How to choose a bike for a child?

Each parent strives to provide his baby with everything he needs from the first second of his life. Every year, the needs of the crumbs grow, and much more complex things are replacing rattles and cubes. For the normal development of a child, it is very important to provide him with physical activity, for which a child's transport will become a real helper.
The most versatile can be considered a bicycle that can be used from a year. To find the right transport for your baby, you need to know what to pay special attention to.

Fundamental rules
The use of bicycles has become very popular among all categories of the population. In any city you can meet older people, young people and children who enjoy riding two- and three-wheeled vehicles. Due to the reasonable price, ease of use and environmental friendliness, the bike does not lose its relevance, on the contrary, every year it becomes more and more in demand. The opportunity to relax in the fresh air, improve your health, and spend time on your own makes this transport option ideal for many.
Not only do adults enjoy cycling, children are also addicted to this process from a very young age. Children's transport has a huge number of options and modifications designed for different age groups.
To choose the right child's bike, you need to navigate the classification by which products are distinguished by wheel types and diameters.

There are these types of bicycles:
- for trips in the mountains;
- for road riding;
- for walking in the city;
- tourist destination;
- inventory that can be folded;
- for freestyle;
- for riding on a track;
- children's options.

Focusing on the types of bicycles, it is possible to find a reference point for the search, and then select the diameter of the wheels, which is individual for the type of bicycle transport and for the person who will use it. Two-wheeled vehicles are presented in the following dimensions in inches:
- 12;
- 14;
- 16;
- 18;
- 20;
- 24;
- 26.

To find the right bike for your child, it is important to take into account the recommendations according to which there are certain search rules for each age group and height indicators. In addition, there are some more nuances, without knowing which it will be difficult to find a suitable product for children. When planning the purchase of a children's bicycle, you must remember that this type of transport is not taken for growth, it must correspond to the height and age of the child, otherwise the risk of injury is high. Based on the leg length indicators, you can choose the required wheel diameter, do not forget about the frame, the dimensions of which should be comfortable for the rider.
When purchasing a bicycle, you should go shopping with your baby, which will help in choosing, since he will personally test the models and will be able to determine which option is most comfortable for him. It is important to estimate the height of the frame, relative to the child's body, so that when jumping off he does not hit it and not get injured. The most correct would be a margin of up to 10 cm, in the position of a child on a standing ground with a bicycle between his legs. Another important factor is placing the young rider in the seat and checking to see if he can reach the pedal with a straight foot.
While pedaling, your knees should not come close to the steering wheel, much less touch it.

How to choose according to height?
The choice of a bicycle by a parent for their child is an important task, because you need to understand which version of the vehicle is suitable for the child, and which one should be discarded. To find out the diameter of the wheels and the dimensions of the frame, as well as to correlate these indicators with the selection of the desired product, you need to refer to the well-established standards.

The table of the ratio between the height of a young cyclist and the criteria for a future bicycle will greatly help a parent to determine the desired option.
Height | age | Wheel size | Availability of gear | Brake type |
Less than 90 cm | 2 to 3 | 12 inch | - | Foot |
100 to 105 cm | 3 to 4 | 12 | - | Foot |
106 to 110 cm | 4 to 5 | 14 inch | - | Foot |
111 to 115 cm | 5 to 6 | 16 inch | - | Foot |
116 to 120 cm | 6 to 7 | 18-20 inches | No more than 6 | Combined, foot and hand |
121 to 126 cm | 7 to 8 | 18-20 | 6 | Foot and hand |
127 to 132 cm | 8 to 9 | 20 inch | 6 | Foot and hand |
133 to 140 cm | 9 to 10 | 20-24 inches | 6 | Foot and hand |
141 to 145 cm | 10 to 11 | 20-24 | Maximum 21 | Manual on the rear and front wheel |
146 to 151 cm | 11 to 12 | 24 inch | Up to 21 | Manual on both wheels |
152 to 157 cm | 12 to 13 | 24 | Up to 21 | Manual on both wheels |
158 to 165 cm | 13 to 14 | 24-26 inches | Up to 21 | Manual on both wheels |
In the process of selecting a bike, first of all, you should navigate precisely on the growth indicators of the child, because among peers, these values can be completely different. The smaller the child, the more important it is to find the exact size of the transport.
As soon as the growth indicator passes the 135 cm mark, then you can purchase an adult version of the transport, which can be used for a long time.

How to choose the right age?
The selection of bicycle transport for children is made individually, since peers can differ significantly in height and weight. The first bike needs to be purchased for a baby starting from 2 years old, when his body is already strong enough and can perform more complex movements than before. It is advisable to immediately purchase three-wheeled products in order to prepare the young cyclist for what awaits him in the future. As soon as the child begins to confidently pedal and steer, you can think about picking up a two-wheeled vehicle with safety wheels.
When choosing a bicycle transport for boys and girls aged 2 to 7 years, it is worth giving preference to the model with two main and two auxiliary small diameter wheels, which can be removed as needed. When evaluating a specific model of such a transport, it is worth looking at the level of the side supports, if the wheels are significantly higher than the main wheel, this will cause frequent falls of the baby during the ride. The most correct distance of the wheels from the ground is 0.5-1 cm, which will allow you to drive confidently without falling over and without losing balance.

When choosing a bike for representatives of the younger group, it is worth looking for a model where the seat with a steering wheel can be transformed as much as possible, which will allow you to use the vehicle for much longer. This product must be equipped with a chain guard that prevents the entry of foreign objects while riding. In this case, the brake should be pedal, which will allow the baby to brake and stop in a timely and convenient manner. Representatives of primary school age are advised to buy products with two types of brakes - hand and foot, which will smoothly retrain from one braking system to another.
As soon as a child turns 8 years old, he can choose products from the age category 5-7 years old or 7-10 years old, which will depend on the personal wishes of the child and his anthropometric data. When looking at cycling, you need to pay attention to the frame due to the wide variety of its structure and shape. There are options adapted for riding either a boy or a girl.
Boys' models often have a high and even frame, while girls have a flatter and lower frame for comfortable use of the vehicle.

Novice cyclists, who are trying their hand at cycling for the first time and are up to 1 meter tall, are advised to choose a transport of small size, where the wheels are 12 inches, which will be most convenient for small children. From 3 to 5 years old and with a height of no more than 115 cm, it is recommended to choose medium-sized products where the wheels are 16 inches. Children between the ages of 4 and 6 and who are no more than 125 cm tall can ride comfortably on bicycles with a wheel diameter of 18 inches.
Children from 5 to 9 years of age who are no more than 130 cm tall should choose bicycles with a wheel diameter of 20 inches. The middle and older age group from 7 to 10 years old with a height of at least 130 cm can ride a bicycle with a wheel diameter of 24 inches. When purchasing a bicycle for your child, you need to take the time to check its quality, making sure that all mechanisms are working and the parts are free of any defects. It is better to purchase this type of transport in stores that can provide qualified assistance and support for the bike before and after buying it.

Useful Tips
By purchasing a bicycle transport for children, you need to be well versed in the features of the selection of this sports equipment for your child, and also take into account a number of nuances.
- Body material. Bicycles, depending on the country where they are produced and their cost, may have a different alloy, which affects the strength of the frame and other structural elements. Due to different materials, the weight of the entire product may vary significantly. If there is a need to transport the bike from the apartment, lowering it down the flights of stairs, then it is better to look for a lighter model. A light option will be more convenient for the baby, who will be able to cope with it in any situation. The most practical material is aluminum, which will be easy for both boys and girls. If the child rides in the private sector, and there is no need for transportation, you can opt for heavy models.
- Brake system. For every age, it is recommended to look for a bike with a specific brake that meets the needs of children of a specific age. For the smallest, it is better to use pedals that roll back to stop movement. Having mastered the pedaling process, the child will have no problem stopping the bike by using the pedal brake. For older children, you can try combined models, gradually retraining them to stop not with their feet, but with their hands. As soon as the skill becomes stable and constant, you can safely purchase vehicles with a hand brake.
- The presence of additional elements. Mirrors, bells, light and sound effects are considered inappropriate in the vehicle of the smallest cyclists, as this will distract them from their main task and increase the risk of losing control over control and falling off the bike. Children of the younger and middle age group can safely buy vehicles with a trunk and a basket in front, with a variety of additional functions that will only cause an additional desire to ride a bike, while not distracting the child. Older children are already striving for a minimum set of additional elements, leaving only necessary and useful gadgets for themselves. All bicycles require fenders to protect the rider from dust and dirt rushing from under the wheels.
- Chain protection. An important element of safe riding and long-term use of the bike is the pad, which is attached to the frame, covering the chain. Such protection can be made of metal or plastic, it is necessary to protect the child from getting laces, toys or other elements into the chain while moving, in some cases it helps to protect children's fingers from especially curious babies. Another important function of such protection is to prevent the bulk of dust and dirt from entering the chain, which has a negative effect on ride quality.
- Protective equipment. For a child planning his first bike ride, it is worth purchasing a set of protection, which consists of elbow pads, knee pads, palm protectors, and a helmet. Over time, only the helmet will be used, but at first it is worth using the entire set to protect yourself from injury and psychologically calm the child.

When choosing a bicycle for the youngest cyclists, you should opt for those models where there is a special foam rubber protection attached to the handlebars, which will help protect the child's head from hitting an iron object. If you find a suitable bike for a child, then he will quickly be able to master the basics of riding it and in the shortest possible time will be able to learn how to maintain balance and switch to a two-wheeled version, instead of a four-wheeled one.
The good quality of the product will allow you not to worry in case of frequent falls of the baby, and the protective equipment will protect the body from abrasions and bruises.
If the transport is chosen without a child by the personal preferences of the parents, without taking into account height and age, then there is a risk of purchasing goods that are not in size, and the purchase will remain unclaimed.

For information on how to choose a bike for a child, see the next video.