
What is spring depression and how to deal with it?

What is spring depression and how to deal with it?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Causes
  3. Symptoms
  4. How to fight?
  5. Prevention measures

All people are waiting for the cold weather to end, the warmth to come. However, the arrival of the sunny season is fraught with some inconveniences. For example, a person may become depressed. This state makes life dull and uninteresting. There is no definite answer to the question why depressive states often occur in spring. In our article, we will deal with this problem.


Depression, which is called spring depression, is considered a temporary condition. but when it appears, a person experiences symptoms that are similar to symptoms of other similar mental disorders: the disappearance of joy, low mood and pessimism.

It is important to note that a person should not take such negative signs in a frivolous way. If this condition is started, it can develop into a serious illness. Then you will have to see a doctor or look for significant treatment methods.

More women than men suffer from this depressive disorder. This is due to the fact that in women the psyche is more sensitive to various negative manifestations, and their hormonal background is particularly unstable.

Spring depression is well eliminated on its own. Therefore, it is better to use some tips to avoid more serious problems.


It would seem that spring has come! Nightingales are singing all around, and some of your loved ones begin to feel psychological discomfort at this time. Spring depression can take anyone to extremes. You must first identify the cause of the appearance of a destructive state, and then act further. Let's see why spring depression occurs.

In winter, the body is depleted due to the lack of vitamins and minerals. This happens because in the cold, the necessary fruits and vegetables containing useful substances disappear from the diet of people. A sharp change in weather conditions also has a very bad effect on the human body as a whole. Naturally, this factor has a bad effect on his mental state.

There are very few sunny days in winter. Lack of vitamin D (and ultraviolet radiation) is the cause of depression.

In winter, people eat a lot and move little. Because of what the body is quickly slagged. As a result, destructive changes take place in it. They also cause depression.

In very severe frosts, the human body experiences oxygen starvation. As a result, the brain suffers, and this factor has a bad effect on the general state of the nervous system.

In winter, colds very often occur. During the fight against the disease, the body's resources are depleted.

Spring depression most often occurs in women. However, men are also not immune from this mental disorder. However, this disease in men is more difficult to identify due to their rather restrained behavior.

Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion: a depressive state is more likely to occur in people when the strength of their body reaches the final limit. This means that both women and men can suffer from depressive disorders of this kind.


In spring, people become melancholic. These conditions may indicate a temporary mood swings. However, you need to understand that depression can easily disguise itself as a temporary mood swings. In order not to get confused in your feelings and states, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms.

  • A person has negative thoughts and pessimism out of the blue. It begins to seem to him that his life has become gray and boring against the background of the fact that everything is flourishing around. This spoils the mood even more.
  • The person becomes lazy and lethargic. He doesn’t want to do anything, and this doesn’t stick to his work.
  • A person cannot fall asleep for a very long time, and then wakes up in a bad mood. The whole day passes in a fog.
  • Even in deep sleep, the awakened person cannot remember a single dream. And if he dreams and dreams, then they have a very difficult character.
  • A person suddenly turns on self-criticism. He is not satisfied with either his own appearance or his own thoughts.
  • Tearfulness appears. A bad mood can cause even the smallest incident.
  • Already in the morning, a negative attitude appears, which does not go away during the day. Therefore, a person talks to everyone with irritation all day.
  • Concentration of attention disappears.
  • The work is no longer interesting. All duties are performed carelessly.
  • The human digestive system begins to function poorly. Therefore, a person either begins to eat a lot, or stops eating at all.
  • Very often it hurts and dizzy.
  • Sometimes there is discomfort in the region of the heart.
  • All signs of a depressive disorder can be strictly individual. Namely: someone may have a headache all the time, and someone may feel weak. In most cases, some of the symptoms overlap.

How to fight?

It must be remembered that mental illnesses can develop very quickly. Together with them, a person can develop other diseases. Besides, if a mild depressive disorder is allowed to develop into full-fledged depression, then it will be very difficult to restore the general state of mind afterwards. Therefore, use the following tips.

Vitamins and minerals

Their effect on the body cannot be overestimated. If you do not eat properly, then you will surely face the problem of a lack of the necessary substances.The fact is that the human body directly depends on the consumed energy. The better the food, the better the overall system works.

Therefore, give up completely from foods containing GMOs, and consume more vegetables and fruits in food. Many useful substances are contained in cereals. The cereals and various herbal drinks that you consume will help you maintain the right balance. Also, don't forget about meat products.

Eating reasonable amounts of meat will help you avoid iron deficiency.

Movement and light

No wonder they say: movement is life. So go in for sports. For depression, jogging in the morning or evening helps. If possible, sign up for the fitness room.

The sun's rays significantly lift your mood and stimulate the immune system. So, you need to do everything possible to get more fresh air during the solstice.


This method is the best medicine. During sleep, all body systems are restored. Moreover, rest makes it possible to restore mental strength, improve brain function. Therefore, it is imperative to set aside time during the day for short-term sleep.

Systematic sleep deprivation is a direct path to depression. Therefore, if you do not get enough sleep for a long time, take a day off and sleep well.

In order not to experience constant drowsiness, create a daily routine so that you can fall asleep on time and wake up on time. Sleep should last at least 8 hours.

Positive communication

Exclude from your circle of friends those people who spoil your mood all the time. If this condition cannot be met, then reduce to a minimum communication with harmful individuals.

Try to get close to such subjects who differ from others in their positive attitude and intelligent thinking. Then you can find out a lot of useful information for yourself and at the same time you will be in a good mood all the time.

When talking to people, use words that have a positive charge. Then you can always keep your mood and the mood of your opponent normal.

Great mood

In this matter, it all depends on your attitude. If in the morning you give yourself the installation to smile and not get upset over trifles, then try to adhere to this line of behavior.

To do this, you need to take control of your thoughts. As soon as negative notes begin to appear in your mind, block them. Switch your thoughts from bad to good. To fulfill this condition, remember the time when you were happy.

A change of scenery

To fulfill this condition, it is not necessary to go on a long journey. Although it is this option that gives a 100% positive result. Nevertheless, rearranging furniture in an apartment or a trip outside the city for several days will provide an opportunity to restore mental strength. And this is a direct way to remedy the situation.

The diet

Highly fatty foods that are hard to digest in the stomach are usually bad for your mood. This means that you need to eat right. It is not necessary to prepare gourmet meals for this.

Simple recipes from the available products will help to lift your mood and fill you with positive energy. For healthy breakfasts and dinners, you can use cereals, lean meat and fish. These products are best baked in the oven or boiled.

Add foods that produce the hormone of joy to your diet: nuts, chocolate, bran. And also take a multivitamin from the pharmacy.

Prevention measures

It is always necessary to remember: it is better to prevent the growth of depression than to treat it later. Therefore, use the following methods.

  • Relax therapy is well suited for unloading the nervous system. What needs to be done to properly conduct this practice? Prepare everything you need: aroma candles, pick up pleasant music, wash the room well and ventilate it.Then take a relaxing shower. Then put on some relaxing music, light candles, and curtain the windows. Sit comfortably on the sofa and close your eyes. Breathe in the air that is filled with pleasant smells, think of something pleasant. You need to allocate about an hour for this event, but more is possible.
  • Going to the sauna is a good way to relieve stress. Here you can completely relax your mind and raise your immunity.
  • Hobbies can also help with depression. For example, women may be advised to enroll in courses that teach the rules of applying makeup. These classes will not leave indifferent any of the fair sex.
  • Men may be advised to enroll in extreme driving courses. On a specially prepared site, you can learn driving skills. In addition, this activity will provide an opportunity to throw out your negative attitude outward.
  • Visits and visits to the theater will also help with the onset of a destructive mood. Thus, you will get a lot of impressions and will be able to unload your mind from everyday problems.
  • Practicing meditation can also help you get the mood you want. To do this, it is enough to choose the time and start practice. And then everything depends only on you. If you really want a positive effect, don't jump to conclusions. Be patient and you will succeed. To practice, you will need relaxing music, a clean and quiet room, and a comfortable sofa.
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