Virgo compatibility

Virgo and Gemini compatibility in friendship and love

Virgo and Gemini compatibility in friendship and love
  1. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac
  2. Friendship compatibility
  3. Love relationship perspective
  4. Secrets of a harmonious marriage
  5. Possible conflicts

For representatives of different zodiac signs of both sexes, common interests, reliability and understanding in a partner are needed. How compatible the union of Virgo and Gemini is - we will consider in our material.

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac


Virgo is the sixth of the zodiac signs, corresponding to the elements of the Earth. Its representatives are born between August 22 and September 23. They are distinguished by a calm disposition, they love order in everything, and are somewhat conservative. They are born realists and pragmatists, with an insightful mind and comprehensive knowledge. They love to stand firmly on their feet, which is why they seem to many to be overly rational, practical and calculating.

Virgo's love of order, however, does not come down to painful perfectionism. They need consistency both in life and in relationships. Such people are very selective and careful in their acquaintances, they look closely at the person of interest for a long time, as if "trying on". They perfectly understand that there are no ideal people.

Wonderful workers and lovely colleagues, Virgos don't put themselves first. Their innate and completely vain modesty prevents them from protruding their personal "I". As a rule, their external data is above average, and a clear mind, combined with high performance, could be excellent impetus for moving up the career ladder.

But these quiet individualists do not like and simply do not know how to advertise themselves.

They can converge with different people, but they feel quite comfortable alone. Virgos do not make pioneers, talented engines of progress or public figures. It is rather a sign of being led by people.Excellent performers, they can, with their painstaking work, embody almost any daring idea. They always bring what they started to the end, are gradual and thorough in their thoughts and actions.

It sometimes seems to others that these are such “things in themselves”, dark horses. But this kind of detachment hides not evil thoughts, but often a kind heart. Virgos can experience the deepest emotional experiences, so they take care of themselves from various anxieties. They already doubt a lot and take a long time to make a decision. But having already chosen any path once, they will firmly and confidently walk along it, stubbornly and with concentration overcoming all kinds of obstacles.


The representatives of the air element Gemini, who are born from May 21 to June 21, are absolutely opposite to Virgo. Constant duality and contradiction, inconstancy, mind games characterize these people. Probably the only thing that brings them closer to Virgo is a sharp and agile critical mind. They are also intellectuals and will always appreciate an interesting conversation partner.

They love all kinds of events, to be in society and in the spotlight. They can chat for hours and not repeat themselves even once. Their broad outlook, however, is often combined with superficial knowledge in many areas. They love to play a trick, but not on themselves, appreciating an excellent sense of humor in other people. Gemini can manipulate huge flows of information both outside and in their head. This allows them to choose specialties of an intelligent profile, as well as work related to communication and a huge number of people.

The rapidly changing series of faces does not bother, but as if, on the contrary, recharges Gemini. Eternal optimists, they attract people to themselves and often become the soul in any company. At the same time, they themselves cannot be constantly committed to one narrow circle of contacts. Gemini is in the eternal search for new people, information, impressions. Tireless, dexterous, cunning, such people cope with almost everything they undertake. The main thing is that the work is not formal, routine and monotonous.

It is very difficult for Gemini men and women to build long-term relationships. They are unrestrained in language, so that loved ones often suffer from their inappropriate jokes and subtle remarks. Themselves are far from ideal, they often flirt, forget about the promised, but at the same time do not even find it necessary to apologize. They are firmly convinced that these are just cute, forgivable trifles.

The most important feeling for the representatives of this sign is the feeling of freedom. They should be the masters of their time, opportunities, expression of emotions. This often causes bouts of jealousy on the part of their halves. At the same time, the twins just shrug their shoulders and go into the shadows.

They often do not dare to betray, and they do not like to limit themselves in the manifestation of coquetry, which they consider to be just emotional communication.

Friendship compatibility

Oddly enough, but despite the difference in views and life goals, Virgo and Gemini can become good friends. They kind of complement each other, giving the partner what he has in abundance and lack. They can be connected by a common hobby or just a love of talking about anything. For representatives of both signs, Jupiter is an important governing planet. He gives his wards remarkable intelligence, a sharp practical mind, good communication skills.

However, these will not be friends "inseparable", who one after another can go into fire and into water. The ideal relationship model for such a couple is to meet, chat and break up, occasionally exchanging messages during the work week. If a Virgo has difficulties, then he (or she) will rather go into the shadows and think about ways to solve them, not relying on a windy comrade. Gemini will simply try to get away from solving the problem, expecting that everything will work out by itself. They don't like unpleasant and boring chores too much.

Virgo who prefer coziness and comfort will not like Gemini's constant desire to seek new acquaintances. They can go together once a week to the same restaurant or even meet at lunchtime. This friendship between a man and a woman will be exactly that classic model that many do not believe in. In fact, their relationship is unlikely to ever grow into something more. Both are too realistic and insightful, do not flatter themselves about their comrade. They believe that a good friendship and an excellent intellectual duel are better than a bad romance with a person who is too different from you.

Such relationships are considered to be quite complex. These zodiac signs can perfectly show their qualities in contact with each other as independent work colleagues or partners with different areas of tasks. It is about them there is a proverb "one head is good, and two is better." They will not be able to constantly spend their free time like true friends and will quickly get bored. A strong relationship means being involved in each other's affairs. A wide circle and a constant change of interests of Gemini will soon tire Virgo.

And the vital interests of earthly representatives who are long swaying to the actions of earthly representatives will very soon be able to extinguish the interest of the fickle Gemini.

Love relationship perspective

In the combination of Virgo girl - Gemini guy, only a possible short-lived, but vivid romance is visible. Virgo can fall in love with a dazzling young man who will always come up with a thousand options to spend time interestingly and turn out to be an excellent conversationalist. She can be won by the intellect and external attractiveness of a man, his popularity with the opposite sex. Gemini, on the other hand, will be interested in a modest, closed and seemingly cold girl, whom they will have to achieve and gradually reveal for themselves.

They may have a sparkling passion, a beautiful candy-bouquet period, but after the rapprochement, a cooling will come. The fact is that partners are not compatible enough in sex. Virgo is quite traditional and seeks emotional feedback from a partner. The Gemini man is not used to giving himself to one person, even if so close. In addition, a series of constant mistresses taught him to variety in bed, which with Virgo will be quite difficult to implement.

Spending time together will be good at the recognition stage. Soon, the woman will be frightened off by the inconstancy and variability of her partner's windy nature. He, in turn, will not appreciate the homeliness, grooming and neatness of his beloved. The search for new hobbies will negate such a shallow attachment to the Gemini, and then he will simply go to win new hearts. Virgo will not be able to wait long for her man, be jealous and torment herself. Of course, she will suffer internally, but she will prefer to break the bond that is difficult for her.

More promising in this regard is the relationship between a Virgo man and a Gemini woman. Although they are not very compatible in love, the qualities inherent in each sign are best and less harmlessly manifest themselves in this combination with the opposite sex. Lightness and recklessness, childlike spontaneity is more suitable for a Gemini girl. She will be forgiven for inattention and forgetfulness, the desire to shoot with her eyes without crossing the bounds of decency.

The Virgo man will be able to attract his girlfriend with his solidity, the ability to stand firmly on his feet and solve various practical issues and problems. Still, such a guy will always delightfully listen to the sweet chirping of a partner, which only plays into the hands of the Gemini. However, both of them will enjoy communication.

The difficulty can be that Gemini is quite freedom-loving. The cornerstone in a relationship can be the desire of a Virgo to limit her companion in something or impose her point of view and vision of the world.This can anger a sophisticated intellectual, because she herself knows how and when it is better for her to act in a given situation.

Such a couple will be able to get closer if they do not spend all the time together. A Virgo man should trust his beloved more and not expect a dirty trick from her, let her go to events and noisy companies. The twins will appreciate this and will enthusiastically tell about all the events of the past tense.

If the Gemini girl begins to perceive a certain tediousness of her man as a sincere and genuine concern for her, then they will have a chance to continue the romantic story.

Secrets of a harmonious marriage

Family ties for representatives of these signs are so rare that it is all the more difficult to talk about harmony in them. When determining compatibility, you should always take into account the position of many planets at the birth of a person, which can radically change a personal horoscope. In addition, the year of birth according to the Eastern calendar and its animal patron, under which each sign of the zodiac is located, has a great influence on the character. Such a nuance can give the representative of a certain sign the traits he needs and mitigate the weaknesses of the personality.

It is difficult to say with certainty on the basis of the signs of the zodiac alone whether people are suitable for each other.

Gemini and Virgo are opposite not only in their governing elements, temperament, lifestyle, sexual addictions. They are also dissimilar in relation to money, raising offspring, perception of the world, which will significantly complicate the relationship between spouses. But if such an alliance has become possible, then it would be more correct to understand the merits and demerits of the character of both. And it would be wise to perceive these some disadvantages as features and direct them for the good of family life.

So, Virgo has a serious, responsible attitude to money. They spend little and plan purchases, they can even be a little tight-fisted. Such an attitude, of course, will upset the Gemini, especially if it is a woman in a pair. She will want beautiful signs of attention and unexpected expenses. In this case, you should agree and allocate in the family budget the amount that Gemini can spend spontaneously, without reporting to the thrifty Virgo. But the management of the family budget and large purchases can be safely thrown onto the shoulders of a man.

A partially separate budget is also suitable for such a family, in which the partners add up part of the money for general family needs, and each leaves a part for himself.

A Virgo in a relationship should change the notation and didactic tone for friendly sympathy. It is worth giving valuable advice to Gemini when they themselves ask for it. Then the Virgo man will hear less caustic response criticism in his address. Partners need to speak out any conflict as friendly as possible, without mutual accusations. This will most likely lead the couple to a consensus, because the main thing in any dispute is the result of the birth of a truth that will suit both.

When getting married, it is better for both of them to take their time and take off their rose-colored glasses. Otherwise, the gradually revealing traits of a partner can disappoint or even kill feelings. Family life reveals all the hidden strings of everyone's soul, so you shouldn't pretend for a long time and be better than you really are. Gemini should take off their secular mask of infantilism and lightness and show a deep mind and understanding of things. It is good for a Virgo to be business-like and thorough in moderation. You should not constantly, like a child, protect Gemini from rash steps. The very process of stuffing cones is not as scary for them as it is for a detailed Virgo. The air sign quickly forgets about its failures and moves further towards adventure with optimism.

The union of a Virgo man with a Gemini woman can be successful if she nevertheless decides to build her nest and marries according to clever calculation (not always in relation to money).Then she will be able to give her spouse sincere ease, ignite him with ideas, distract him after a hard day at work. The husband will become more involved in the interests of his wife and spend more and more time with her. Sometimes partners should be alone, you can even go separately on vacation. With due trust, this will not hurt, but, on the contrary, will strengthen family relationships.

In an intimate sense, it will also be easier for them to get used to each other if they can frankly discuss their desires and preferences in bed.

If the spouses turn out to be a Gemini man and a Virgo woman, then the situation may be more complicated. Male criticism can undermine the already low self-esteem of his partner against the background of his constant love affairs. Virgo can become even more isolated in himself, jealous and analyze all his conceivable negative qualities.

It is difficult for Creative Gemini to understand the pragmatic nature of Virgos. But it is worth remembering that it is the scrupulous and businesslike approach of this earth sign that will be able to translate the dreams of Gemini hovering in the clouds into tangible results. And such support is especially important for them, since their numerous, but superficial social contacts do not promise these sociable representatives of the zodiac sign any reliable help from friends for entertainment.

Virgo's punctuality and responsibility can complement Gemini's adventurous and frivolous lifestyle. Those, in turn, can teach Dev-workaholics sometimes to rest and have fun, to relate to life easier. Earthly Virgos will become a reliable support for their soulmate. If she does not resist, then over time she will learn to bring what she started to its logical end and fulfill her promises. For both, it is important that these changes take place in a natural and gradual manner. You cannot force a partner. It is important that he himself wants to meet halfway and reveal new qualities in himself, appreciating in another what he previously considered to be shortcomings.

Possible conflicts

There are unpleasant moments and misunderstandings in all respects. The main thing is not to disperse in different corners and not to aggravate the situation with proud silence. Of course, if emotions go off scale, it is better to wait out the boil of the volcano of passions, and only then start a constructive dialogue. Most often, the problems boil down to the fact that Virgo is jealous of Gemini towards others. This is partly justified, because the second half is very sociable and enjoys constant success with the opposite sex.

Gemini love flirting, hints, light coquetry. However, according to the reviews of the representatives of the zodiac sign themselves, being in the family, they are unlikely to decide on real betrayal.

They need emotions and admiration like air. Gemini simply feed on energy during communication.

Therefore, the jealous feelings of a Virgo man or woman for his fickle partner are not always fair. Superficiality often hides simply sociability and excessive empathy. In fact, Gemini is capable of strong feelings, especially if they are in tune with the mind. The general advice to both will be to listen more and trust your partner. Try to communicate and be interested in your spouse's hobbies, look for more advantages in your union and not pay attention to the opinions of others. After all, the success of the family is directly in the hands of the couple themselves.

You will learn more about the union of Virgo and Gemini in the following video.

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