
Characteristics and compatibility of a Virgo man born in the year of the Dragon

Characteristics and compatibility of a Virgo man born in the year of the Dragon
  1. Characteristic
  2. What kind of girls do you like?
  3. Behavior in love and relationships
  4. Career and business
  5. Compatibility

Virgos born in the Year of the Dragon are bright and strong personalities. They surprise others with their extraordinary behavior. In addition, they represent people with a very contradictory character. Even simple communication with the Dragon Virgins is not always easy. And building relationships and marriage with them is a rather difficult task. This article looks at how to approach men born under these signs and what to expect from them.


Dragon Virgins are people born between August 23 and September 22 in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 or 2012. Such persons are distinguished by a huge supply of inner strength, which allows them to dominate those around them.

Of course, representatives of many signs can be called purposeful. But Virgos born in the year of the Dragon are purposeful in an exaggerated sense. Prudence and ingenuity help them in this. In this case, we are talking about very risky people. Others will not even agree to the implementation of their ideas. But the Dragons will not only take the risk, but also achieve what they want.

However, Virgo knows how to ride the frantic flow of energy within. This creates a fragile, but still balance. This sign endows the Dragon with restraint and orderliness. And he, in turn, helps the Virgo become bolder. As a result, the bearer of these signs is ready to do anything to achieve his goals, but nevertheless sometimes thinks about the moral aspects of his actions and tries to cross the boundaries of what is permissible less often.

But it sometimes happens that no matter how much effort is put in, fate remains unyielding. Even such stubborn and strong personalities fail. In this case, Virgos become nervous and irritable.They may even get depressed. Fortunately, the Dragon does not allow you to dwell on one thing for a long time and makes you go further.

Communication with the Dragon Virgins, regardless of their gender, is not an easy process. They are always very reserved and do not like to be frank. This applies even to the closest people and friends, whom they do not have very many.

At times, such secrecy can be repulsive.

It is interesting that in childhood, representatives of this combination of signs have a completely different character. The kids are cute and sentimental. Such children always obey their parents and do well in school. Boys are the most active, they like outdoor games and go in for sports. At the same time, from an early age, future men try to personally cope with their problems. But in adolescence, everything changes, their ideals collapse. The first disappointments harden the character. Parents who have not experienced difficulties with their child before will have to face many problems.

Virgo men are very energetic. They need to channel this energy into creative work and the realization of their potential. Due to the qualities of a real man, they often win respect in many circles.

What kind of girls do you like?

Virgo-Dragons set high standards for themselves, especially when it comes to the male half of these signs. Men demand the same from other people, not accepting any compromises. So the future partner will have to accept this fact. It will be very difficult to conquer it, almost impossible. Indeed, in the first place for the Dragon Maidens they are themselves. But only until a certain time.

There are always many fans around such men, but girls in love are of little interest to them. Guys, on the contrary, choose the most unapproachable person and spend all their strength to win her heart.

Virgo-Dragon is able to love only the most worthy, without paying any attention to the rest.

Behavior in love and relationships

However, this trait, through the efforts of the men of Dragons, again acquires negative sides. The head of the family arranges the life of loved ones strictly according to his own rules. The rest of its members will have to obey or constantly conflict. Because of this, children move away from such fathers with age. And again, men are encouraged to make indulgences in order to maintain happiness in the family.

In bed, a Virgo-Dragon man can be quite relaxed and sometimes agrees to experiments.... But only in those cases when he fully trusts the partner. For him, first of all, her spiritual side is important. Sexual life is in second place.

Therefore, girls who are liberated in this regard are not of any interest to them.

Career and business

Virgo-Dragon men are born careerists. Monotonous and boring affairs are alien to them. Therefore, such employees strive to skip this stage of their work as quickly as possible and take higher positions.

On the way to the heights, such persons behave, alas, not very decently. After all, there is nothing more important than your own desires and goals. Other people in their path are just obstacles. They go over the heads of colleagues and even bosses. But do not think that the Dragon Virgins are completely soulless creatures. Men stand up like a mountain for those whom they consider to be their friends, and lead them to the top.

Having taken leading positions, male Dragons give themselves completely to work in order to achieve even greater success. For them, both social and financial situation is important. Such individuals justify their positions with their enthusiasm and ability to make important decisions.

These men never panic and know how to act quickly. To some, the measures they have taken may seem very audacious.

But the Dragon Maidens don't care because of their extreme intolerance for losers.


So, as mentioned above, the Virgo-Dragon men are monogamous. And since they are looking for a woman for life, she should be the most suitable for him in all respects.It is unlikely that such a person will be content with minimal or even average compatibility.

What signs of the zodiac suit him in love:

  • minimum compatibility - Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius;
  • average compatibility - Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn and Leo;
  • maximum compatibility - Aries, Taurus, Cancer and Virgo.

And now a little more about Chinese calendar compatibility:

  • minimum - Goat, Dog and Cat;
  • medium - Horse, Bull, Dragon and Pig;
  • maximum - Tiger, Monkey, Snake, Rat and Rooster.

As you can see, Virgo men born under the sign of the Dragon are very difficult personalities. And that's putting it mildly. To find an approach to them, you need to study well the object of your interest. But even the maximum amount of effort made does not guarantee success in relations with such men.

You will learn more about the Virgo man in the following video.

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