Virgo compatibility

Virgo and Libra: compatibility in love and friendship

Virgo and Libra: compatibility in love and friendship
  1. Characteristic
  2. Friendship compatibility
  3. Love relationship perspective
  4. Are they compatible in sex?
  5. Family behavior
  6. How to win the representatives of such zodiac signs?
  7. Possible conflicts

Astrologers believe that the compatibility of Virgo and Libra in love and friendship is ambiguous. The representatives of these signs of the zodiac have common features, but in many ways such people are completely different and very poorly suited to each other. However, if you wish, you can still find common ground.


Virgo usually prefers to avoid large crowds of people, cheerful friendly companies. Representatives of this zodiac sign tend to choose a home environment, an interesting book. These people strive to put everything on the shelves, systematize, streamline the world around them. This makes them feel much calmer and more confident.

The following main features of such people can be distinguished:

  • honesty;
  • independence;
  • organization;
  • love of work;
  • pedantry;
  • the tendency to take care of things;
  • discipline;
  • equilibrium.

A negative trait of the representatives of this zodiac sign is the tendency to pay a lot of attention to little things, to get too hung up on them.

Because of this disadvantage, you can miss out on many opportunities in your life. Virgos are prone to criticism, and they are almost always sure that it is for the good. So, Virgo seeks to improve the person whom she criticizes, but she does not at all realize that this is repulsive, annoying and only worsens the situation. At the same time, such people react very painfully to criticism of others.

As for Libra, they are usually rather indecisive, contradictory. Such people are diplomatic, conflict-free.They go to their goals with the help of compromises, concessions, they are rather philosophical about failures. In some cases, Libra is hard, stubborn.

The main features of representatives of such a zodiac sign:

  • thrift;
  • sociability;
  • indecision;
  • intelligence;
  • sophistication, elegance;
  • kindness;
  • practicality;
  • diplomacy.

    If necessary and desired, Libra works very well, however, they are very prone to being lazy and resting more. These people take revenge mercilessly and cruelly, so you shouldn't offend them. They love comfort very much. Failures Libra is hard to bear, often because of them fall into a depressive state, apathy. One of the most frustrating traits of these people is their tendency to shift responsibility onto others.

    Friendship compatibility

    In this regard, representatives of such zodiac signs are very poorly compatible. The friendly relationship between them cannot be called very warm. Libras are known to be highly sensitive to harsh remarks from other people, and Virgos are known for their penchant for criticism. For this reason, Libra will take offense at them very often. Virgo's sarcastic exercises can cause mutual quarrels and resentments.

    The Libra guy loves to communicate with other people, he is looking for ease in everything. He will not always agree with the Virgo girl, who sees flaws in everything. As for the communication between a Virgo man and a Libra woman, it is very likely that the lady will begin to take offense at a friend, because he will often omit sharp remarks, and for a variety of reasons.

    Representatives of this zodiac sign do not see anything bad in such behavior and criticize without any malicious intent, but Libra is too sensitive for such communication.

    Love relationship perspective

    Love may well arise between representatives of such signs of the zodiac, however, it will be quite difficult to keep it. Libras are usually very unhappy with the frequent criticism of Virgos, their excessive desire for order. Virgo does not like that her partner is indecisive, prone to hesitation, doubts. Representatives of such a zodiac sign respect strong-willed, decisive individuals.

    The relationship between a Virgo girl and a Libra guy will be pretty good. Such a lady is practical, she will restrain a man's tendency to take unnecessary risks. She will, as it were, "ground" the chosen one. It's also worth noting that these people are usually pretty curious. Both are intelligent, interested in art, culture.

    The representative of the zodiac sign Libra will strive with all his might to attract the attention of the charming Virgo. The picky Virgo will be conquered by his sharp mind and wonderful manners. Problems will begin if Virgo criticizes the chosen one too much: the man will think that the lady is trying to remake him. It is possible that after this he will begin to move away. Libras usually do not pay attention to the little things, and for Virgo they are very important.

    Such men are usually quite irresponsible, and ladies tend to be pragmatic. They strive to convey this quality to their partner. It will be very difficult to achieve mutual understanding, but it is possible. Both partners hate hustle and bustle, noise and love coziness and comfort. Pleasant surprises for each other, affection and tenderness, touching confessions can lead to good interaction, harmony in romantic relationships.

    Between a Libra lady and a Virgo man, the relationship will be difficult. Such a representative of the fair sex may be dissatisfied with the fact that her chosen one is not passionate and romantic enough. It is possible that she will demonstrate a storm of emotions, which is unlikely to please a calm, reserved man who does not like impulsiveness at all.

    If the couple fights very often, it can lead to the end of the relationship. To avoid this, you should control your behavior: this applies to both Virgo and Libra.It is necessary to admit your own mistakes, exchange advice (but not pressure), listen to each other, and avoid aggressiveness.

    To improve relationships, you will need to become friends, not just lovers.

    Are they compatible in sex?

    Libra is very fond of everything beautiful, aesthetic: this also applies to sex. They love erotic games and are very sensual. Virgos, however, cannot be called very temperamental, such representatives of the fair sex are rarely inclined to long preludes. On the contrary, many of them often tend to finish early. In bed, such ladies are usually quite constrained, so in sexual terms, Virgo and Libra interact rather badly with each other: in order to maintain a relationship, everyone in a couple will have to make compromises.

    Libra lady is playful and inclined to tenderness, aimed at pleasure. In bed with a Virgo man, she can feel quite free, comfortable, even get great pleasure, however, the wrong behavior of a partner can quickly destroy the whole atmosphere of sensuality and trust. This can be, for example, an inappropriate remark, a stinging glance. Something like this can alienate the girl, greatly offend her. The Libra woman really wants the chosen one to idolize her, but Virgo can hardly be called an ardent gentleman and romantic.

    Virgo is always logical, consistent, and for Libra, feelings, impulses come first. This pragmatic lady should try to be liberated in sex and in the expressions of her emotions if she wants to keep such an ardent man. You can behave like a temptress, a temptress: give your chosen one the opportunity to enjoy sexual play, do not avoid foreplay. As for Libra, they should not demand everything from women, who have logic in the first place, all at once. Reveal the sensuality of your beloved ones gradually, and the results will delight you. The main thing is patience and a little more tenderness, affection.

    Family behavior

    Virgo and Libra have a lot of contradictions in marriage. Virgo Libra usually lacks attention, affection, because such people are very romantic. Representatives of the earth sign do not understand the desire of the air to be outside the house, to communicate a lot. They are much more concerned about the material well-being of the family. The union will be good only if both partners fully accept each other's character traits and often compromise.

    Between a Virgo woman and a Libra man, the relationship in marriage will be pretty good. In such a pair, there are usually no bright passions and violent emotions, but the partners communicate with each other quite well.

    The lady really likes the inclination of the stronger sex to justice, she will easily take on the organization of a cozy atmosphere and cleanliness in the house.

    A Virgo woman usually gives her husband good advice. She offers him various ideas, points out his shortcomings. However, the husband does not always need advice, he can perceive them as pressure, however, such people rarely show their dissatisfaction. A woman needs to try to be delicate, otherwise irritation will begin to accumulate in her chosen one, which sooner or later will cause a serious quarrel. At first he will hold back, but he will not be able to do this forever.

    Between Libra's wife and Virgo's husband is average compatibility. They usually solve problems in completely different ways, and for this reason, disputes can arise between them. Representatives of the earth sign rarely have difficulties with a choice, most often they are quite decisive, but Libra is prone to hesitation. The husband prefers to rest at home, in comfort and tranquility, but his wife really likes to spend time with friends. On this basis, conflicts can also arise between them. To avoid quarrels, you should make compromises: spend the same time both relaxing together and communicating with other people.

    How to win the representatives of such zodiac signs?

    In reviews, on the forums, many say that it is very difficult to conquer Libra. Such people do not always behave understandably to others, usually they are entirely in their thoughts. They really need to feel love and care. The partner of such a person must learn to feel his mood without any words. Of course, this usually happens when two people have been together for a long time and know each other very well. It is necessary to praise Libra, celebrate all their achievements, even extol to some extent. So the person will feel your respect, admiration. This will be the first step to a relationship.

    Libras need to be interested in their originality, as well as intellectuality, love of art. This will help them understand that they can talk to you about their favorite topics. You must have your own interests, friends. Libra is unlikely to be interested in a person who wants to do only home and family. As for Virgos, they value elegance, sophistication, and erudition. Their partner must be smart. A person who cannot be called intellectual is unlikely to even be able to interest Virgo, and it will be completely difficult to maintain such a miraculous relationship.

    It should also be borne in mind that representatives of such a zodiac sign prefer unobtrusiveness, modesty.

    Impudence, familiarity disgust them. For this reason, you should not think that assertiveness will help you conquer the Virgo - on the contrary, she will run away very quickly and in the future will not respond to your signs of attention. Be patient, do not allow rudeness and bad manners (they seem disgusting to both men and women Virgo). Demonstrate to a potential partner that you are good at listening: this way you can quickly win over him to you.

    Possible conflicts

    The representative of the earth sign must understand that the Libra person reacts very sensitively to criticism of his point of view. Conflicts can arise if Virgo is very harsh, so she should be softer, more delicate. Libra needs to try to spend less time with friends and be at home more often, otherwise Virgo will be very unhappy. Of course, all this does not mean that everyone needs to completely suppress their inclinations, but they should restrain, control, try to make compromises. So your partner will understand that you value him, and will also meet halfway.

    Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko will tell you about the compatibility of Virgo and Libra in the next video.

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