All About Women's Depression After Forty Years

The fair sex is most often exposed to negative conditions. This happens for various reasons. However, it must be remembered that women are very sensitive natures. They can easily be impressed by even the smallest event. Therefore, you need to show special sensitivity to them, and women themselves need to more carefully monitor their state of mind.

Women's depression is difficult and in most cases does not occur out of the blue. Usually, a negative state is accompanied by despondency, chronic fatigue, apathy, etc. These signs are echoes of a crisis: the loss of a job, a loved one, etc.
There are women who are prone to depression. For example, if the fair sex has a genetic predisposition to negative conditions, then she is at risk.
However, in most cases, the occurrence of a negative state occurs due to the influence of external factors. If a woman becomes addicted to drugs or is drawn to alcohol, then such bad hobbies will inevitably lead to the emergence of a negative state.

Besides, depressive disorder can be triggered by social or psychological sources. For example, the inability to adequately respond to a stressful situation will first cause a strong shock, and then this shock will easily develop into mental illness.

During the onset of menopause, a woman becomes very sensitive to changes in the world around her. Hormonal changes and the transition of the body to a more mature age make the fair sex psychologically weak.Therefore, any bad event can cause a destructive state in her.

The emotionality of women may well bring them to extremely negative states.
This means that it is the representatives of the fair sex who must always be on the alert so that depression does not catch by surprise.
If a woman is worried about negative manifestations for two weeks, then you need to sound the alarm. Let us list what changes in behavior and ability to pay attention to the fair sex at 40 years old.
- A persistent feeling of longing and bad mood. It must be emphasized: such symptoms are especially pronounced in women after forty years.
- I want to blame myself for all my troubles. Self-flagellation takes a lot of time and effort.
- Various fears arise for no particular reason. Anxiety appears. In addition, almost every day a woman does not leave a premonition of trouble.
- An increased interest in the health and fate of household members arises in the soul. I would like to take control of everything. However, this does not work well due to the lack of mental strength.
- Interest in everything that surrounds you abruptly disappears. Previously loved work is no longer fun, and children are annoying.

In addition, an individual over 45 years of age with a depressive disorder may experience such physiological symptoms.
- Appetite either increases very much or disappears altogether.
- Insomnia occurs. If a dream does occur, then it has a very difficult character.
- Problems appear in the digestive system. The woman may develop diarrhea or constipation.
- The woman is worried about pain in the whole body. Moreover, going to a doctor cannot solve the problem, since all tests are often normal.
- Discomfort in the region of the heart suddenly appears. Sometimes there are signs of choking. However, even in this case, the doctors who treat the body remain powerless. They cannot make the correct diagnosis, as the woman has a “soul ache”. Soreness throughout the body is just an echo of depression.
- Signs of chronic fatigue appear. I want to lie down all the time and do nothing.

Behavior changes dramatically in women with severe depression.
- A woman withdraws into herself and does not want to communicate with anyone.
- The suffering person loses interest in the opposite sex.
- Often a craving for bad habits is born: alcohol, tobacco smoking, drugs.
- The woman becomes whiny. Any event can unsettle her.
- The fair sex stops looking after her appearance.
- The behavior shows apathy and complete indifference to everything that happens around.
A person suffering from a depressed state is not able to make the right decisions. All this happens because the thought processes are slowing down. In consciousness, thoughts of their own worthlessness begin to arise, and even suicidal ideas appear.
A complete diagnosis is made on the basis of observations that last for two weeks.

Any disease develops gradually. Women's depression also has its own development. Consider it by dividing it into degrees.
- At the initial stage, the disease can still be quickly cured without medication. Therefore, it is called mild depression or dysthymia. The symptoms of this condition are almost invisible. However, if you notice that there is a bad mood, a feeling of hopelessness, inhibition in actions, then you need to pay attention to these points. This must be done so that the relatively mild depression does not develop into a more severe one. When negative behaviors are identified, take action.
- With the onset of depression, which is more intense (it is also called average), the symptoms begin to manifest themselves quite strongly. A woman loses the ability to communicate with people around her, becomes very passive, and negative thoughts are born to her. She stops believing in the future and in her own strength.
- Deep (or severe) depression is characterized by the onset of pronounced symptoms. At this time, a woman practically ceases to monitor her hygiene, she has insomnia, and psychosomatic symptoms are observed. Also, the person completely loses interest in life. This condition can inevitably lead to suicide.
It is important to know: after 45 years, any loss is a tragedy. Therefore, it is in this case that loved ones need to monitor the state of a loved one and prevent the onset of a crisis.

How to treat?
Women’s depression is well treated with medication. However, taking them is fraught with negative consequences. Therefore, you can try to get out of the negative state as follows:
- admit that you have been attacked by a depressive disorder;
- in no case should you put up with your condition, but start a fight with it;
- set a goal - to get rid of depression;
- set life priorities;
- you need to develop positive thinking;
- surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude;
- maintain good relations with relatives;
- observe the daily routine: get up on time and go to bed on time;
- start playing sports: jogging in the morning will help you tune in to the future;
- set an achievable goal and do everything to reach it;
- going to activities that improve your mood;
- do not get into a panic mood if something does not work out;
- do not rush things and do not "cut from the shoulder" when making important decisions.

Possible consequences
If you do not pay attention to the symptoms that speak of the onset of depression, then this is fraught with very bad consequences. Let's list them.
- Any depressing conditions affect not only the development of negative mental processes, but also the health of a woman. If you do not provide help in time and do not bring the person out of depression, a woman can become seriously ill. For example, at first she will experience disruptions in the hormonal system, then these factors will lead to such diseases: oncology, diseases of the reproductive organs, etc. In addition, in this case, the cardiovascular system will inevitably suffer.
- The woman is the keeper of the hearth. If she ceases to feel confident in her abilities due to illness, then her family will immediately begin to "fall apart" to pieces.
- A woman suffering from depression becomes indifferent to her appearance. If you do not take action in time, its appearance will lose its attractiveness. And from this, the condition will worsen even more.
- In addition, the professionalism of the person will inevitably suffer. A modern woman should take part in all areas of society. If she is deprived of this function, then she will lose interest in life.
Conclusion: if a woman is depressed, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time and begin treatment.