
All about depression in girls

All about depression in girls
  1. Causes of occurrence
  2. Clear signs
  3. Fighting depression
  4. Recommendations

It is common for young ladies to become discouraged, sad and subject to gloomy reflections. Some of them, against the background of growing negative emotions, may develop depression with all the ensuing consequences.

Causes of occurrence

Depressive state in girls can occur for different reasons. Sometimes metabolic disorders, as well as hormonal changes caused by premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy, lead to it. Excessive physical and intellectual stress also provokes depressive disorders in some young women. The use of drugs or alcohol, other bad habits strongly depress the nervous system.

Often, depression appears as a result of the death of a loved one, change of place of residence, loss of work, expulsion from a higher educational institution, various diseases, problems in relations with friends or relatives, a protracted conflict in the family or at the enterprise. Disagreements with parents, rejection of their appearance, being overweight, academic failure and other traumatic situations can cause depression. Sometimes a bad mark on an exam can lead to depression.

A young person who is in a romantic relationship with a young man most often suffers from a depressive disorder due to the betrayal of the young man or a quarrel with him. Sometimes, a breakup with a lover or a forced abortion leads to depression. Often, girls, before the New Year or their birthday, summarize preliminary results. Unfulfilled dreams make them sad.

Gradually, sadness is transformed into longing, which later turns into depression.

Clear signs

Girls who are in a state of blues usually lose interest in their own appearance and the world around them. Some depressed people do not want to leave the house. They stop caring for themselves and eating right. Most often, girls with depression have the following symptoms:

  • sustained decline in mood;
  • lingering irritability;
  • growing feelings of anxiety and despair;
  • disturbed sleep and appetite;
  • loss of interest in usual activities;
  • pessimistic reflections;
  • feeling helpless and insecure;
  • motor retardation;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • social maladjustment;
  • unwillingness to communicate with friends;
  • refusal of entertainment;
  • rejection of one's own person;
  • decreased self-esteem, self-flagellation;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • violation of thinking;
  • suicidal thoughts.

With depression, the above symptoms appear over a period of several weeks. This fact distinguishes a depressive state from a temporarily surging melancholy and sadness.

Fighting depression

A young man should show great patience when dealing with a loved one who is depressed. A young man can bring his girlfriend out of a depression with the help of romantic dates, dinners in good restaurants. If the beloved flatly refuses to go to the restaurant, you need to take the girl to the store in any way to buy her a beautiful outfit. You can invite a lady to watch a comedy movie or a light film about love with a happy ending.

You need to make beautiful compliments to the young lady, give her flowers. It is very important to surround her with care and attention. Experts advise against presenting hygiene products, kitchen utensils or interior items to your girlfriend during the blues. Even the most beautiful and expensive things can cause resentment and rejection. In a difficult period, you need to communicate with your lady as much as possible. Try to get her to have a frank conversation. You need to understand what worries the girl so much at the moment, and what is happening in her life. Help with your wise advice... Just do not teach her, do not put pressure on the young lady. The young lady will definitely appreciate your attentiveness.

A depressed young lady can be saved by the gentle touches and hugs of a loved one. They help the girl to feel the affection, warmth and love of her beloved, to feel peace and tranquility on a physical and psychological level. It is very important to let the young lady know that she is loved. Don't forget the words of gratitude. Praise your loved one for a delicious meal or magically brewed coffee. Sometimes a good shake-up in the form of horseback riding, parachuting, cycling and rollerblading, ice skating or skiing saves you from depression. There are other ways to combat this insidious ailment.

How to get out on your own?

If you have depression due to excess weight or, as you think, unsympathetic appearance, then you should visit a nutritionist, stylist or makeup artist. Sometimes, to get rid of depression, you just need to change your wardrobe. The stylist will help you choose clothes that match your body type. In such a dress, even a plump girl will look impressive and stylish. The make-up artist will help the fair sex to emphasize her natural beauty. The dietitian will select the right nutritional diet.

You can put all your problems on a piece of paper, come up with a plan to remedy the situation. Then you need to burn the leaf or tear it into small pieces. Be sure to make a daily routine. Follow it strictly. Then painful reflections will begin to give way to the desire to follow clearly set goals.... A haphazard pastime instills pessimism in a person, as it leads to confusion and chaotically scattered thoughts.

Try to completely relax. Put on some nice relaxing music. Take a bath with scented essential oils. In this situation, meditation will not hurt either. Then, enjoy hot, aromatic tea.

Remember successfully completed actions. Their mental reconstruction increases the self-esteem of the individual and inspires new things.

How can I help another person?

Others can relieve a girl's suffering if they listen carefully to her. She must throw out all her negative emotions. Try to get the depressed person into a frank conversation. Let the girl share with you all her problems. All that is required of you is listening. The conversation should contain 90% of her speech and only 10% of your words. You must convince the young lady that there are no desperate situations. Any problem can be solved. Even the most tragic event should not cause suicidal thoughts and detachment from the world. Discuss the current situation and together look for a way out of it. Then you can take a walk in the park, go to the theater or attend some interesting event.

It so happens that a depressed friend is at a considerable distance from you. You cannot personally nip her, hug her, comfort her. Show your girlfriend that you are interested in solving a loved one's problem. Call her on the phone, send voice and written messages. Invite a friend to look at events from a different angle. Let her assess the situation from the point of view of universal proportions. Give moral support to your pen pal.

Show compassion, help the young lady return a sense of her own worth, raise the bar of her self-esteem... You can invite your girlfriend to watch an interesting movie together, stream a video game or other online event. Sometimes the manifestation of care and attention helps a person in a depressed state to turn on internal reserves in order to find the strength in themselves to return to a life filled with joy and happiness. Be sensitive to loved ones.


You can get out of a mild depressive state with the help of a properly organized pastime. Learn to shift your focus to interesting things. Start knitting, embroidering, painting. Get a houseplant or pet. Caring for them distracts from gloomy reflections.

Psychologists advise to devote more time to yourself. Go in for sports, go to the gym, get manicures and beautiful hair, visit theaters and museums, eat right, and don't forget about massage. Stay in the fresh air a lot, go for walks. Always leave time to rest. Go to a club, movie theater or cafe with your friends. Throw a house party. Surround yourself with beautiful and pleasant things. Read fiction.

It is very important to get rid of feelings of resentment, anger and pain. Try keeping a personal journal. Record in it all the pleasant events and other positive moments of your life. If depression progresses, then you should seek help from a psychotherapist or even a psychiatrist. The specialist will suggest the necessary treatment. For some, it will be enough to undergo hypnosis or art therapy sessions.

Severe cases usually do not go without the prescription of antidepressants, tranquilizers and other medications.

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