
Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake: characteristics and compatibility

Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake: characteristics and compatibility
  1. Characteristic
  2. What kind of girl does he need?
  3. Behavior in love and relationships
  4. Career and business
  5. Compatibility

A horoscope is an extremely necessary and useful thing for every person. The location of the stars and the influence of the planets help people choose the right path in life, protect themselves and their loved ones from the vicissitudes of fate and maintain health.

Thanks to the knowledge of the influence of the planets, each of us can solve amorous affairs, find out whether this or that person is suitable for living together. The necessary information contained in the secrets of the horoscope can also help the Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake.


Virgo male, born in the year of the Snake, combines the wisdom of an ancient reptile with the practicality of his zodiac sign. Such a man is practical, has an analytical mind and carefully analyzes what is happening around him. He has a perfectly developed intuition. The Virgo man definitely feels the people around him and almost never makes mistakes, especially when it comes to deception or fake relationships. Therefore, competitors or enemies of the Virgo-Snake are unpleasantly surprised when they realize that their intrigues have been revealed and prevented. Even the fact that outwardly such a person is unhurried and balanced, he always brings what he started to the end, and, surprisingly, on time.

Virgo guys are very hardworking, and if they also like work, then they can plunge into it headlong. In communication, they can charm others, they have a refined sense of humor.

The planet that affects this sign is Earth, therefore Virgo men are very fond of cleanliness and order, which is also required from others. This man is peaceful and good-natured, does not like to enter into conflicts, avoids sharp corners and unreasonable risks. Going on business trips or changing the environment is also not in the nature of the Virgo-Snake, who loves stability.

But there is no person without flaws. In our case, a man is very demanding of himself and his loved ones, sometimes too categorical. Given the non-special decisiveness of this sign, ambitions often remain unfulfilled, then the Virgo-Snake begins to engage in self-criticism, becoming irritable and nervous.

What kind of girl does he need?

Meticulous, always in an ironed shirt and clean socks, a speck on his beloved's clothes can kill him on the spot. Such a man, of course, is not a gift, but if he falls in love, he will do anything for his girlfriend. But the choice of a lady of the heart is as important for him as a tie that matches the suit - there should be no mistakes.

Virgo-Snake subjects her future chosen one to a thorough analysis, and often, noticing her attention, begins to look for a catch in the situation. Sometimes a guy can fall in love at first sight, but again, the woman he loves must meet all of his exaggerated requirements. This brings him mental suffering, but the propensity for introspection and the search for truth, presented to him by the stars, cannot be overcome.

The woman of his dreams should be different from others, know her worth and rise on a pedestal. Those representatives of the fair sex who will show him signs of attention in 15 minutes are not considered by the Virgo man.

This sign does not like frivolous talkers, his chosen one must have an analytical mind, agree with his point of view, and in case of disagreement, give reasoned arguments. Frivolous and short-lived flirting is not suitable for such a man, he does not consider the question of a "bedtime" relationship.

A woman who may like the Virgo-Snake should be interesting in communication, the undoubted soul of the company, even if her external data are not so dazzling in comparison with the next to her friend.

Behavior in love and relationships

Many beautiful ladies are crazy about the sensual, serious and reliable Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake. If he is in love seriously and even decided to marry, then his feelings are serious and durable. It is possible to understand whether the guy of this interesting zodiacal tandem is in love with you already because he begins to discuss far-reaching life plans, using the pronoun "we".

Any woman who is sincerely in love with him will always be comfortable with such a man, faithful and stable, because for him marriage is also a thoughtful and calculated decision based on the dictates of the heart.

And even if in the stage of falling in love the guy does not commit risky acts, does not sing under the balcony of his beloved serenade, his chosen one can be sure that such a companion is as reliable as a rock.

Family life with a faithful wife in Virgo men develops for a long time, the head of the family, although restrained, is a sensual and courageous person. Cheating is not peculiar to him, he respects his half, loves children and often spends time with them, as this is part of the requirements for upbringing, and the rules are a strong point for such a father. His wife must definitely listen to any of his statements, because the Virgo man is always right.

As for intimate relationships, such a zodiac sign is a gentle and passionate lover. In a bed without love, he can get into exceptional cases.

But again, rationalism comes first for this man. The Virgo man, born in the year of the Snake, does not accept any exceptional fantasies from his woman and the Kamasutra, but he will be able to deliver pleasure.

A fundamental plus in family relations of these representatives of the stronger sex is the fact that they practically do not get divorced: the family for them is a reliable stronghold for many, many years.

Career and business

Legends can be made about the diligence of the Serpent-Virgo. Responsible, punctual, such a person will definitely bring everything started to the end. The bosses appreciate such an employee, because he may even refuse or postpone the vacation for the sake of a successful completion of the case. We are easy to teach, loves everything new, and is happy to receive the necessary additional knowledge.

The absence of explosive emotions helps him to cope even with the most stressful situations, the Virgo-Snake is difficult to unsettle.

Many astrologers warn that it is not recommended to have this zodiac sign in business enemies. - usually a reserved man can turn into a monster and completely destroy the opponent's business.

A compromise with your conscience is unacceptable for such serious guys, such guys almost never agree to admit someone else's opinion, and if necessary, they can provoke a conflict.

Their reliability and perseverance are appreciated by their superiors, they are set as an example, they are entrusted with the most important tasks. Interestingly, the Virgo-Snakes are far from being altruists, but the issue of financial reward is not the main one in their career.

Such people are more focused on results. In old age, however, financial prosperity overtakes him, and he is very proud of it, because of his merit.

Astrologers believe that, on the verge of self-sacrifice, an attitude to work is unnecessary in the life of a Virgo man. They need to be more distracted, think about rest - this will bring noticeable results both in family relationships and in increasing self-esteem. As relaxation, yoga classes and frequent jogging are recommended for men of this sign.


To understand what other signs of the zodiac it will be easy for a Virgo-Snake man to go through life, create a family and achieve career growth, it is necessary to consult with the stars and astrologers.

A sensitive and sensible guy will be able to create a wonderful family with representatives of the following signs: Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio.

With a Taurus woman, a Virgo man will create a long and lasting union: both are realists and do not make bright plans, realistically assessing the circumstances. Both signs love to relax with their family, do not like to waste money, but some may consider them a little boring. This is not entirely true: the absence of the intensity of passions and extreme sports does not mean that they are dying of boredom, on the contrary, the spouses are self-sufficient and they feel good together.

The Cancer woman perfectly complements the reserved Virgo man. Yes, without the heat of passion, but firmly and reliably. Quarrels, of course, can be present, but both of these signs understand the need to restore peace and harmony, since on their shoulders is the responsibility for family and children. In such a pair, a man is a breadwinner, and a woman is a wonderful housewife.

"Mirror" marriage - this is how the union of two Virgins can be called. The spouses see their own reflection in each other, so each of them tries to correct the shortcomings of the other half, which does not always pass calmly and peacefully. But then two Virgos are double rationalism, sober calculation. Both do not like sighs on the bench and aimless contemplation of the moon, their family has their own orders and traditions, which they cherish and adhere to the established order.

If a Scorpio woman and a Virgo man can find a common language, then their marriage will be quite successful. The spouses are bound by a heightened sense of justice, they are hardworking and honest, efficient and responsible. The ardent sensuality of Scorpio fully compensates for the rationalism of Virgo, but sometimes her outbursts of energy frighten her spouse. But a woman will sometimes be surprised at the pedantry and frugality of her husband, but together they will be able to understand and forgive everything.

A Sagittarius woman can become a worthy chosen one of a Virgo man, if both learn not to violate the boundaries of each other's freedom. But the physical proximity of these two signs is beyond praise.

The Capricorn woman can raise the already inflated self-esteem of Virgo, help him in his career. The spouses will do an excellent job with various problems, and this despite the fact that there is no ardent passion here: work, family and responsibilities will be able to unite these people for many years.

Women Pisces and Aquarius, Libra and Leo, of course, can also make up a worthy half to Virgo born in the year of the Snake, but there are many conventions here. But relationships with Pisces and Gemini do not bode well - such marriages are short-lived and emotionally unstable.

Although the stars recommend that Virgo men fight for their happiness if they are deeply in love.

Characteristics of a man born under the sign of Virgo, see below.


Twin wife, together for 25 years ... So this is all conditional ...

Wife - Gemini, divorced after 20 years of marriage.

My virgin husband is the opposite of what is written!

Catherine 12.06.2021 22:21

My husband is a virgin. Married for 12 years. I am Aquarius. To call him a devil is an insult to the devil. My sign is worse, but we are happy together.

I am the Virgo-Serpent, the wife is the Capricorn-Dragon, everything is clearly written.

An accurate description of my ex.

I am Virgo, he is Virgo-Snake. Yes, almost everything is true.


the beauty
