Children's bicycles from 5 years old: how to choose and teach a child to ride?

Reaching the age of five is the time to master a real two-wheeled bicycle. It is important for a parent responsible for purchasing a vehicle to remember that making the right choice will allow his child to enjoy the ride in the future, and not worry about the inconvenience of travel or permanent injuries.

Species overview
A children's bicycle for a child from 5 years old can hardly be a tricycle, since such simplified models are still intended for smaller athletes. For preschoolers, either a two-wheeled bicycle or a four-wheeled bicycle with two light auxiliary wheels is most often purchased. These models are equipped with a chain drive and soft rubber wheels. The lightweight additional casters are removed as soon as the child learns to balance. Such designs are suitable for children from 4 to 7 years old, who have grown to 105-130 centimeters.

Models of children's transport have a variety of designs (for example, a bicycle can look like a sports bike or a police vehicle), and are also well-regulated in the part of the handlebar and in the part of the seat height. Some are equipped with a removable handle for parental control.
The next most difficult are two-wheeled bicycles. They are suitable for those who are already ready for a more difficult task. Many of these designs have the features of an adult bike, an unusual design and a foldable frame. The simple and lightweight frame is comfortable to use, and the steering wheel and seat can be easily adjusted in height. The pedals are usually located on the axle of the drive wheel.

Rating of the best manufacturers
The top best bike models for a 5-year-old child include models with different wheel diagonals, and therefore suitable for different operating conditions. They differ among themselves and in design.

- Silverback Senza 16, made in Germany, is of high quality, which allows you to navigate even on uneven roads. The steering column is devoid of threads and therefore has a long service life. The spring-loaded fork mechanism successfully cope with vibrations, making the movement more comfortable. Such a bike costs about 17 thousand rubles, but the high German quality justifies any costs.

- Puky ZLX 16 Alu has an advanced frame design, which ensures high-quality turnability of the vehicle. The bike is made of aluminum, which explains its light weight. The price of such a model is 21 thousand rubles. SCOOL XXlite 18 is the result of the work of German developers. The lightweight frame, painted in bright colors, is ideal for riding children from 110 centimeters in height. The wheel diameter is 18 inches.
There are both foot and hand brakes. The chain is removed under a special cover; in addition, the model has special reflectors that protect the parts from dirt.

- Stels Fortune 16 attracts children due to its bright appearance. The lowered frame is made of steel, which, however, does not greatly increase the weight of the structure. Removable wheels are indispensable in the first stage of learning to ride. A comfortable seat and plastic pedals make it easy to ride. Additionally, the set includes a trunk, steel fenders and reflectors.

- Bulls Tokee Lite 18 made of special aluminum with increased wear resistance. The handlebars and saddle are equipped with comfortable soft pads for greater comfort. The model has two braking systems and a special chain guard. The wheel diameter is 18 inches. Additionally, the set includes plastic fenders and a footrest.

In general, experts believe that when buying a bicycle, it is not necessary to give preference to only popular manufacturers. Sometimes little-known brands bring high quality products to the market at reasonable prices.
However, too cheap models should not be trusted either, as a well-made bike simply cannot cost too little. When choosing branded models, it is important to understand how to distinguish them from fakes. It will be enough to look at the logo and the inscription indicated on the frame - a real manufacturer always covers them with varnish. It will be possible to save money on purchases if we remember that the maximum price occurs in spring, but the minimum is reached closer to the New Year.

How to choose?
The choice of a child's bike is carried out in accordance with several criteria. You need to go to the store with your child so that he can take a full part in the purchase, having decided on the colors and designs.
The diameter of the wheels is the first parameter to pay attention to. Its size determines not only the question of whether the child will ride comfortably, but even whether he will be able to maintain correct posture and evenly distribute weight while riding. Usually, for a five-year-old child, a diameter of 16 inches is chosen, but an indicator of 18 inches is considered suitable.

You should choose a bike based on the actual dimensions of the child, but in no case for growth.
The kid will not be able to drive a heavy and large bike, and therefore the pleasure of owning a vehicle will quickly disappear. You should focus on the growth and strength of a young cyclist.
The type and type of construction are determined depending on where it will be used. If you have to ride only in the city, then any model will do, but for out-of-town riding it is still better to find a bike with a larger tread, an additional hand brake and shock absorption.

For frequent long-distance trips, it is better to choose folding models. If the child is just beginning to master the two-wheeled "friend", then it is worth thinking about a variation with additional supporting wheels, which are later dismantled. If the goal is to purchase a high-quality and expensive bike for a long time, then you should definitely find out the possibility of adjusting the saddle and handlebars.

To determine the ideal bike height, you need to sit on a flat surface, clamp the structure between your legs and make sure that the distance from the frame to the waist is 10 centimeters. Besides, a child can "saddle" a standing bike and try to lower the pedal to the floor - the knee should almost bend. It will be not only convenient to move on such a vehicle, but also safe.
If the bike is purchased as a gift, then the parameters can be specified using a special table, which is usually available in any specialized store. It will also make it possible to find out the most suitable wheel diameter.

The baby should be comfortable both sitting and driving. It is important that the back maintains an even position, the level of the arms does not exceed the level of the chest, and the knees are almost completely unbent during riding. As a rule, if the height of the child does not exceed one meter, the twelve-inch diameter of the wheel is suitable for him. Height from 1.15 to 1.20 m is equivalent to fourteen-inch or sixteen-inch diameter. Finally, heights of 130 to 140 centimeters correspond to tires with sizes ranging from 18 to 20 inches.

The length of the frame is determined so that the distance from the handlebars to the front of the seat matches the length from the elbow to the ends of the cyclist's fingers. It is important to cover the chain with a lid so that the baby does not catch on clothes while riding. Experts do not recommend choosing bicycle models equipped with gears for the age of five, since at this age the child is not able to simultaneously follow the road and change speeds. It is better to choose the first model equipped with a foot brake, and then, when the rider's hands get stronger, think about the manual one.

As for the material, aluminum structures are recommended for both boys and girls of all physical abilities. The weight of such models is a couple of kilograms less than steel ones, which means that the operation is much easier while maintaining strength and reliability. The design of the model is determined with the child.
When buying a bike, instructions are very important. If it is present only in English, then it is worth abandoning the purchase, since the translator does not always provide an opportunity to obtain the correct information necessary for operation. If you have no experience in buying bicycles for small children, you can use the advice of a seller. It is important to remember that the guarantee of a reliable manufacturer is at least a year, and a maximum of 36 months.

The material should even appear visually strong, and all surfaces should be free from any scratches and paint chips. Each moving part must be securely fixed, but at the same time rotate without problems. Also, in some cases, it is better to buy a simple bike, and accessories such as, for example, a trunk, can be purchased separately - you will be able to save a little.

How to teach a child to ride?
A five-year-old cyclist is best trained in a sequence. You will have to start with the fact that the child must learn to get on the bike independently and not fall off it. An adult at this moment must necessarily hold a heavy structure. Then the toddler can put his feet on the pedals, while the adult will roll him around the yard, controlling the balance and holding the vehicle by the steering wheel and seat.
The next task is to show the child how to keep balance.An adult should tilt the bike to the side and teach a child to quickly put his foot off the pedal on the ground and thereby prevent it from falling.

Having mastered the basic skills, it's time to move on to moving in a straight line. The kid already has to step on the pedals on his own, and the adult only has to deal with his safety net, holding the saddle. Next, the young cyclist will have to master the brake. Finally, you can move on to the child's independent ride, of course, at first under the supervision of adults. By the way, even at the stage of preparation, it is better to equip the skater with knee pads, elbow pads and a children's helmet.

How to choose a children's bike, see the video.