Tricycles for children from 2 years old: types and choices

Only after learning to walk, babies begin to show interest in a bright and eye-catching vehicle - a bicycle. And then for caring parents the question unambiguously arises: how not to be mistaken when choosing a three-wheeled miracle for their child? How to choose the best model so that it is colorful, interesting, comfortable and, of course, safe at the same time?

Features and device
One of the popular modes of transport for young children is a tricycle with a handle, with which parents can guide the structure, keeping the child's balance, and he, in turn, will learn to maneuver the steering wheel, choose movement and strengthen muscles.
There are a few things to consider when buying a bike for toddlers.
- The material from which the structure is made. The plastic frame will make the bike much lighter, which is very comfortable for the child, but the strength in this case leaves much to be desired. Therefore, experts recommend choosing an aluminum or steel structure. Wheels are preferable to choose rubber: they are easier to ride on uneven paths, although there is a possibility of puncture. If you do not have enough finances, you can also consider plastic wheels, although they create a lot of noise and it is advisable to ride them only on flat surfaces.
- The shape of the seat is also important, the length of the ride time of your kid depends on this - if it is uncomfortable for him, then even the most "sophisticated" model will not force him to continue the walk. For children under 3 years old, manufacturers have provided a seat with a high back.In some of them, the back reclines, which will enable the child to sleep or just relax. For older children, it is best to choose a bicycle seat that matches their anatomical body structure.
- Ideal transport option for a child from 2 years old - with a bicycle handle, thanks to which parents can take their child for a long walk. There are telescopic handles that allow you to adjust its height, which is also a very convenient factor when rolling a child.
- Security - one of the main requirements for any type of transport a child drives. So the complete set of a child's bike must include a belt and a safety rim. In the event of a child's fall, they will protect him as much as possible from serious injuries and minor bruises. Such protective equipment is also provided for models for children over 3 years old.
- Some bike models are equipped with footrests, which can be folded when riding, this is convenient if the child is already driving on his own, and for the smallest, removable parts are provided. The best option is grooved, not very massive pedals, then the child's foot will not slide off them while riding.
- There are models with protective hoods against rain and sun, but most often for this, manufacturers offer a textile awning in the configuration, the fabric of which has water-repellent properties. After rain, just wipe it down with a dry cloth. Some designs are equipped with awnings with windows, allowing you to monitor the behavior of the child while riding.
- To diversify the kid's bike ride, you can choose a model with matching accessories: it can be musical panels, ringing horns, baskets for toys, small awning bags for various little things. This greatly brightens up the process of monotonous skating and allows the child to be distracted and occupy himself not only with contemplation of the world around him. True, a bicycle in this configuration is more expensive.
- And, of course, weight of the structure itself is also an important factor when buying a children's bike: plastic models are quite light and easy to transport, but they can tip over.
Heavier models are stable, stable, but it is not always convenient to ride them on them, as they are less maneuverable.

With such obvious advantages of tricycles, which were discussed above, for the convenience of choosing parents, you can divide them into certain types.
- It is preferable to ride a child from one to two years old not on a tricycle in the classical sense of the word, but in bicycle wheelchair... Of course, it is necessary for mom or dad to manage such a tool, and the baby will only enjoy the surrounding view. The special handle, which was already discussed above, will allow you to use a bicycle, or as it is also called, a tricycle, as a stroller. Please note that the handle shaft of this vehicle must reach the waist of an average person.
Usually it is made of plastic, sometimes there are rubber inserts on top - this is very convenient for those who carry the bike.

- The three-wheeled classic version of the bike is ideal for toddlers from 2 to 4 years old. At this age, children are already pedaling with might and main on their own, so you need to choose a model with certain technical characteristics that guarantee the safety of the baby. Some manufacturers provide their models with specific machines to help your child begin their tricycle learning journey.

- A variant of a combined cycle carriage and a bicycle. Such models are very practical and convenient: as soon as the baby grows up, the stroller, with a slight movement of the hand, turns into an ordinary tricycle. For this, the handle and safety elements, leg restraints are removed, and the child continues his walk on his own.

Which type of tricycle you would not opt for, remember that any model will help your child in the following:
- strengthens muscles;
- develops coordination;
- strengthens the vestibular apparatus;
- increases endurance and determination;
- helps with visual impairment.
Cycling is also useful for the development of the work of the joints, however, in case of problems with them, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Top Models
Lexus trike Is a popular European manufacturer, whose product appeared on the Russian market in 2006 and gained popularity among consumers in just a few months. Striking design and quality have become the main characteristics of these bicycles. The price of such models ranges from 6,000 to 13,000 rubles. Their features include a fashionable and bright design, the presence of safety elements, comfortable rubber wheels and footrests, an awning for walking in bad weather, the presence of luggage backpacks and baskets for toys. In some cases, manufacturers add a special pump, a comfortable sleeping pillow and a removable soft seat cover to the package.
All models of this manufacturer have an exclusive pattern on the surface: the image of the coats of arms of the capitals of European states.

Profi Trike - models from this manufacturer can be used both as a stroller for the little ones and as a classic bicycle for children from 4 years old. A padded seat, a ravable steering wheel, a wide, comfortable backrest, bright colors and a lot of amenities - for many years these qualities have been the advantage of the bicycles of this brand.
For children over 4 years old, you can choose a tricycle Toyz York is a quality model from a Chinese manufacturer. The budget model costs up to 3000 rubles, it does not have any unnecessary details that distract the child from walking. The model is stable, durable, made of aluminum or steel, its weight is up to 4 kg. Of the minuses, it can be noted that the steering wheel is not adjustable.

If you need a more budgetary model, check out the model "Alternative" ("Bashplast") "Champion". Its cost ranges from 2000 rubles. Bright colors, original design and ease of use will appeal to both boys and girls. Its weight does not even reach 3 kg, such transport can be used from 2 years old.
A multifunctional tricycle with a swivel seat is an ideal gift for a two-year-old child, which will allow the little one to independently drive their first vehicle. The ideal choice in this case would be the model Smart Trike А48В, allowing you to turn the baby to face the mother rolling the bike. This can calm the baby down. Also, the design allows you to protect it from rain and sunlight thanks to a comfortable retractable hood. After a while, the footrests of the bike can be removed, the bumper and handle are dismantled, and the grown-up child can try his hand at driving the bike himself.

Models from a German manufacturer Puky cat ideal in terms of safety - the bicycles of this brand have a low center of gravity, which makes the structure stable.
Little princesses can be offered a model with free rotation and inflated wheels in a delicate pink color. Its cost is considerable - about 10 thousand rubles, weight - 6 kg, it can withstand a load of up to 25 kg. In this design, you can remove the handle and block the steering wheel.

How to choose?
Of course, given the variety of tricycle models offered by manufacturers today, you can simply get confused and make the wrong choice. Therefore, thinking about which tricycle will be ideal for your baby from 2 to 4 years old, remember the recommendations of experts.
- When choosing a safe model for a child, you must first pay attention to its design: frame, seat and wheels. The weight of the bike should not exceed 12 kilograms, otherwise the child will simply not be able to handle it.
- Be sure to pay attention to the weight and height of the bike you like. They influence the choice of the tricycle wheel diameter. For example, for a child whose height is 90-100 cm, you need to select wheels 12 inches wide, for a taller child - 14 inches.
- The bike frame must be strong. Plastic frames do not withstand heavy loads, steel frames give the model strength, but make transport difficult. Aluminum and carbon frames may be ideal choices, but they will cost more.
- Choose durable inflatable wheels - your child won't always have to ride on the perfect paved surface. Their width is also important - the larger it is, the more stable the bike is.
- To be sure of your choice, put your child on a bike right in the store, let him move his legs, turn the steering wheel. Ask him if he is comfortable, if he does not slip on the seat. Sometimes parents believe that the wider the seat, the more comfortable the child is, however, it is the triangular shape that will allow him to turn freely without the risk of falling off the vehicle.
- Be sure to consider the age of your baby: bicycle strollers are suitable for children under 2 years old. Bicycle transformer - a combination of a bicycle stroller and a classic tricycle, suitable for growth. A classic bike without various accessories is the best choice for an independent rider from 4 years old.

Based on the above recommendations, you can never go wrong with the choice of a comfortable vehicle for your child. Walking and riding such a bike will bring a lot of pleasure to your little one.
For information on how to choose a tricycle for a child, see the next video.