist's office, it turns out that the teeth are healthy.

That's why in most cases, people with a depressed state sincerely believe that they are very sick with some kind of physiological disease. And doctors cannot find it in any way because of their incompetence.

Therefore, mentally unbalanced subjects stubbornly go to doctors and pass a variety of tests. Although, instead of these manipulations, they need to seriously concern themselves with their sense of life.

Emotional signs

As it turned out, the diagnosis of larvae depression is very difficult. It is because of this that this disease is considered very dangerous among specialists. Why? Because people suffering from this ailment do not know that their soul, and not their body, “hurts”.

In the modern world, there are more and more subjects who experience manifestations of masked depression. This happens because people, for various reasons, do not want to admit to themselves that they are sick. Therefore, they do not go to specialists. As a result, a passive attitude to one's health leads to very serious consequences.

The above condition is also invisible to the people around the patient. Outward signs of depression are blurred enough. This happens because mentally unhealthy subjects suffer as if inside themselves and try not to put their true feelings on display.

Therefore, at first glance, their behavior does not differ from the behavior of normal people. It may seem that they are quite happy with life. Unsurprisingly, people in deep crisis can sometimes have fun or act pompous.

Note: the disease "teaches" the subject to carefully hide his condition and control himself. Only those individuals who are endowed with hyperresponsibility can act this way.

However, specialists or very attentive people can still notice some signs of latent depression. Let's consider them.

  • Sudden mood swings. Disguised depression almost always manifests itself in this way. For example, if your girlfriend (friend) very often breaks down at others with threats or cries for no reason, then you need to be on the alert. You also need to be wary if your loved one says that he is very tired or has problems at work. At the same time, he carefully hides the true reason for his negative mood.
  • A person with signs of trauma feels drowsy and lethargic. This happens because a person with latent depression does not get enough sleep all the time.
  • Somatics contribute to the appearance of physiological symptoms. Therefore, a suffering person constantly uses various medications to help relieve pain or relieve spasms. However, he carefully conceals the use of pills.
  • Depression causes emotional instability. The subject may suddenly burst into tears or laugh. An external impetus is enough, and emotions begin to bubble up. For example, drunk alcohol often makes a person uncontrollable. He can make him either too aggressive or very kind.
  • Depression causes various obsessive states in a person. The subject seeks to minimize communication with people, as he believes that they harm him.
  • When depressed, a person begins to gesticulate very often. Gestures can be as follows: the subject constantly jerks his leg while talking or nervously hits the table with his fingers. If you notice something like this, then you need to be wary and watch such a person. If the fears are confirmed, then sound the alarm and act.
  • A certain vulnerability appears in the behavior of people in a depressed state. Such subjects strive for constant communication with loved ones. At the same time, they try not to talk to relatives about their problems. Why? Because such subjects are afraid that with their problems they will scare away the people around them, and then complete loneliness will come.
  • Limb tremors can also indicate an ailment. A sufferer often cannot get into a needle with a thread.
  • Restraint in movement is another sign of a depressive state. A person is too busy with his problems, so he is not able to quickly respond to the requests of others.

Behavioral changes

Although the depressive state in question is latent, it can still be noticed by some changes in behavior. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • When a person has mental problems, he unwittingly tries to eliminate them with alcohol. Alcohol has a temporary effect. After sobering up, a person's negative state only aggravates, so he tries to consume as much alcohol as possible. The result is addiction. And this factor can no longer escape the attention of others.
  • If your loved one begins to behave unnaturally, then you need to be wary. For example, the subject became overly cheerful and smiling, although this behavior had not been observed before. What does this mean? With this behavior, a person tries to hide his true mood.
  • A person with latent depression tries to appear less in public. He always makes excuses that he is very busy. At the same time, the same subject spends all the time at home and almost never goes out.
  • A depressed mood pushes a person to express philosophical ideas. People who suffer mentally rarely make contact. But sometimes they feel like pouring out their souls. Usually all topics boil down to the search for a happy existence.
  • A person suffering from depression sees the world from a different perspective. Therefore, if your loved one dramatically changes his worldview, then this suggests that something is wrong with his psyche.
  • Depression makes a person withdrawn. He is embarrassed to ask his loved ones for help. If help is offered, it is usually not accepted.
  • Depression manifests itself in a pessimistic mood, which can be general. If your loved one began to treat everything and everyone with a negative attitude, then you need to think about his state of mind.

Be attentive to your surroundings. Remember that all people on earth can experience depression. And the point here is not in the correct upbringing or poor education, but in the fact that everyone, without exception, suffers from this problem.

Overview of non-obvious symptoms

Larvated depression is very mild. That is why you need to recognize the insidiousness of the disease in time, otherwise it will develop. And then panic attacks or similar conditions will begin.

If you do nothing, then your loved one, whom you know well, will turn into a completely unfamiliar subject to you. He can either become very aggressive, his behavior becomes passive, or he becomes addicted to alcohol.

Therefore, you need to be attentive to various unusual changes in the mental state of dear people. Remember, depression will not spare anyone.

As soon as a person enters its certain phase, he will begin to plunge more and more into negative thoughts. And this state will become the norm if you do not help. So, let's consider the options that may speak of mental suffering.

  • If a person suddenly starts looking for meaning in his life. Why it happens? Because every day he plunges more and more into difficult experiences. However, he really wants to find a way out of this situation. In this case, you need to come to the rescue on time.
  • Even a suddenly awakened talent can speak of latent depression. A person instinctively begins to look for an "outlet" and finds it. For example, he starts painting pictures. Art helps the subject to convey to people what he is feeling.
  • A person suffering from latent depression can lose self-respect. She will talk all the time that she is not worthy of the life she has.
  • Self-criticism may also be present in the behavior. A person will always be dissatisfied either with himself or with his behavior. Self-flagellation can lead to a critical state. Therefore, it is urgent to take appropriate measures.
  • If a person often begins to forget what he should have done, then such a manifestation can also speak of latent depression. This happens due to the fact that the subject is immersed in his thoughts and cannot be distracted from them.
  • Depression reduces concentration. If your loved one has such a defect in behavior, then you need to think about the fact that he needs your help.
  • If a person begins to be irritated by bright light or very harsh sounds, then this can also indicate a depressive state.
  • With the onset of the negative state in question, the subject seeks to leave somewhere. In this way, he wants to get rid of the bad mood and the same thoughts. However, one must remember: you cannot run away from yourself. Therefore, you need to seek help from specialists who will help you find a way out.
  • The person suddenly became very irritable. He always tries to argue with someone and prove something. This behavior suggests that he suffers from latent depression. Thus, he tries to shift his negative mood onto the people around him.
  • The person becomes too "thrifty" for example, he is ready to buy the entire range at the grocery store. This behavior suggests that the subject thinks about something bad, for example, is afraid that hunger will come. This is how the obsessive state can manifest itself. And this is already a serious factor that speaks of the critical state of a person.
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