
Characteristics and compatibility of a Virgo woman born in the year of the Dragon

Characteristics and compatibility of a Virgo woman born in the year of the Dragon
  1. Character
  2. Behavior
  3. What kind of man does she need?
  4. Career and attitude to money
  5. What signs is an alliance possible with?

Virgo-Dragon has a complex and contradictory character. This woman surprisingly combines femininity, vulnerability and the strength of the male spirit. Such a woman is ready to take risks for her own benefit. In addition, Virgo, born in the Year of the Dragon, is not used to losing.


The Virgo woman, born in the Year of the Dragon, is a very mysterious and secretive person. She is not ready to share her feelings and emotions with others, she tries to keep everything to herself, and it is never clear what is on her mind. In communication, she behaves relaxed and openly, always ready for new acquaintances.

The representative of this zodiac sign is a very erudite person. The girl loves to read, learn something new and interesting. The Virgo-Dragon's hobbies are very different: from reading books to extreme sports. This girl tries to cover all the most interesting areas of life and tries to be comprehensively developed.

By nature, the Virgo-Dragon is endowed with the ability to analyze and think outside the box. Thanks to this, a woman always makes the right decisions and achieves success in work and in her personal life. This woman often makes certain plans, loves to think through everything in advance, draws herself this or that picture from her future, etc. But when she faces difficulties and the fact that not everything is going according to plan, the Dragon Virgo starts to get very nervous. Excessive nervousness interferes with her life, and because of this, she often spoils relationships with others.

Among the shortcomings in the characteristics of this woman, one can single out the fact that the Dragon-Virgo often sets itself unbearable tasks. This woman should learn to realistically assess her strengths so as not to face setbacks.Raising its own bar, the Dragon-Virgo demands high results from others.

This negatively affects her personal family life.


At work, at home with family, in the company of friends or acquaintances, Virgo-Dragons behave differently. From the outside, this woman seems cold and inaccessible, but it is worth getting to know her a little closer, and she reveals herself from a completely different side.

In society

Finding herself in an unfamiliar society or in a new team, the Virgo woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is in no hurry to reveal her soul and demonstrate her character to everyone. First of all, she looks at people and decides for herself who can be trusted and who is not.

As a rule, such women make acquaintances only with those people, communication with whom will bring them some benefit. Therefore, the Dragon Virgins get along well with the management and with some colleagues.

If the Dragon-Virgo occupies a leadership position, then be prepared for the fact that this woman will command not only at work. Her commanding tone and habit of leadership will manifest itself both in relation to friends, girlfriends, and in her personal life.

She makes very high demands on colleagues and acquaintances. Whoever turns out to be a weak link in the environment, she immediately throws out of her life. Working next to such a woman is very difficult. And to work under her leadership, to put it mildly, is hard.

Despite her complex nature, many are still in no hurry to break off relations with her, and all because the Dragon-Virgo can help a lot.

When people turn to her for help, she almost never refuses.

In love

A determined and strong-willed Virgo-Dragon woman behaves very shyly in personal relationships. She tries to treat her soulmate with understanding, tenderness and love. This woman will always be sincerely interested in the hobbies and work of her lover. She will try to support her man in everything.

The main thing is that he was comfortable next to her.

By their nature, such women have an inexplicable attractiveness, thanks to which there are always enough admirers in their environment. Virgo-Dragon does not tolerate romance in a relationship.

It often happens that the Dragon-Virgo ceases to control itself and its emotions, ceases to be white and fluffy and shows its strict and difficult character. Such a drastic change frightens many of the elect. Men in a society of such a strong-willed and even domineering woman begin to get lost, feel discomfort, and as a result, the relationship simply ends.


Only a strong-willed man who sincerely loves the Dragon Maiden can marry such a woman. This girl can for a long time experience the feelings of her beloved man, arrange various tests for him and demand confirmation of his feelings from him. Of course, not everyone can pass such tests. For this reason, Virgo, born in the year of the Dragon, enters into legal marriage in adulthood. As a rule, after thirty-five years, and sometimes later.

Many representatives of this zodiac sign remain in the old maidens at all and are very calm about this.

In family relationships, Virgo-Dragon tries to prove herself as a gentle and caring spouse. True, she does not always succeed. This woman does not like change and does not tolerate lies. Therefore, if she feels that her husband began to change in relation to her, began to lie, then life next to such a woman will be simply unbearable.

Virgo, born in the year of the Dragon, will express all her emotions, claims and grievances to her spouse directly. She is not one of those women who are distinguished by wisdom and cunning, who know how to remain silent or ignore certain situations.

All issues in the Dragon-Virgo family are trying to solve independently. She rarely takes into account the opinions of others and will not listen to the advice of her spouse.

What kind of man does she need?

Considering all the peculiarities of the difficult character of this woman, it becomes clear that she needs an unusual man. Virgo-Dragon dreams of having a man nearby who will understand her perfectly. A man must be faithful and sincere in everything. This woman does not tolerate lies and always feels when a person is telling the truth.

In addition, the chosen one of this woman must be a real intellectual, erudite and well-read young man. The Dragon-Virgo herself is very fond of reading books of various genres, and she needs an interlocutor with whom she could discuss the book, talk on different topics.

In the event that the Dragon Virgo finds such a man with whom it will be interesting to talk about everything every day, this woman will turn a blind eye to all his other shortcomings.

Career and attitude to money

The career of this woman can be quite successful. Virgo, born in the Year of the Dragon, has shown various talents and abilities from childhood. Therefore, in adulthood, a woman easily finds application for all her talents. In whatever area the representative of this zodiac sign works, everywhere she can achieve success.

The main thing for the Dragon-Virgo is to work in the job that she likes and enjoys. She is used to always realistically assessing her chances in work, she never builds illusions about her abilities, so she does what she is interested in and what she does well. In her work, the Virgo-Dragon shows excessive pedantry and high efficiency.

If desired, this lady can easily earn big money and live very luxuriously at the same time. But this is not an end in itself for her. Virgo-Dragon may well be content with even a small salary.

This woman does not waste money on trifles, she spends only on what is needed.

What signs is an alliance possible with?

Virgo, born in the year of the Dragon, has good compatibility with men born under the signs of Aries, Cancer and Taurus.

Aries is that man who can close his eyes to the strong character of his chosen one. He can calmly tolerate her imperious tone and will be ready to completely submit to her will.

A man born under the Cancer zodiac sign strives to create a strong family. The Dragon Maiden will love this. In family life, Cancer manifests itself as a calm and reliable partner, so this man will be able to get along with this strong woman.

But in order to build a harmonious relationship with Taurus, the Virgo woman will have to work on herself. Taurus is not used to being led by a woman. Therefore, if the Dragon-Virgo wants to build a strong relationship with such a man, then you will have to restrain yourself at home and be softer.

For the compatibility of the Virgo woman with other signs, see the video below.

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