How to improve your mood for depression?

Depression is a depressed psycho-emotional state, leading to apathy, loss of strength, anxiety and withdrawal. Alas, psychologists and psychotherapists are increasingly faced with complaints of this mental illness. The increase in the frequency of depressive disorders, according to experts, is primarily associated with stress and psychological overload that most modern inhabitants of the planet are exposed to. How to get rid of a bad mood and help yourself overcome depression? You will find answers and recommendations in this article.
Determine the cause and neutralize the source
The depressive state can be of varying severity and duration. Sometimes it only lasts a few days. In some cases, depression lasts for weeks, months, or even years.

There are many reasons for the development of a depressive disorder, often a combination of several negative factors or events:
- problems at work;
- failures in personal life;
- conflicts with family or friends;
- financial difficulties;
- birth of a child;
- breakdown of marriage;
- alcohol addiction;
- personal lack of fulfillment;
- loneliness;
- age crises;
- loss of a loved one;
- serious illnesses, health problems.

Above were listed only the most common causes of depression. In fact, everyone experiences the events of their life in their own way. That's why only through introspection can you help yourself understand what led to the depressive disorder.
Many people probably have a question: why seek and determine the cause of their depression?
Yes, indeed, in many cases, the events and troubles that have occurred can no longer be canceled. But you can always try to change your wearing to them, distract yourself from the bad, look for the positive aspects of the current state of affairs.
Once you've found the cause or reasons for your depression, mentally analyze each of them. Take a look at them and at yourself. If you have lost something or someone, focus on what you have left.

There are situations that can be corrected. In such cases, you should focus on the plan of action, and not on negative experiences. For example, you were unfairly fired. Well, it means that you did not work in a very good organization, since they do this to employees there. Did you like your job in general? If so, you should start looking for a similar position. If not, then you received a "kick" from the Universe, which pushes you to change the field of activity.
But of course very difficult and traumatic events need to be worked out with a psychotherapist or psychologist.

Sure ways to cheer yourself up
Now let's talk about how to help yourself get rid of a bad mood and return to normal life.
Proper nutrition
What we eat affects both our health and our emotional background. “There is a healthy mind in a healthy body” - says a saying known to many since childhood.
Heavy, fatty and unhealthy food is not just a burden on the stomach and the digestive system as a whole. Difficult to digest foods that increase slagging in the body negatively affect mood and psycho-emotional state.

Many have probably noticed that after overeating, you become more irritable. The increased release of bile from an overloaded liver increases anger and resentment.
And in order to maintain psychological balance and good mood, adhere to certain dietary rules.
- Try to do not overeat.
- Drink 30-40 minutes before meals a glass of warm water.
- Eat more vegetables and fruits. Especially yellow and orange fruits. They help boost mood and energize the body. Vitamins and beneficial plant trace elements strengthen immunity and health.
- Don't go on strict diets. They are very harmful to the body and often end up in depression due to food stress.
- Include fermented milk products in your diet: kefir, yoghurts, fermented baked milk. They have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. Their regular use helps to improve digestion and, consequently, well-being.
- Do not completely deprive yourself of your favorite foods and foods. Delicious food triggers the release of the hormone of happiness. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to absorb it in large quantities. Two or three slices of chocolate, a slice of cake or your favorite fried chicken with a side dish in moderation will not harm you.
- Eat fatty meats less often, fried foods, chips and fast food.

Healthy sleep
To feel good getting enough sleep is essential. This is exactly what many modern people lack. In a dream, restorative and rejuvenating processes in the body are triggered, the nervous system rests.
An adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep to recuperate. The most favorable time for sleep is from 10 pm to 6 am.

Walk outdoors
Physical activity improves mood, helps to cope with stress, and distracts from negative thoughts. Fresh air invigorates and speeds up metabolic processes, thereby we receive additional energy.
Walk for at least 40 minutes every day. It is very helpful to walk 1-2 hours before bedtime. They eliminate insomnia - a common companion of depression.

Chat with friends
Try not to withdraw into yourself. You can get out of a depressed state faster if you distract yourself by switching to new experiences. That's why do not cut ties with your friends and family.
Start with at least phone or email conversations. You may soon feel ready to sit and have fun chatting with friends in a cafe or attending a party.

Music therapy
Music is truly a magical human invention. Rhythms and harmonies invigorate and heal.
Listen to your favorite songs every day. If you want to move and dance to them, do not deny yourself this.

Keeping a diary
You can fight depression with a personal journal. Write down your thoughts and experiences there. Try to highlight something good for yourself every day: events, emotions, communication with someone, positive impressions, gratitude for something, etc.

Psychological advice
To get out of depression as soon as possible, you should heed the advice of specialists.
- You need to try stop thinking bad and protect yourself from negative impressions.
- You shouldn't read heavy literature, listen to heavy music or watch melodramas.
- A good way to gain psycho-emotional balance is meditation... Start by simply breathing into the count. By practicing regularly, you will notice that you become more balanced.
- Trust your loved one. Talk to someone to whom you are not afraid to open up about your thoughts and feelings. Such conversations often lighten the soul and help to take the first steps towards getting out of a depressive state.
- If you feel that your depression has been going on for a long time and there are no positive dynamics, see a psychotherapist. It should be admitted that not in all cases it is possible to help oneself. Unfortunately, specialists are faced with difficult situations when they have to resort to long-term serious therapy, including medication.