
Characteristics of a Virgo woman born in the year of the Rat

Characteristics of a Virgo woman born in the year of the Rat
  1. Virgo-Rat woman traits
  2. The emotional sphere of life of the Virgo, born in the year of the Rat
  3. Virgo born in the year of the Rat in her personal life
  4. Compatibility in love with other signs

Everyone who was born in the period from August 24 to September 23 in 1948 and every subsequent 12 years lives under the sign of Virgo-Rat.

People born in the year of the Rat under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by their ability to create a positive opinion about their person. They always try to look presentable and create the most comfortable atmosphere in communication. These are pronounced intellectuals, exploring in detail everything that happens around them.

Virgo-Rat walks confidently through life, boldly setting goals for itself, without leaving the course. She calculates every action and ponders actions, trying to foresee the emergence of possible difficulties and obstacles for several years to come. These people surprisingly combine pragmatism and sensuality. They understand exactly how their career, personal life and communication with the environment should develop. They rely on their own ego to build their destiny. And if they have a rejection of a person, they nullify the relationship with him.

Those born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Rat boast a keen observation and a logical mindset. Their emotionality allows them to accept everything new with a positive, to notice those advantages that are not visible to others.

Rats cautiously subject everything to scrupulous analysis, examining each situation in order not to fall under the "blow of fate." Caution and frugality are their credo, and these people also do not miss chances and create their own financial well-being.

Virgo-Rat woman traits

Representatives of this sign and the year support their appearance with all their might.Careful self-care, health monitoring and fashion trends - this is the whole Virgo, who was born in the year of the Rat. She is distinguished by refined manners, good breeding, natural taste and elegance. That is why she is so attractive to others.

To the liking of the Virgo of the Year of the Rat, she is decent and kind-hearted, unable to betray and carefully keeping all secrets. She will not reveal someone else's secret, no matter what happens. He also takes responsibility for these promises. The reliability and nobility of such people is very captivating. Therefore, they have many sincere girlfriends and friends.

The Rat woman under the sign of Virgo will never use forbidden techniques, achieving the set heights. Backstage games and sneaky intrigues are not her theme. The distinctive character traits of these people are good nature and openness. They are sincere and appreciate everything human in people, especially noting the intellect and mind.

In friendship, the Rat Virgo is always loyal, even despite all the shortcomings of their friends. Ill-wishers cause only condescension in noble Virgins.

Virgo-Rat will be able to realize himself in many ways. A manager or leader in any area is within her reach. Her striving for self-improvement makes her a real reference on many issues and an excellent analyst. In work, it is distinguished by high stress resistance, you can even call this quality impenetrability.

This is a hardworking sign, approaching business with diligence and diligence. Demanding and perseverance turns her into an ideal employee and colleague, with whom it is always comfortable to associate.

The emotional sphere of life of the Virgo, born in the year of the Rat

The love relationship of the Virgo of the Year of the Rat is sometimes difficult on an emotional level. All because of the extreme pickiness of the eternally criticizing Virgo. She is demanding and this breaks the harmony when paired with different signs of the zodiac.

Family happiness can also be overshadowed by her mania for order and cleanliness, focusing much attention on everyday trifles. But at the same time, the Virgo-Rat cannot be reproached for callousness. There is no more patient and caring mother, wife and grandmother.

This is a strong personality, accustomed to acting and relying on his own mind and intuition. And although the latter is not too developed for her, in harness with hard work she achieves goals in any area. An invaluable quality - to bring everything to the point - increases her chances of winning hundreds of times.

He is a brilliant analyst who knows how to foresee what development this or that situation will have. Therefore, her decisions are weighed and deliberate, and her actions are calculated long before the moment when something can go wrong.

The Rat Virgins make excellent CFOs and accountants, masters of skillful strategies and creators of successful businesses. They are excellent organizers who never take advantage of a favorable position only for their own good.

Virgo born in the year of the Rat in her personal life

These girls have a very serious approach to choosing a companion. She leads the selection with scrupulousness characteristic of her nature. Requirements put forward to the applicants are very clear and solid. Both the appearance and the intellectual content plus the potential of the financial level are assessed. She will remain indifferent to both the rich idiot and the poor genius. The harmony of the spiritual and the material is very important for her.

There will never be a loser or an inactive dreamer who does not know how to make a living next to her. The powerful energy of Virgo attracts a horde of fans, which means that there are great chances to choose the ideal one.

However, her tendency to suppress threatens a cloudless relationship with discord. Only with age does the Virgo-Rat woman understand how to better interact with a partner, skillfully applying her power without exerting pressure. The birth of children in the family also contributes to a softening of character.

The house of such hostesses is always clean and welcomes guests. Here they are greeted with a smile and the aroma of homemade cookies and delicious coffee.The interests of everyone are respected here, and you don't want to leave the walls of a welcoming home for hours.

Discerning Virgos use their subtle intuition to recognize the mood of a spouse, children and relatives, try in every possible way to unite them and unite family interests.

Compatibility in love with other signs

Sensual and emotional Virgo-Rats are looking for partners for love with a common outlook and ideas about life. They need those who are willing to listen and understand. There are no strict requirements for the candidate.

The union of two people born in the year of the Rat is not entirely simple and successful, but harmony in intimate relationships allows you to turn a blind eye to many things.

An almost idyllic picture of married life with Taurus, Aries and Cancer. The arrogant Rat in the sign of Virgo will not be satisfied with the arrogance of Sagittarius and the pride of Pisces. She needs constant support and care. Capricorn can suppress Virgo, but Cancer and Virgo will become soul mates, allies in all endeavors. As the reviews say, ties with Gemini and Pisces will be tense.

For female and family happiness, the Virgo-Rat should be more indulgent towards her spouse and loyal to children. And do not forget that attention is not an attempt to reshape in your own way, but a manifestation of care and sincerity.

You can learn more about this person in this video.

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