How to choose a bike for a girl 4 years old?

It is difficult to find children who would be against cycling. But the choice of a bicycle for a 4-year-old girl for other parents or relatives turns into a rather long search. But it takes quite a bit to solve the problem - just find out the main criteria by which they choose such a transport for their little ones.
Specificity of models and their types
Children's versions for such a tender age have their own characteristics. compared to products for an older age group:
- simplified and lightweight frames;
- mandatory seat and steering wheel height adjustment;
- the predominant arrangement of the pedals on the axles of the front wheel;
- the presence of a high parental handle.

At the age of 4-5 years, they are most often used tricycle. It is perfect if you need to start learning how to ride. There is almost no need to maintain balance - all this for the child will be done by the transport itself. The rider will be able to concentrate on the control mechanisms. The design is simple and reliable, almost never topple over.
In the vast majority of models, 1 wheel is pushed forward, and 2 more are located at the back. But there are also solutions with a changed location. The size of tricycles is suitable for children from 1 m in height. This transport:
- relatively lightweight;
- mechanically strong;
- is relatively inexpensive;
- allows you to successfully work out primary skills in skiing;
- equipped with rigid wheels;
- is rarely designed to be folded and therefore takes up a lot of free space during storage.

Sometimes they even use four-wheeled bicycles. They will come in handy if the 3-wheeled model has become small, and it is too early to switch directly to the two-wheeled model. The technique is arranged quite simply and intelligently.The presence of safety wheels is provided. They are made of soft rubber and equipped with a chain drive.
As soon as there is no need to artificially maintain balance, the side rollers can be easily removed. Such designs are designed for the age of 4-7 years. Typical height of users is from 1.05 to 1.30 m.
Four-wheeled bicycles for children can be very varied and always interesting designs. They allow you to adjust the position of the saddle and handlebars over a wide range.

Selection recommendations
First of all, you need to know how best to choose a bike for the height of a young cyclist. You should not be guided by the tables offered by manufacturers. These are just preliminary estimates. The final choice can only be made after trying on in practice. Therefore, it is better to go shopping with the girl herself. It is advised to check that the fit is perfectly correct during the test:
- straight straightened back;
- arms raised to the maximum to the lower edge of the chest;
- legs almost fully extended as you pedal.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to personally try on the transport. When buying over the Internet, you will have to focus on the statements of the sellers. It is also worth considering the correspondence of the height and diameter of the wheels:
- up to 1 m tall, 12-inch wheels are needed;
- with a height of 1.15-1.2 m, you can focus on the size of 14-16 inches;
- if the girl's height is more than 1.2 m, then a bicycle with 18-20 inches wheels will do.
The next important point is the structural material of the frame. The lightest bicycles are made from aluminum-based alloys.
Important: pure aluminum is not used because it is too soft and ductile. Sometimes they use steel alloys (which are stronger than aluminum, but rather heavy) and composite compounds (most often carbon). Synthetic substances are strong but fragile.

Some models are made of durable plastic. This material is lightweight and therefore comfortable. It is on its basis that bicycles for four-year-olds are made more often than steel. Attention should also be paid to the wheels. Plastic wheels are only suitable for flat sidewalks or playgrounds.
The vast majority of buyers prefer pneumatic rubber wheels. This solution is very comfortable and allows you to ride smoothly even on uneven hard surfaces. But there is a risk of puncture of the wheels. Bicycles with foam wheels do not experience this risk. In return, they suffer from much worse depreciation than usual.
Models with a basket are attractive in that they allow you to travel even rather long distances with some load, without taking your hands. It makes no sense to buy a bicycle with a hand brake - even by the age of 6-7 years, children's hands are still not strong enough. You should definitely focus on the versions with foot brake. Plastic or metal pedals are roughly equally acceptable.
Anyway, the bike will have to be replaced soon enough, so the "spilling plastic" that some experts like to talk about won't be too bad a prospect.

But non-slip pedals are very important. Otherwise, the child's foot will constantly slide to the sides. At the same time, it is categorically undesirable to take a bicycle with clamps. They are only suitable for older children who already have better coordination. It is worth thinking about security measures as well. It's good if the bike is equipped with:
- foam rubber steering wheel covers;
- lining the pedals with a rubber layer;
- a shield protecting the chain and front sprocket;
- reflectors (reflectors);
- call.

About brands
The Russian market is saturated with two-wheeled and three-wheeled "iron horses" of various brands. Among them there are products of domestic factories and foreign designs. Of the German companies, it definitely deserves attention Puky... All products of this brand are tested in a professional laboratory under a huge (in comparison with the standard) load.
A good alternative is Scool (also a German company). Excellent bicycles have been produced under this brand for almost 15 years. The designers of the company pay utmost attention to the safety of their products. Therefore, their cost sometimes seems even excessive for most consumers. Of the Russian suppliers, Stels is most often recommended. Now it has three factories in different regions.
Products from Stels occasionally criticized for lack of reliability, but their price is attractive. At the same time, in a comparable price segment, there are few equally solid bicycles. Merida - a prime example of high quality products from Taiwan. Another great brand is also working there - Giant.

The products of both companies are actively supplied to the most developed countries, which confirms its quality.
How to choose a children's bike, see below.