
How to get out of depression on your own?

How to get out of depression on your own?
  1. How to define depression?
  2. The best ways to fight
  3. What if you have no strength at all?
  4. Psychologist's advice

A depressive state depresses a person. As a result, he becomes indifferent to everything and everyone. A depressed mood has never been good for anyone, so you must fight it anytime, anywhere. But first you need to determine the degree of oppression, and only then proceed to action. They must be correct, otherwise you can harm not only yourself, but other people as well. So, first of all, you should study this issue very well. And this can be done using the following information.

How to define depression?

Translated from the Latin language deprimo means "to suppress". During depression, a person experiences a depressed state. Yet not everyone can determine whether they have depression or not. Let's try to understand this issue.

So, if a person fell into despondency, then you need to pay attention to the following manifestations.

  • This condition can be diagnosed by outbursts of emotions. It should be borne in mind that our brain, when emotional depression occurs, ceases to control emotions. If you experience fear, sadness, anger, irritation, or complete indifference to everything that surrounds you, then you need to pay attention to these factors.
  • Depression can be recognized by a lack of energy. If you have lost the ability and interest in physical activity, then you need to be vigilant and pay attention to your health.
  • The psychology of a depressive state is such that a person tries with all his might to close himself off from the world around him. Have you lost interest in communicating with loved ones? Then you need to seriously think about your state of mind.
  • With the onset of apathy, a person becomes indecisive in making decisions.
  • You should definitely seek help when you have suicidal thoughts on an ongoing basis. For example, you think that without you the earth would be much better.
  • Loss of appetite or, conversely, a strong desire to eat everything may indicate the occurrence of various diseases, including problems that have arisen in the mental direction. For example, people who are depressed begin to gain weight. This happens because a person eats uncontrollably in order to drown out the mental pain at least a little.
  • With the onset of complete indifference, a person begins to risk his life. For example, he may become involved in dangerous driving on the road or start taking drugs.
  • Body aches or headaches may also indicate that you are depressed.

Insomnia is another sign that you need psychological help.

The best ways to fight

Still, there is no need to panic if you feel that you are depressed. Why? First, your anxiety will drive you to despair. Secondly, you will lose faith in yourself even more and then you will not be able to fight to restore your mental balance.

The most courageous and highly motivated people can try to get out of depression on their own. How to do it? Read below.

Light therapy

You can get rid of mental depression and help yourself with the help of sunlight. You say: "Not true!" But no. Let's try to explain why.

The depression often develops due to the circadian rhythm. In this case, the person wakes up and goes to bed in disagreement with his personal biorhythms. He performs the above actions not of his own free will. Modern man lives according to certain rules that society has imposed on him. Therefore, problems arise.

It is on this theory that light therapy is based. With its help, a subject who has fallen into depression is able to recover. To do this, you do not need to make any special efforts - you just need to walk more in the fresh air in the daylight, especially in winter. If you work hard, try to carve out half an hour for a walk during your lunch break anyway. For example, choose a cafeteria or cafe that is a block from your office building so you can devote a certain amount of time to walking each day.

And one more thing: it is desirable that your workplace is on the sunny side in winter. Therefore, do not curtain the windows, but, on the contrary, open them to sunlight.

Sleeping mode

Correct sleep will help to overcome stress and get out of depression. It's no secret that you need to get enough sleep to feel good. A person's sleep should last at least 8 hours.

Therefore, you need to tidy up your daily schedule: go to bed on time and get up on time too. To do this, it is helpful to draw up a plan of daily activities on a piece of paper and place it on the refrigerator.

It is best for you to get up a little early in the morning in order to have time for everything. Do not forget to set aside some time for jogging or morning exercises.

If the morning starts smoothly, then the whole day will pass in a positive mood.

In the evening, you also need to act according to the established schedule. Set aside certain hours for preparing dinner and for the meal itself. Also try to make time for household chores. If everything is done on time, then things will not pile up.

Go to bed until 22 o'clock. Don't sit in front of the TV. Relaxing near the screen does not bring complete rest. Better to leave the pleasure of watching a movie for the weekend.


Eating food out of control will do even more harm than depression itself. You will lose your previous appearance due to obesity, and your internal organs will suffer from extra calories.

The correct diet will help to cope with the obsessive state. It will also restore the balance of nutrients in your body and make you pull yourself together.

Cooking food in a special way significantly distracts from bad thoughts. Diet meals force a person to become disciplined, as they need to take calories and proportions into account when preparing them. These actions suppress obsessive thoughts and make it possible to think positively.

A nutritionist will help you choose the right direction in nutrition. However, you can cope with this task yourself. Just keep in mind that you need to include large quantities of fruits and vegetables in the diet, and exclude fatty and fried foods. You need to buy dietary meat: chicken or beef. Be sure to eat cereals and drink drinks that are prepared on the basis of natural berries and fruits.


The best self-help for depression is exercise. It is impossible to live fully without movement. So sign up for a gym or fitness center. The experts will provide you with a range of exercises to help restore physical health and distract you from bad thoughts.

However, not everyone can afford to play sports for money. However, this is not required. Jogging in the mornings and evenings is completely free. In addition, exercise equipment can be found on the public sports ground and used to warm up the body.

Sports activities will help you find like-minded people. New acquaintances and new hobbies are the path to a new life that will relieve you of depression.


Yoga and breathing exercises will definitely help get rid of obsessive thoughts. The exercises used in this technique are simple and you can master them with ease.

Yoga is different from physical education, therefore, in order to start practicing, you need to familiarize yourself with the following information.

  • First of all, do the so-called mindfulness manipulation. To do this, sit upright in lotus or Turkish pose. Close your eyes and tune in to complete detachment from the world around you. Let thoughts come and go. You imagine that you are floating on a cloud, and the sun is shining in your face, which makes your body filled with light energy, and you feel good.
  • Breathe deeply and calmly. Take a full breath, count to 4. Then hold your breath for 4 counts. Exhaling, do the same. If this rhythm does not suit you, then use the metronome.
  • Breathing exercises will help you completely relax. After complete relaxation, use the asanas from classic hatha yoga. Each of them lasts for 3 minutes. Try to keep your attention on the state that arises during the practice. Your consciousness will focus on the energy of the Universe, and you can easily cope with the negativity.
  • Pay close attention to the sensations in your body. When you learn to control your muscles, to monitor their correct tension and relaxation, then you can feel the weightlessness into which your body will fall. At the same time, your thoughts will begin to “fly” and become very cheerful and light. Yoga can help you learn how to relax after significant mental strain.

During classes, the brain gives itself the command to completely relax. After that, the muscles of the body begin to lose tension. As a result, a person acquires a kind of immunity from depression.

Help for neighbors

A strong personality will always find different methods to get rid of depression. However, remember: sitting at home, you will not be able to completely abstract from obsessive thoughts.

For to experience the joy of life, you need to become the right person. The best option to follow this advice may be to help the weak and defenseless. For example, join the ranks of volunteers who help sick children or the elderly.

You can also help animals in trouble.

With such actions, you can assert yourself and feel confident in yourself. For example, a woman suffers after parting with a partner and from this experiences a depression. How can she deal with depression on her own? It is enough to go outside and look around. Perhaps someone needs her help at this moment.

Grandmothers or grandfathers very often sit on benches near the entrances. The chances are that they are lonely and are waiting for someone to support them. Come up and start a conversation. In the course of the conversation, you will learn details from the life of the interlocutor.

If an elderly person needs any help, give it. These actions will become the beginning for further volunteer achievements. The main thing is that your desire to help is sincere. Then all personal problems will fade into the background. And this is a direct path to getting rid of a condition that can destroy you.

Fresh impressions

If there is a desire and opportunity, go on a long and exciting journey. Then you will not be bored. You can buy a ticket, or you can act independently. In this case, everything will depend on your desire.

However, you can experience something new and unusual without leaving your city. For example, sign up for a master class, where experts will teach you how to cut and sew. A lot of people go to the hobby club. Among them you will find like-minded people. They will share with you new ideas, life hacks. As a result, you will be able to completely plunge into another world, where there will be no previous fears and resentments.

In addition, a different type of activity will help you start earning. Nothing motivates a person like a monetary reward. Thanks to additional sources of income, you can discover new types of entertainment.

Conclusion: do not be lazy and take action. At first, you will experience difficulties, as the state of depression will not allow you to think freely. However, it all depends on you. Chase bad thoughts and you will succeed.

Physical labor

Nothing distracts from bad thoughts more than joyful work. To work with pleasure, first find something you like.

The best option in this case may be cleaning the garden. People surrounded by nature almost never experience mental pain. And if it does appear in consciousness, it quickly disappears. Why it happens? Because during physical labor, a person works with his hands. Its activity is controlled by the brain, which cannot be distracted by negative emotions at this time. In addition, the fresh air and energy of the earth do not allow a person's consciousness to panic associated with negativity.

If there is no summer residence, then start repairs in your apartment. If you don't have enough funds, you can simply re-glue the wallpaper and paint the ceilings and batteries with fresh paint.

The room will become clean and comfortable, and in the process of work you will definitely be distracted from your heavy thoughts.

What if you have no strength at all?

A person who has fallen into a depressive state in the first place does not want to fight it. Therefore, he is not able to find the strength to continue to live. However, you need to remember that no one will take care of you the way you do. Hence, it is necessary first of all to pull yourself together.

Force yourself to take action to save yourself and start enjoying life. There is always a way out. For example, you can try to get yourself out of deep lethargy at home with some proven practices. Let's consider them.

Meditation - This is a very effective method that will help with depression or neurosis. How can you do it? Let's analyze this issue in more detail.

  • Find a place and time for your practice. The room must be clean and very quiet.
  • Sit in a comfortable position. You can sit on the sofa and cover yourself with pillows.
  • Close your eyes and start breathing evenly and deeply.
  • Let your thoughts come and go. You are only watching this process.If you struggle with your thoughts, you will start to get distracted. Then you won't succeed.
  • A relaxed state will lead your mind to a thoughtless state. At this moment, imagine that from the depths of the Universe, from somewhere above, a huge column of light falls on you. It falls on you, and you are filled with light energy from within.
  • Next, imagine that you are glowing from within. It makes you feel warm and calm.
  • Stay in this state for a while and enjoy it.
  • One should leave meditation gradually. First open your eyes and get used to the light. Then you can lie down and rest.

You can engage in reading phrases consisting of certain words. Affirmations help a person achieve everything he wants. So, what you need to do for this.

  • Write a statement on paper. For example: "I am successful and beautiful" or "I am strong and courageous." We repeat: it is not necessary to use such phrases. Personally, you can write your individual message to the Universe on a piece of paper. Just keep in mind: you only need to ask for what sets you up for a positive.
  • Next, choose a place in your apartment where you can read your messages to the Universe every day at the same time. At the same time, no one should bother you.
  • It is best to place a mirror in front of you. So the effect of reading will only increase, because during the sounding of affirmations, a person turns to his consciousness.

It is best to make suggestions by looking yourself straight in the eyes.

If a person engages in affirmations regularly and persistently, then his consciousness gradually "overflows", and he has no choice but to send your desire towards the Universe. If the Higher Forces decide to help you, then they will respond to your request.

What should be done specifically? Sit in front of a mirror and look yourself straight in the eyes. Repeat the memorized phrase exactly as many times as you can. To avoid overdoing it, set an alarm.

You need to do affirmations for at least half an hour. If you have a desire to increase your class time, then do it.

Psychologist's advice

Any specialist will tell you: everything in this life that is connected with the inner state of a person depends on him. If he has a desire to quickly overcome the ailment, he will do it. So, what you need to do to take off the burden of problems and get out of a prolonged depression.

  • Realize that you are in a very bad state of mind. So pay attention to your depression and admit to yourself that you are suffering. Do not think that everything will go away by itself, but act!
  • First, identify the source that contributed to the depression. Once you do this, you can come up with a method for getting rid of your mental illness. For example, if your condition is caused by separation from your partner, then first of all, get rid of things that remind you of him.
  • Depression can only be overcome if when you completely let go of all your negative memories, resentments and your insecurities.
  • Be sure to get rid of negative energy. If you are angry with someone, then vent it out. Then close the door in your soul for the return of evil. How to do it? You can go or go into the forest where there are no people. Stand near a tree and scream loudly. In this case, you need to imagine how negative emotion comes out. However, you can still go to the gym and vent your anger with your fists, beating a punching bag.
  • If you find it difficult to deal with depression yourself, then see a specialist. Perhaps the psychotherapy suggested by the doctor will suit you.
  • Essential oils are very good at helping to tune in to the positive. Do aromatherapy as soon as your condition starts to worsen. For greater effect, combine the inhalation of incense with pleasant, soothing music.
  • Keeping everything in order will help you not to aggravate your depression. Therefore, do some spring cleaning. Let everything in your house shine with cleanliness.
  • Change your familiar interior. You don't have to spend a lot of money for this. You can simply rearrange the furniture as it suits you best. You can add some details to the changed setting: buy figurines and arrange them. However, if funds allow, then you can change the design of your home in a radical way: throw out all the old rubbish, make excellent repairs and buy new furniture. For those who want to forget about their past life for good, you can advise moving. These measures will completely consume your time and consciousness. You will have no time to return in thoughts to the source that caused the depression.
  • Don't use alcohol in order to get out of a depressive state.
  • Take care of your health. Start with proper nutrition. Keep track of calories and then you can not only improve your physical fitness, but also get out of depression.
  • The following tips will help you to return to your previous state after childbirth: do not refuse the help of family and friends, prioritize your loved ones, make a plan for the next month.

Don't be discouraged if something goes wrong the first time.

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