
Symptoms of latent depression and how to deal with it

Symptoms of latent depression and how to deal with it
  1. What it is?
  2. Causes
  3. Signs
  4. How to treat?

In most cases, a person attributes a depressive state to fatigue or malaise. However, there is no need to treat this phenomenon with frivolity. Very often it leads to irreparable consequences. The consequences can be even more severe if the subject suffers from latent depression. In this case, it must be identified in time and measures must be taken.

What it is?

The term depression is derived from the Latin word deprimo, which translates into Russian as "depressed." In this state, a person loses the ability to live fully and experience the joy of life. When such a factor occurs, motor retardation occurs. The situation is even worse if a person develops latent or disguised depression. Psychiatry differs from psychology in that it studies and treats the state of mind of a sick person. So here Larvated depression is a type of depression that requires a special approach. The fact is that the above considered type of destructive state does not give a pronounced emotional component. With this disease, a person does not lose the ability to calmly communicate with people, lead a normal life and even smile.

When we talk about a depressed subject, we mean his neurotic state. However, disguised depression also implies a subdepressive state, since the judgments of such a subject do not have negative, since his decadent mood is hidden deep in his mind. Human does not even realize that he is suffering as a result of trauma.

As a result, his mental pain develops into somatized depression.

After the development of depression, a person's external calmness, mixed with his inner experiences, is transformed into physical pain or into serious bodily illnesses. To understand this better, consider some of the manifestations of latent depression.

  • The subject becomes a philosopher... His actions and thoughts are aimed at finding the truth of life. For example, a person says: "It always happens to me in this way."
  • Abstract formulations indicate that the individual is dissatisfied with life. Therefore, when trying to find the truth of the origin of his state, he falls into philosophical reasoning.
  • To hide their condition from prying eyes, people with latent depression are always looking for various excuses. For example, if they are invited to visit, they find different reasons to refuse: "I will not go to the party because I have a cold." Subjects behave in such a way so as not to injure others by experiencing suffering.
  • The world around us is not perceived as it should be... For example, the subject may completely distance himself from worries about his loved ones or stop responding to negativity directed in his direction.
  • Latent depression causes real illness. Sick persons go to doctors and try to find the cause of the unstable condition. However, narrow specialists cannot determine the exact diagnosis. However, this task is quite difficult for doctors to cope with. This is simply explained: in case of a psychosomatic state, you need to seek help from specialists who can help heal the soul, not the body.
  • Often, with the above considered state, a person is fixated on a certain thought. He cannot bring himself to switch his attention and show interest in other equally important matters.
  • Absent-mindedness also suggests that a person is trying to cope with his thoughts.
  • The subject only thinks about a specific problem., so he doesn't care much about appearance. As a result, the given subject becomes sloppy and this is reflected in his appearance.
  • Depression leads to lethargy... The person no longer sees the point in what he does. Therefore, he becomes indifferent and ceases to be interested in his current affairs.
  • Subject masks negative mood to hide negative mood. under the external gaiety. He pretends to be very happy.


Disguised depression can be caused by the subject's adverse genetic predisposition. However, it can also arise due to the individual physiological and biological parameters that a person is endowed with at birth. Scientifically speaking, a mental disorder causes a certain deficiency of neurotransmitters. They are just responsible for the correct functioning of the nervous system, as well as for the correct emotional state of a person.

When there is a lack of neurotransmitters in the body, then latent depression appears. And then the lack of neurotransmitters leads to the fact that the internal organs send various negative impulses to the brain. They just cause quite tangible negative physiological manifestations, such as headache or pain in the region of the heart. Modern experts are still experimenting and trying to prove that a decrease in the level of substances such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine affects the development of latent depression.

However, you need to reassure you with the following information: latent depression does not occur in all people who are exposed to various stressful situations. Latent depression occurs only in those individuals who have some propensity for it. And that's why. After numerous studies, specialists have established that latent depression can occur in those subjects who have congenital pathologies:

  • chronic autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis;
  • poor metabolism;
  • vascular diseases in the brain;
  • idiopathic parkinsonism syndrome.


Disguised depression is mild. If you do not pay attention to its development, then irreparable may happen. In the case of the development of latent depression, a person develops panic attacks over time. As a result of such a negative turn, a person's character will change colossally for the worse. A person can become addicted to bad habits, become socially detached and lose all their professional qualities.

Latent depression can have various "masks". Due to this property, it is difficult to recognize it. However, there are symptoms to watch out for:

  • a person can suffer from obsessive thoughts, phobias, neurasthenia and hypochondria (too strong fear of getting sick);
  • subject may suffer from insomnia, drowsiness while awake or from sleeping too long and cannot get enough sleep;
  • a person with latent depression may experience discomfort due to the appearance of neurocircular dystonia, cardioneurosis, dizziness, hyperventilation of the lungs, neurodermatitis, anorexia;
  • appear bowel problems - either spasms, or loose stools, or constipation;
  • appear pain syndromes - for example, neuralgia;
  • frequent fluctuations in blood pressure, as a result of which a person develops tachycardia;
  • social behavior is changing rapidly and the person becomes impulsive, or arbitrary, or very weak in character.

You need to know that larvae depression can manifest itself in two distinct ways:

  • agripinic - this is when a person begins to suffer from nightmares, or interrupted sleep, or painful rises after a heavy sleep;
  • anorexic - in this case, a person cannot eat due to the fact that he has nausea at the sight of even very tasty food.

How to treat?

As it became clear from the above information, somatized depression is very insidious in nature. It is not uncommon for a person suffering from latent depression to leave for another world of their own accord. At the same time, neither his family nor very close friends could determine the reason for such a tragic decision. And all this happened because this type of depressive state has not been fully studied by people. Various masks and maneuvers of a given mental state do not provide a complete picture. This means that only narrowly focused specialists can identify a difficult mental illness.

However, this does not mean that you should not pay attention to the fact that your loved one or you yourself suffer from incomprehensible manifestations that exhaust the soul and body. If you suspect that something is wrong with you or with your loved ones, be sure to try to start treatment on time in order to get rid of the destructive ailment. So, let's consider what points you need to pay attention to.

If you suspect latent depression that brings suffering, you need to first see a specialist and check your suspicions. An experienced psychotherapist is sure to identify the ailment and prescribe a number of measures that will help you get out of a bad state. He can do this in two ways: by prescribing psychotherapy or medication. Or perhaps a specialist will combine these two methods into one whole. Just remember that uncontrolled intake of tranquilizers can lead to even more negative consequences. Therefore, take all medications only as directed by your doctor.

However, not all people have the opportunity to find the right specialist and with his help get rid of the problem. Often, sick persons or their relatives do not seek help, because they are afraid of publicity or simply do not believe in a positive outcome of treatment.

In this case you need to closely monitor your mental state or the state of your loved one. If you notice signs of latent depression, do not waste time, but take steps to implement active rehabilitation. The first step is to "add sunshine to your life." And this is not a joke, but a very real recommendation. Light therapy helps a lot even with the most neglected negative conditions. And all because this treatment technology has a beneficial effect with the help of ultraviolet and infrared radiation on all cells of the body, including the brain cells. Because of this, his work improves. This means that the mental state is also returning to normal.

Light therapy provides for the regulation of the penetration of light into the body. Red light is the most powerful one (improves metabolism and blood circulation), blue light kills all bacteria, green light regenerates skin and boosts immunity. However, if you cannot afford to go to a medical facility for help, then you can recommend using natural sunlight. It is much easier to do this in summer than in winter. Therefore, be more outdoors during the day. In addition, provide a constant flow of light into the room where you are constantly located.

The easiest way is physical education. You can recommend morning or evening jogging. Fresh air and various physical movements will increase blood flow to all internal organs. Thus, you will receive the production of the necessary substances that will lift your mood.

Develop positive thinking. Just forbid yourself to think about what is causing the negative state. This is difficult to do, but you need to be resilient.

Thus, you will gradually take control of all your thoughts and learn to look at the world with different eyes. During sleep, the human psyche is fully restored.... So try to get more sleep. If you cannot fall asleep quickly, then herbal medicine will come to the rescue. With herbal infusions such as chamomile, you can quickly relax and fall asleep. A spoonful of honey melted in a glass of warm water also helps in this matter.

Change your life by going on a long journey. You might even be encouraged to become a blogger. Thus, you will get the missing drive, master a new type of activity, become financially independent and gain a lot of positive emotions. Don't focus on your condition... To do this, do not fight your bad thoughts. Just stop taking them seriously, and that's it. Let them come and go, and you direct your consciousness through efforts in the right positive direction.

Set a goal and walk towards it, despite the difficulties. Doing this will help you stop thinking bad things. By setting new goals, your brain will get the impetus to change its thinking. If your condition is caused by any event, then accept what happened to you. You just need to understand: the bad has already happened. Continuing to suffer is pointless. You will never be able to change the course of events that happened in your life.

A contrast shower helps with depression. With these procedures, you will cleanse your body and soul. A change in temperature regimes triggers various positive processes in the body.

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