Lightweight children's bicycles: popular models and features of choice

The choice of transport for children is a serious thing, since it should not only become a pleasant surprise for the baby, but also be absolutely safe for him. Choosing an option among the numerous assortment of models, you need to opt for light and convenient designs - you just need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of technology. Surprisingly, even for young riders, you can easily buy a speed or mountain bike.

What affects weight?
Remember that not in all cases the bike can be carried by the driver, and vice versa. Sometimes your child will carry the vehicle by himself: climb a small ladder, set it in the required place in the room. Even during the ride itself, the weight of the child's structure affects the rider's mobility. If the bike is not heavy, you can develop high speed and maneuver on it.
However, heavier structures are usually stronger and sometimes cost less.

Several factors affect the weight of a bike.
- First of all, wheel diameter the model and weight of the tires themselves. Typically a light bicycle for kids has a wheel diameter of no more than 18 inches.

- Tires. They are made from various materials: plastic, rubber and foam rubber.

- The material from which the structure frame is made. Steel ones are in the lead in this situation: although they are heavy, they are the most durable. Less durable aluminum frames. Carbon or carbon fiber types are products made of modern lightweight and high quality material. The weight of such products is small. Rounding out the list are titanium frames - the lightest and most durable varieties.

- Pedal weight also matter: plastic ones do not really affect the mass of the structure, but metal ones add weight.

- The model also weighs a little. not many additional elements: trunk, brakes and side wheels.

Description of species
All bicycles are divided into the following types:
- mountain;
- racing;
- road;
- hybrid;
- stunt, BMX bicycles;
- children.

When choosing a children's bike model, you need to focus on the height and weight of the child, otherwise you risk violating the obvious rules of ergonomics, which will adversely affect the activity of your baby, or even provoke diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
For riders starting from 6 years old, you can pick up mountain or bmx bikes with significantly smaller dimensions than for adults. Do not buy models "for growth" - it is inconvenient and costly in the event that your child does not cope with the management.

The best option at this age is bmx constructions. They will help your boy feel like a professional: different riding styles require not only dexterity, but also good physical fitness.

First you need to decide what the young man will do, and then select a bike model for this:
- street style - a rather difficult activity: jumping down stairs, tricks on the railing;
- a park - riding on specialized areas with certain equipment: halfpipe, edges, mini-ramps;
- dert - jumping on trampolines.

Having chosen the "somersaults" you like, you can decide on the model. It is very popular today among growing street athletes who do not require a specialized site for their classes. True, many boys like more difficult tricks, which is why the aforementioned bmx bicycles are popular.

Bicycles for children 6-7 years old look significantly different from models for the smallest. Such designs, in addition to wide wheels, have several speeds, as well as 2 brakes: front (v-brake) and rear (foot).
Experts recommend that you carefully consider the length of the bike's top tube.
The bike rider should feel comfortable in the saddle, the handlebars should be in a comfortable position - not close or far, only then the child will be able to perform the necessary tricks.

If your son is ready for the barque style, then the designs of these bicycles also have their own characteristics: they have especially short feathers and a certain tilt of the glass, which makes it easier to perform various tricks.
BMX bikes are made primarily of special steel, chrome and molybdenum.
The last two make the structure more durable. The chrome frame is made of heat-treated metal, so it is virtually indestructible. The connecting rods and forks for the 6-year-old athlete's model can also be chrome-plated or steel. There are no pendants on these models.

If your child is not yet ready for athletic performance, you can consider the option of a standard bike.
A regular aluminum bike can fully meet the needs of a young rider. At 6 years old, a child can quite successfully cope with maneuvering on such a structure. For this age, bikes with a steel frame are also suitable.

There are also lightweight folding bicycleswhich children can easily carry.
Pay attention to the device of the brakes on the vehicle of your child.
Usually, at the age of 6-7, the child's hands are not yet sufficiently trained, therefore do not select a model with a manual brake, - it is better to purchase the opposite option, with a foot brake. There is a compromise: bicycles with mixed brakes. It is desirable that there are soft foam inserts on the steering wheel, and the pedal pads are made of rubber.

Review of the best models
Among the abundance of bike models, it is necessary to choose (according to the recommendations of specialists), of course, the highest quality.Analyzing the technical characteristics of bikes, many consumers have come to the conclusion that the bike rating for 6-year-old athletes is rightfully led by a model from a Korean manufacturer. Merida dino j20, and this is if your child is already confidently "in the saddle". This excellent model is designed for riding on city asphalt streets. A secure build coupled with an efficient braking system guarantees your child a top-notch ride.
The rear derailleur allows the driver to change driving parameters and maneuver at will. The weight of this bike is 12 kg. This is not the cheapest pleasure - the cost of a bicycle reaches 15 thousand rubles.

The second place can rightfully be given to a Russian manufacturer offering an excellent model for girls from 6 years old.
STELS Pilot 230 Lady 20 V010 weighing just over 13 kilograms, it is very popular among cyclists. The six speeds are easily changed thanks to the novelty - the rotating handle on the steering wheel. Wheel width - 20 inches, ideal V-brakes, double-walled tires and horizontal bridges. The bright colors and lightweight aluminum frame are also clear advantages of this design.

The lightest bicycles for your growing kids include the model Autor Energy from a Czech manufacturer. Its weight is about 8 kilograms, its appearance is flawless and attractive, the fit is ideal for any rider. Thanks to the steel frame, your child can easily overcome bumps and holes in the road.
The Shimano Tourney shifting system is easy to use, which is important for inexperienced athletes.

For girls from 6 years old, we can recommend one more model - TREK Mystic 20... The model is made in soft pastel colors. The aluminum frame makes the bike easy to handle, and the welded seams allow the structure to compete with its peers in strength. The steering wheel and saddle can be adjusted for the girl's height; for the convenience of users, there is a special footrest.

For guys who love speed and movie characters, this model is ideal Navigator Batman (BH20172) from a Russian manufacturer. The bright color of the construction will not leave any young rider indifferent, and the quite reasonable price (up to 6 thousand rubles) will pleasantly surprise the parents. "Batman" design and ease of management will be the best friend of the young raider. The steel frame reliably protects the bike from damage even when riding fast.
The seat is made of special foam that softens various shocks, there are also protective pads on the steering wheel.

Another model from a domestic manufacturer - ALTAIR Kids 20 Compact (2018). A practical, comfortable and inexpensive bike has long been in high demand in the bike market. The peculiarity and advantage of the design is the ability to fold, which makes it easy to transport the bike. Therefore, it is easy to store it even in a small apartment.
In addition to 20-inch wheels, the model is equipped with a trunk necessary for a comfortable ride, a special pad so as not to hit the steering wheel, an iridescent bell.

The next model from the Russian manufacturer is called Tanuki, followed by a number indicating the diameter of the wheel. In our case, you should pay attention to budget lightweight models. Tanuki 12-14 with steel frame and cost from 4000 rubles.

How to choose?
Choosing the right bike model for your child, first of all, we focus on his age and ability to ride two-wheeled vehicles.
- The smallest - from 3 to 5 years old - it is better to select three-wheeled vehicles. This is additional insurance against falls and injuries. The size of the wheels is also important: in this case, they should not exceed 14 inches.
- For older children - 6-7 years old - the wheels can be larger, and the bike can be more flexible. As for the height of the structure, remember that the child's foot should easily reach the pedal.
- For young athletes, you need to look for lightweight structures, since children will still have to periodically carry them on their hands. Therefore, it is better to choose models with an aluminum frame.
- For older children - from 8 to 10 years old - look out for steel models: they are more stable and wear-resistant.
- For insurance while riding you can choose a model with an additional hand brake. Another point responsible for the safety of the child's movement is reflectors, which are attached directly to the structure of the bicycle.
- When buying a bike in a store ask sellers for quality certificates from the manufacturer, then you can be confident in the strength and quality of the bike.

A bicycle for children is not only joyful moments of riding and contemplating the world, but also an opportunity to develop physically, become purposeful and not be afraid of difficulties.

The following video provides an overview of the Beagle 120 lightweight children's bike.