Teenage bicycles: the best models and choices

A bicycle for a teenager is not only a means of transportation, but also an expression of his "I", and therefore the choice of such a transport should be approached carefully. Bicycles for grown-up children have their own distinctive features, and only the right choice will guarantee long-term use with maximum pleasure and minimum risk of injury.

Teenage boys and girls in the same age group enjoy cycling alike. Nowadays, when it is difficult to tear children away from computers and gadgets, a bicycle can be a real salvation - it promotes harmonious physical development, walks in the fresh air, making new friends and communication.
A teenage bike is replaced by a child one when the child goes to school. Usually, teenage models of bicycle transport are already suitable for seven-eight-year-old children. But everything is individual and depends on how fast the child is growing.

Manufacturers determine the age of riders for teenage models - 9-15 years.
In any case, the purchase requires "fitting". In the saddle, the teenager should sit firmly, the legs should easily reach the pedals, and the rise of the knees should not be too high when riding.
The teenage bike differs from the adult bike in size and weight. The wheel diameter of these models is reduced to 24 inches. Otherwise, it largely repeats the adult model, representing its reduced copy.

In general, transport for teenagers has the following features:
- the size of the rudder is reduced;
- the frame is located lower, but it can withstand quite a decent weight due to its rigid structure;
- soft suspension;
- bright and noticeable design, bold colors;
- in a number of models, a gearshift limiter is provided.

It is believed that the line between children's and teenage bicycles is crossed when the child reaches a height of 135 centimeters or more.
Manufacturers try to take into account the physiological characteristics of young riders when developing a design. In terms of technical characteristics, teenage models are not inferior to adults, they are excellent for city walks, and for riding on rough terrain, and even for performing tricks - it all depends on the type of two-wheeled transport.

Models created specifically for teenagers are available in the product line of any self-respecting manufacturer. In this case, not only physiological characteristics are taken into account, but also the intended purpose. It is on it that several key types of transport are distinguished for adolescent children.

For beginners
If this purchase should be the first in your life, then you should take a closer look to hybrid models. They are designed for children from 11-12 years old. This is a lightweight city bike that will last a long time. It is not racing, not stunt, the speed is not the highest, but for comfortable city walks all this is not required. The tires are thin, the tread is flat, and this allows you to ride in comfort, reducing the load on your feet.

Such models very easy to operate, easily repaired in case of breakdown. They are quite safe and durable, and therefore it is often walking bicycles that pass from hand to hand, are passed on to relatives and acquaintances when a child grows out of them. Suitable for leisurely walks. The aluminum frame provides a lightweight construction. The wide steering wheel with a turn towards the driver is level above the seat. The protectors are wide.

It is a hybrid variant that combines the best qualities of urban and mountain two-wheeled transport. They have a wide tread, a frame with two upper strips, a wide handlebar, and also there are no difficulties with speeds - there is a minimum number of them... Models are equipped with a removable basket for transporting things.

Such bicycles are very compact and convenient for storage in conditions of limited space, and for transportation by car with you. Their frame is folded, and the dimensions of the transport become very compact.

Bicycles designed for professional cycling have small wheels, wide tires with a deep profile. The shape of the reinforced frame is rhomboid. The high carriage and short base provide the ability to develop high speeds.
Among the sports models, mountain bikes stand out, which are created specifically so that a teenager can ride them on difficult trails at high speed with minimal risk of injury. Their front wheels are always equipped with shock absorbers, and the number of speeds reaches three dozen. There are off-road mountain subspecies that easily pass through any kind of mud. If the child prefers high-speed climbs on a flat road, then cross-country is suitable for him.

BMX bicycles are small in size. These are stunt vehicles. They have a small wheel diameter, low frames, and a special steering wheel design that allows for multiple rotation. All axles are equipped with additional tubes.

For girls
This type of teenage bike is special. Models have a special anatomical seatwider, all planetary hub speed urban models have a special frame design that allows you to ride in a dress or skirt.

Depending on the budget you plan to spend, a bike of any kind can be bought in an interesting and bright design, on alloy wheels. There are models with wide wheels, additional brakes.
Popular brands rating
A teenage two-wheeled vehicle model is not difficult to find from any manufacturer, but the best ones, according to the majority of users and buyers, are as follows:
- Puky - a German brand that tests every bike for safety in a laboratory environment;

- STELS - Russian products with a quality that is inferior to German ones, but the price is much more attractive than that of foreign counterparts;

- S`Cool - another German brand, the quality and safety of products of which there is no doubt;

- Merida - a popular brand originally from Taiwan offers high-quality and beautiful bicycles at an affordable price;

- Giant Is another Thai company that today produces up to half of all branded bicycles in the world.

It is also recommended to pay attention to the "iron horses" from Forward, Mustang, Altair - this is already a classic of the genre, which does not lose its relevance.

We have compiled a rating of the best models for boys and girls, the review is based on reviews from real customers.
For boys
- Forward Unit 20 2.0 - bicycles of this brand have high marks. This model is mountainous. It is equipped with FWD attachments and has six speeds. The frame is made of high quality steel, the rim brakes are highly reliable. Ideal for city riding and not too difficult forest routes. Front and rear brakes are walking brakes. The pedals look like a platform, the steering wheel is curved, it is possible to adjust its height. Includes spare fenders and a footrest. Price range - from 9 thousand rubles.

- STELS Navigator 410 MD 24 21-sp V010 will serve faithfully for a child from 9 to 13 years old. This is a multi-speed model - speeds of 21. The frame is steel and reliable, the bike is equipped with double rims, a reliable shock-absorbing fork. Designed for comfortable riding in the mode of walking around the city, as well as for traveling on easy routes outside the city. The bike belongs to the mountain cross-country class. The handlebars are height adjustable, the saddle frame is made of high quality steel. The price starts from 11 thousand rubles.

- Novatrack Extreme 24 6 - the bike is suitable for brave and determined little boys, as it is equipped with rim brakes that quickly block the wheels even if a child is riding on a wet road. Tires have increased grip characteristics, steel frame. The wheels measure 24 inches and have a double rim. The number of available speeds is six. Classic pedals. Fenders, horn and footrest are included. The price starts from 9 thousand rubles.

- Model for teenagers STELS Adrenalin MD 24 V010 - another novelty this year. The tires are wide, which provides the vehicle with cross-country ability not only on a dry and flat road, but also in conditions of a bad road, mud. The bright design is very popular with teenagers, the aluminum frame and rigid fork will ensure safety and lightness at the same time. The number of speeds is eight. The type of brakes is disc, the set includes a sound signal, a footrest and a parking brake. The cost starts from 19 thousand rubles.

- Welt Edelweiss 26 Teen - a model for mobile and active lovers of outdoor entertainment. Very high quality attachments, reliable fenders that will protect trousers from dirty splashes and stains when driving in wet weather. The price starts from 7.5 thousand rubles.

- Forward Iris 24 2.0 - girlish version with quality FWD attachments, 6 speeds. The frame is made of steel, there are double rims, reliable "fast" rim brakes. Wheel size is 24 inches. Suitable for driving on city streets, parks, as well as for comfortable country walks, if the quality of the roads is quite satisfactory. The price starts from 9 thousand rubles.

- Stels Navigator 400 MD 24 V010 - new for the current season with 18 speeds. The high-grade steel frame, disc brakes, excellent suspension fork and wheel size (24 inches) make riding in or out of town as comfortable as possible. The cost starts from 11 thousand rubles.

- Young connoisseurs of interesting bike design will also like Dewolf Wave 24 - this model was also presented only this year. The model is equipped with 7 speeds, steel frame and rigid fork, chain guard, extended fenders. The model is intended for riding in the city. The cost starts from 12 thousand rubles.

- Merida Chica J24 - 6-speed bike model for girls aged 9 to 13. The lightweight frame is made of aluminum, there is a small but rather roomy trunk. On this one, both a city trip and a country walk will be equally pleasant. There is a front light. The cost starts from 15 thousand rubles.

The best double-suspended models
Full-suspension teen bikes are the best option for more aggressive riding. Among these models, interesting new items were presented this year, which have already collected many useful positive reviews.
Stark Rocket 24.2 FS V - a model equipped with high-quality Shimano attachments, the number of speeds - 21, a reliable suspension fork, there is a rear shock absorber. Price - from 13 thousand rubles.

The Forward Raptor 24 is an 18-speed model. The frame is made of high quality steel, reliable brakes and a double rim are available. Price - from 9 thousand rubles.

The Format 6612 24 is a more expensive new product, but well worth it. This double suspension costs from 29 thousand rubles, but it is suitable for mountain skiing. The frame is lightweight, aluminum, there is additional rear shock absorption. Ideal for cross-country skiing.

Cube Stereo 140 Youth - a more serious model, equipped with the initial professional equipment of SRAM, has 11 speeds... The frame is lightweight, made of aluminum, disc brakes are hydraulic. This model was created taking into account the requirements for participation in extreme cycling competitions and skiing in the All mountain discipline. The cost starts from 151 thousand rubles.

How to choose?
The correct choice is not based solely on the external attractiveness of a particular model. It is much more important to take into account safety and quality when choosing. That is why I would like to strongly protect adults from distance shopping.
Even if the bike is purchased as a gift for a child, it is worth choosing transport with the child so as not to lose it.

The first thing to know is the child's height. The legs should easily reach the pedals without effort, while while driving the "iron horse" the knees should not rise too high and reach the steering wheel.
Wheel size is also related to height and age. For example, with a height of up to a meter, it is recommended to choose wheels with a diameter of 12 inches, this is the choice for children of early preschool age.

The following requirements are more suitable for adolescents:
- child's height 110-125 cm - wheel diameter 20 inches, this is an option for children from 7 to 11-12 years old;
- child's height 125-155 cm - wheel diameter 24 inches, which is more suitable for children from 9 to 13-14 years old.

The model you like should be placed on a flat surface and ask the child to throw his leg over the frame. Transport can be considered suitable if the distance from the frame to the crotch is within 5-9 centimeters. If the distance is less, you should pay attention to other models.
Pay attention to the weights. The heavier the bike is, the more difficult it will be for a boy or girl to handle it. Aluminum frames always provide structures with greater lightness than steel ones. You may also come across carbon frames - they are more expensive, but generally comply with the rules and safety principles.
- Steel frame - has a high weight, is durable, can rust, but it is easy to repair, it is inexpensive.

- Aluminum frame - lightens the structure, is durable, does not corrode, is difficult to weld, difficult to repair. Costs more.

- Carbon - durable and reliable, but afraid of moisture and mechanical injury. Can't be repaired. It's expensive.

After evaluating the frame, wheels and dimensions, you should pay attention to other nuances. For example, a large number of plastic parts is a significant disadvantage, since they will quickly fail, especially with intensive use. It is better to choose shock absorbers rigid, this will ensure durability, and the saddle and pedals are metal, since the plastic quickly breaks.

But the presence or absence of additional accessories does not play a significant role, since the presence of a basket or spare fenders does not directly affect the safety and reliability of the bike.
Experienced parents know that teenagers grow quickly, so be sure to consider this when choosing. It is better to give preference to models that can be adjusted for growth. This will ensure a correct fit while riding, reducing stress on the spinal column when cycling.

It is very important that the bike you like has a protection panel. This will prevent clothing from getting caught in the chain mechanism.
It is worth choosing bicycles for comfortable and safe leisure. with hand and foot brakes... And the presence of reflective elements will make the child visible on the road even at dusk, which again will be your contribution to safety.

When buying a bicycle for a teenager, you should also take care of protection. Such equipment includes elbow pads, knee pads, and a helmet. It will be good if your cyclist gets a pump, a set of hex wrenches and a saddle bag. If desired, the model can be supplemented with a bicycle computer that will show the speed of movement. Some of these accessories have the function of communicating with a smartphone, this will allow the child to answer the call without being distracted by the conversation with the receiver at the ear.

For information on how to choose a bike for a teenager, see the next video.