
Characteristics and compatibility of a Virgo man born in the year of the Ox

Characteristics and compatibility of a Virgo man born in the year of the Ox
  1. Character
  2. In a love relationship
  3. Married
  4. Profession and career
  5. Health
  6. Compatibility

Men born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Ox are under the auspices of the earthly element. Under its influence, pedantry, conservatism and perseverance are manifested. They tend to take into account the smallest details, are picky about the choice of a soul mate, profession, place of residence. They are determined conservatives who adhere to certain principles and priorities.


Virgo-Ox is a calm, friendly person with innate intuition and self-control. He is careful and unobtrusive, able to explain his requirements and intentions without unnecessary emotions. They are disciplined, reliable people with the ability to analyze the situation and make non-standard decisions. They never follow the lead of the crowd, always prefer common sense, are able to maintain composure in any situation.

They value their own and other people's time, are punctual, systematic, keep their promises. Realistically assess their abilities, capabilities, never take on obligations if they are not able to fulfill the promised 100%.

Intelligent, educated, able to show their good manners and tact. These are practical people who are able to take responsibility for any, the most voluminous and hard work. They never leave unfinished business, they are able to go for a long time and persistently to achieve the desired result.

They develop throughout life, but give preference to one direction. Strictly adhere to the letter of the law, dogmatic and unshakable. Often they are implemented in areas such as economics, jurisprudence, forensic medicine.

They dislike noisy companies, innovative technologies, and overly emotional people. Ox-Virgo does not tolerate lies, deception, delays, is not able to live surrounded by everyday chaos. They break off personal and business relationships if something disturbs their calm and measured life.

In critical situations, stubbornness, intractability, self-confidence are manifested. The orderliness of Virgo resembles artificially created states in which a person feels comfortable. By this, the Bull can alienate childhood friends, colleagues, close people and relatives.

The main factor prompting the Virgo-Ox to take action is financial security. If a man does not see the benefits, he will never make any decisions.

In the Bull's mind, a successful life is financial independence. She is personified by her own real estate, including a large area of ​​land, where order, tranquility and silence will reign. The Virgo man will not tolerate disturbance of his own peace of mind, uninvited guests, and even more so people encroaching on his property. Any loss of property is disproportionate grief, a personal insult that leads to emotional distress.

In a love relationship

Virgo-Ox is an adherent of traditions, conservative in love, prefers long courtship and classic marriages. He will never agree to emotional rapprochement if he is not sure of his choice. Often, for this reason, he is alone for a long time, cannot find a mate. Excessive requirements for a partner are the reason for frequent ruptures of relations at the initiative of a man. At the same time, he is very attentive, shows sensuality, tenderness, patience. Sometimes, behind a mask of indifference and calmness, he hides unrealized emotions and feelings.

At first glance, a person may seem rude. But it is worth taking a closer look and other character traits will be revealed: the ability to experience, sympathize, come to the rescue, help those in need. Virgo-Ox is an incorrigible altruist. His companion should share his views, aspirations, stand out from the crowd, take part in his life.

For a Virgo man, intimate relationships will never prevail. He appreciates the partner's sensuality, the ability to open up, trust and understanding more. Realizing that the intimate side is an integral part of a relationship, he is able to become a first-class lover. Perceives sex as one of the aspects of development in which he will have to achieve perfection.

In order to attract the attention of such a man, a woman needs to use all her abilities, talents and turn on her imagination. He does not accept open invitations, onslaught, demands, pressure. For such a man, it is important how the process will develop. How interesting he will be and how much he will be able to grab his attention.

They value friendship and communication with loved ones. It is very important for a Virgo-Ox man to be in a pair. Despite her alienation, the Virgo-Ox needs to feel care, attention, interest. In such conditions, its best qualities develop.


For a Virgo-Bull man, creating a family is a very important life stage. He despises loneliness, since his youth he sees himself as the head of a large family, with at least two dogs and cats. Representatives of such a sign need to take care of others, they have a pronounced sense of guardianship and care for loved ones. Thus, their inner qualities, aspirations and dreams are realized.

Virgos are exquisite gifted chefs, they cook well, understand the cuisines of the peoples of the world. On big holidays, they are able to replace the half at the stove, providing an opportunity to put yourself in order, to relax before receiving guests. For a woman who values ​​family, the Virgo man will become an irreplaceable partner. He is able to ensure the material well-being of his loved ones, surround him with attention and care, in exchange for order, cleanliness, comfort, tranquility and harmony in the family.

Profession and career

Virgo-Bull is realized in social and scientific activities. These are promising politicians, gifted journalists, writers and historians. They have a rare intelligence, memory, ability to learn foreign languages. But they prefer to engage in a narrow direction, and it is in this that they reach world heights. Virgo-Ox is able to withstand fierce competition on the way of project implementation and wins due to its constructive qualities.

As leaders, they show patience and loyalty to responsible employees. They do not tolerate laziness, they blame being late. They are able to dismiss a subordinate for non-performance of professional duties, if this jeopardizes the implementation of a common cause.


Virgos need to closely monitor their health, especially the work of the digestive system. This is the main problem that accompanies the Virgo man from a young age. They carefully monitor nutrition, try to distribute the load, control the mode of work and rest. Sometimes a scrupulous attitude towards one's health leads to the fact that taking care of him becomes an obsession. This often transforms into a profession, defining a medical direction.


Virgo men evoke feelings of admiration and adoration in women. Their good breeding, punctuality, ability to make decisions, to participate in the life of others cannot leave indifferent the most discerning person. But with some signs it will not be easy for a man.

The compatibility of the Virgo-Ox with the signs of the astral circle is literally the following.

  • With an Aries woman, they will be able to create a lasting harmonious union if marriage is based on mutual understanding. When the fiery woman - Aries shows her selfish disposition, Virgo will become uncomfortable and uncomfortable next to the blazing fire.
  • In a relationship with a Taurus, Virgo is able to find many common ground. But sometimes these features become a repulsive factor in communication.
  • When communicating with a Gemini woman, both partners are able to gain important experience for themselves. Such an alliance is accompanied by victories and defeats, serves as a real test for each of the partners.
  • The pair of Virgo and Cancer very easily comes to an understanding, because they live on the same emotional frequency. Each of the partners has its own significant place, respected by the second half.
  • Great contradictions and inconsistencies await the Virgo-Leo pair. Their relationship is a real test for each of the signs, a waste of time and effort in an attempt to achieve equality and obedience to their requirements.
  • Representatives of the signs Virgo - Virgo differ in the same character. And the expression “equal charges repel” fits the description of these relations perfectly well. The desire to prove your superiority to a partner ruins the most promising couples.
  • In union with direct Libra, the Virgo man will discover the world of harmony, passion and love. They will be able to live a life of joy and care if a man learns to cope with his partner's emotions.
  • Relationships in a Scorpio-Virgo pair will be built on a woman's desire to tame a responsible man. Such a marriage is just a godsend for Scorpios who want to make a career and achieve a position in society.
  • The Sagittarius woman will become a secret that a man will want to unravel at all costs. Her confidence, originality, adherence to principles will attract him like a magnet, and he will no longer be able to live without the irrepressible ideas of his partner.
  • At first glance, it may seem that Capricorn and Virgo are just karmic twins. But in fact, reaching mutual understanding for this couple will be, oh, how difficult it is.
  • Relationship with Aquarius will be filled with romance and impressions. This is one of the few couples who manages to keep their passion for many years.
  • Communication with Pisces will benefit both signs, providing the ground for the realization of ambitions, abilities and talents.The advantages of such a union are visible to the naked eye, partners will be able to realize all their desires and dreams.

The astral sign of Virgo lives in its own fictional world, is distinguished by ingenuity, undeniable talents, the ability to improve and develop. This is the perfect characteristic of faithful husbands, loving fathers. The well-being of loved ones is the factor that will always remain primary for the Virgo-Ox, and he achieves the rest with his feasible work.

For more information about the Virgo man, see the video below.

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