
Characteristics of a Virgo man born in the Year of the Dog

Characteristics of a Virgo man born in the Year of the Dog
  1. general characteristics
  2. In love and marriage
  3. Compatibility

The Virgo man, born in the year of the Dog, always behaves judiciously and carefully. He never gets involved in dubious adventures and warns his friends against this. What else will the horoscope of the Virgo-Dog man tell?

general characteristics

The Virgo man, born in the year of the Dog, has a difficult character, partly even difficult. On the one hand, the Dog sign endows him with devotion, responsibility and kindness. On the other hand, the Virgo zodiac sign makes this man too impressionable, vulnerable and unpredictable. Virgo-Dog takes offense very quickly, and at such moments it can manifest itself completely unpredictably. This man loves communication, noisy companies, but sometimes he is not averse to retirement and being alone. Such a contradictory nature sometimes interferes with him in personal relationships and in work.

A man is not used to adapting to others, he is not ready to take into account someone's opinion from the outside, he is difficult to adapt to a new team. From the outside, he looks quite confident and decisive. But as soon as he encounters any problem at least once, the Virgo-Dog immediately gives up and takes offense at the whole world.

In friendship and in personal relationships, this man shows real loyalty. The representative of this zodiac sign intuitively feels insincerity and deception, therefore, only the most loyal and devoted people are always surrounded by him.

The career of such men cannot be called successful, and its contradictory nature is to blame. The Virgo dog shows interest in work, tries hard to complete all the tasks and strives for a leadership position. And he could achieve his goal if he learned to manage emotions.Therefore, Virgo-Dog can only be a good and valuable employee.

Financially, this man will never experience difficulties, as he loves to work and knows how to manage money.

The main disadvantage of such a person is that sometimes he is too confident in himself and in his own righteousness. The Virgo dog never thinks ahead, does not plan his actions, but acts harshly and thoughtlessly. Because of this, he faces many difficulties in his life.

Also, a Virgo man born in the year of the Dog does not differ in tact in relation to loved ones. He can sharply criticize someone from his inner circle, he can condemn and tell the bitter truth in front of everyone. In the event that this man does not restrain his emotions, does not control himself and does not learn to be more tactful, then he risks losing even the closest friends.

In love and marriage

In love, he is used to showing his leadership qualities. This man will always take the initiative into his own hands. He is rarely interested in the opinion of his soul mate, since for the Virgo-Dog there is only one correct opinion - his own. For this reason, it will be difficult for a man to build strong relationships with women of other zodiac signs.

In personal relationships, a man often shows his inherent caution. If a girl herself takes the first step towards him, tries to get to know him and is the first to admit her feelings, then this behavior of a woman alarms the Virgo man, and he tries to understand what the catch is.

It will be very difficult for a woman to convince such a man of the sincerity of her feelings.

A Virgo born in the Year of the Dog needs an ideal woman. In his imagination, this man has long drawn the ideal image of the girl who should be next to him in life. During the period of communication with a beautiful lady, if the Virgo-Dog finds at least one flaw in her, then she will immediately break off the relationship without any regret. This person is ready to build a serious and strong relationship only with the one in which he is one hundred percent sure.

A woman who will be next to such a man should be prepared for the fact that with the Virgo-Dog everything is not as simple as it seems. Despite the fact that a man likes to confess his love to his chosen one every day, he will rarely give flowers and gifts. Most likely, it will be only twice a year: a traditional bouquet for a women's holiday and a gift for her birthday. If suddenly you do not receive any present for your birthday, do not be surprised. The fact is that a Virgo-Dog man can forget about such an important day, so it is better for him to remind him of this on his own.

Virgo-Dog is by no means a romantic, he is a practical person. And he will give extremely useful gifts for his soul mate. For example, a food processor or a quality frying pan. If such gifts can make you angry, it is better to tell the man about it in advance.

The Virgo dog loves order and cleanliness. Even being single, he independently brings comfort to the house. Being married, this man will sometimes show excessive pedantry. Therefore, his chosen one will have to remember or even write down all the wishes of her spouse. Everything in the house of the Virgo-Dog should be put in its place.

If the spouse shows sloppiness and slovenliness, then the matter may come to a divorce.


The Virgo Dog has good compatibility with a woman born under the Cancer zodiac sign. Such a woman strives to create a family. The Cancer woman manifests herself as a good housewife, caring spouse and loving mother. She loves to create comfort in the house and is ready to devote her whole life to her family. It is about such a woman that Virgo-Dog dreams.

Strong relationships can develop with women born under the signs of Taurus and Aries. The union can be successful if the Virgo-Dog does not show their vulnerability, and Taurus and Aries are less stubborn.If both learn to find a compromise in any situation, then the marriage will be long and happy.

Also, a relationship can develop with a Scorpio woman. This woman will be able to truly charm the Virgo-Dog and help him change for the better. The Scorpio woman has a very strong character and always shows herself as a welcoming and good hostess.

You will learn more about the Virgo man in the following video.

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