
All about depressed people

All about depressed people
  1. What kind of personality type?
  2. Prerequisites for the formation
  3. Main features
  4. Relationships with people
  5. How to help?
  6. Notable personalities

There are people who are always unhappy with everything. They do not like to have fun, and in all other people's endeavors they see only negative sides. Such individuals are always afraid of everything. Because of this, they cannot completely relax their consciousness. As a result, at one point, their psyche does not withstand such loads, and they become depressed. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

What kind of personality type?

A depressed person always stands out among people. He is given out by the following symptoms: he is withdrawn and extremely alert. And he is like that because he sees the world around him only in black colors. The accentuation of his consciousness is aimed at the expectation of some bad event. And this means that such a subject does not expect anything good from life.

Existence on the verge of depression is characteristic of a depressive-sad psychotype of a person. Its essence is based on a weak nervous system. If such a person loses something important, the state of mind begins to worsen.

The people described are usually not confident in their abilities. It seems to them that the whole world consists of incredible requirements that only a select few can fulfill. There is a fear of unsuccessful action in the behavior.

The appearance of a depressed person consists of gray tones. He does not accept any bright colors and decorations in appearance. He does this so as not to show others his frivolity. The state of mind of a depressed person makes him constantly be in the world of ridiculous ideas. Therefore, everyday problems are alien to him.

In most cases, such people want someone to take patronage over them or feel sorry for them. By and large, people who are in constant sadness are unable to think correctly. Why? They consider themselves to be guilty of everything that happened to them or to their loved ones.

People who fit this psychotype can also suffer from manic-depressive states. The disorder is considered serious. It is characterized by periodic changes in symptoms such as agitation, euphoria, and deep depression. Sometimes manifestations are replaced by remissions. Then everyone begins to think that complete healing has come. However, this is not the case. It is impossible to cure the disease without special methods.

This disorder in most cases is formed in people who have crossed the 30-year age threshold. Who else can develop the above-described condition? In people who are characterized by their melancholy, statistic. Schizoid-emotional instability is also observed in their behavior. Because their view of their “I” is characterized by a negative orientation.

The formation of the disease in question may begin due to a genetic predisposition. However, this does not mean that you or your family members will necessarily be attacked by a depressive disorder.

Prerequisites for the formation

As mentioned earlier, the formation of a disease can occur due to a predisposition. However, in most cases, the formation of mental illness is provoked by several things and social attitudes. However, in order to understand this issue, you need to familiarize yourself with the following information.

Each person has origins of development. The child and his family form a kind of symbiosis. This definitely affects the development of the child. If the upbringing and relationships in the family were wrong, then the child may develop the makings of depression at an older age. Consider the reasons for this.

  1. If the child was rejected by his parents all the time, then he gradually developed a negative attitude towards himself. When adults do not pay attention to the child, it begins to seem to him that all his actions are performed in the wrong way. Gradually, this consciousness firmly enters into a person's life, and this is how a depressive personality type is formed.
  2. If the parents took care of and pampered the child all the time, then by such actions they extinguished the development of his independence. After such a subject reaches the age of majority, he will not be able to independently make important decisions. Such an individual will need someone's guardianship all the time. And if he cannot get it from the outside, then he will feel insecure. And then he falls into a depressed state.

Love or any other close relationship is almost the most important motive for a depressed person to move on. If the dull subject does not receive the full return in the relationship, he or she becomes obsessed with this problem.

People prone to depression always strive for very trusting relationships. They try to take control of their partner. If some kind of distancing occurs in such an abnormal connection, then the depressed person begins to experience fear of loss. As a result, despair sets in, which becomes the last straw for the emergence of a negative disorder.

People prone to dysthymia try to suppress their aggression all the time. Behind their love lies the so-called depressive aggression: complaints, requests. By and large, such people do not even realize that they are doing wrong.

However, if such feelings do not find a way out, emotions due to insoluble internal conflicts cause a person to feel sorry for himself. In turn, she also does not find a way out, and this leads to general weakness and passivity.

Main features

Depressive individuals have a pessimistic attitude in their minds. In most cases, their character is melancholy. There are signs of self-deprecation in the behavior. Let us consider in more detail how the depressive self is different from the correct “I”.

  • Depressed individuals are firmly convinced that they do not deserve either respect or love from the people around them.
  • They behave with restraint, as they always think that they can be dangerous to other people.
  • It is not difficult to identify such persons. They are constantly lamenting about their own bad inclinations and character.
  • Their behavior remains rather strange, as people with a depressed attitude are very afraid that their bad features will be seen by everyone. Then there will be complete rejection by society.
  • Signs of a depressive mood are revealed when a person, because of his imaginary guilt, tries to help everyone around him. Such actions create the illusion of self-respect, and thus avoid a bad mood.
  • Due to their destructive state, persons with depressive tendencies seem to be very vulnerable. They show their defenselessness with all their appearance.
  • Depressive individuals also have tender feelings for loved ones. They seem very weak and vulnerable to them. Therefore, joyless subjects try to take the lives of dear persons under their care and control.

If they do not find points of contact with any person, then they try to avenge their disagreement.

Relationships with people

Depressed people have different relationships with other people. A person prone to oppressed states is an unformed personality who is distinguished by low self-esteem and belief in justice.

Therefore, these people have a tendency to sacrifice in relationships. The chosen partner is often idealized. As a result, the pathologically sad person becomes a hostage of his own feelings.

On the one hand, unrealized aggression gnaws at a depressed person. It is directed inward and therefore brings suffering. On the other hand, a person has a desire, no matter what, to be good for everyone.

As a result of this emotional symbiosis, the subject closes in on himself. He becomes too intrusive for those close to him and completely detached for strangers.

If a depressed subject develops love for a partner, then it turns into an obsessive feeling. As soon as the relationship begins to cool down due to the alienation of the partner, then hatred takes over.

How to help?

If you persist, then you will definitely be able to cope with the obsessive state of your loved one. The main thing is that he wants it very much too. And then you need to act according to the advice of experts.

  • Talk to your relative more. Say that he is dear to you.
  • Do not talk to a depressed person in a raised voice. This state contributes to the complete shutdown of the correct consciousness.
  • Do not tell the depressed subject about their condition. For example, you shouldn't tell him such phrases: “You look bad” or “You have changed”. On the contrary, it is necessary to pretend that nothing is happening, and at the same time try to quietly provide help.
  • Be sure to listen to the depressed person. Let him talk. This approach helps well to find a common language with the sufferer.
  • Help your loved one find a good specialist. Be there when he goes to the appointment for the first time.
  • Be patient.
  • Help your loved one to look at the course of events in his life from a different angle.

Notable personalities

They are perceived by everyone around them as people who have achieved high results due to their superpowers. However, this is not the case. All people have both their negative inclinations and positive ones. And even adorable personalities have problems in communication with other people and mental problems in their arsenal. Consider the information below to verify this.

  • Jon Hamm - a famous actor. Experienced depression in his youth due to the early loss of his parents.
  • Cara Delevingne Is a British model and actress. As a result of a depressive disorder, she became a drug addict. She was diagnosed with depression at 15. However, she found the strength to get rid of all the problems.
  • Heath Ledger - an actor who also suffered from depression. He died due to an overdose of drugs.
  • Kerry Washington Is an actress who became mentally ill while in college. And only one lucky chance helped her to heal completely. Kerry survived the 2004 tsunami and realized that she needed to live.
  • Lady Gaga - singer. She was abused at a young age. After that, throughout his life, he suffers from depression from time to time.
  • Winona Ryder - actress. She had great success until she went through a divorce from Johnny Depp. After a course of rehabilitation, I was able to get rid of the disease.
  • Sheryl Crow - a talented composer, guitarist. She also experienced depression, but was able to cope.
  • Halle Berry - film actress. She became depressed after a failed marriage. I wanted to commit suicide, but changed my mind in time.
  • Dwayne The Rock Johnson - wrestler, musician, actor. At first glance, a strong personality. However, he also suffered from depression after his career began to decline at the age of 20.
  • Owen Wilson - a bright actor. Tried to get rid of depression with drugs. Fortunately, he recovered and found his niche, communicating with his own children.
  • Demi Lovato Is a young singer. With the help of her family and fans, she was able to heal from depression and even bulimia.
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