
Virgo Tiger woman traits

Virgo Tiger woman traits
  1. Features characteristics
  2. In love, family and marriage
  3. In finance and career
  4. Tips for Virgo Tigers

According to the astrological calendar, those born in the period from August 24 to September 23 are considered Virgos, and if they were born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, then they are also Tigers.

Features characteristics

The Virgo's prudence, combined with the Tiger's love of freedom, give their owners originality and originality. They are called the favorites of fate, because they succeed in everything, many dreams of representatives of these signs come true.

In such women, the irascibility of character is especially pronounced: they revel in delight when they argue, and do not think at all about the possible consequences. Gambling and cocky, they flare up even in minor controversial situations. They are especially concerned with topics related to personal freedom, rights to self-expression.

They like to change surroundings. Not lingering at one place of residence, the Tiger Virgins love to travel very much. This makes them happy, fills them with new emotions. They especially jealously value personal space, selflessly protecting its inviolability.

In times of confidence in their own safety, we are ready to take part in the most risky activities.

They know how to define goals and find the right ways to achieve them, while showing perseverance and decisiveness.

Such women like comfort, beautiful clothes and prestigious leisure. They can provide all this on their own, making every effort in labor activity.

Representatives of these signs are recognized comedians. Their humor is very tactful and harmless, allowing them to maintain good relations with others.However, a "sharp" tongue can sometimes upset the interlocutors for a short time, but one of the Virgo's talents - the ability to "build bridges" - stabilizes even the most acute situations.

Tiger Maidens are considered perfectionists: every little thing is important to them, everything should be perfect for them. Girls show these qualities both in their personal life and in their professional activities.

The disadvantages of these signs include ardor, hot temper and predictability of actions, which sometimes makes relationships with them boring. Representatives of these signs are extremely unhappy when their carefully thought out plans are not implemented, when they notice shortcomings in the work of subordinates. Lack of sleep and disturbance of peace of mind are very painful.

In love, family and marriage

Outwardly strong and unshakable natures, in the soul - very sensitive and vulnerable women. This duality makes many girls misunderstood and unhappy in dealing with men.

Virgo-Tigers value close relationships very much, showing hyperprotection over their soulmate. This is not always pleasant to partners, as it can violate their personal space. Because of this, the first adolescent relationship usually falls apart.

Such women know their worth and if they do not marry at a very young age, then later they will be very responsible in choosing a partner, relying on their insight and intuition. In a serious relationship with the opposite sex, Virgo-Tigers carefully analyze everything. And this becomes the basis for a happy marriage. However, excessive prudence is sometimes the reason for the rupture of sincere relations that have the prospect of further successful development.

These are very jealous natures. Suspecting a partner of infidelity, Virgo-Tigers allow themselves free communication with representatives of the opposite sex.

Mentally soft, charming Virgo-Tigers, hiding under the guise of restraint, know how to charm outstanding men who appreciate the charm and sophistication of female natures. Love relationships with reliable Taurus are ideal. An alliance with courageous Leo, passionate Scorpio is favorable. With a mutual desire to preserve the union, relations with Aquarius are possible. Special tolerance will have to be shown when building a relationship with Pisces, but with due diligence, such a marriage is possible.

If we take into account the zodiac sign not only by month, but also by year of birth, then compatibility with Taurus-Rabbit, Cancer-Dragon, Virgo-Tiger, Virgo-Horse, Scorpio-Dragon and Scorpio-Rabbit is ideal.

In everyday life, they are very good keepers of the hearth, they love impeccable order. They selflessly work for the good of the family, but at the same time they attract household members, assigning them clear responsibilities.

In finance and career

Careers are often associated with finance and trade. Being born merchants, they can organize trade in any situation and at the same time easily convince buyers of the need to buy.

Also, the Virgo-Tigers show themselves well in professional activities related to communication: teaching, advocacy.

Such specialists show outstanding knowledge of the psychology of interpersonal relations, think outside the box.

A career can develop dizzily rapidly, but a strict Virgo knows how to control, restrain and return to work a cleared Tiger in time, not allowing him to lose his head from happiness.

They make excellent leaders who are well aware of the abilities of subordinates and entrust them with feasible tasks.

Skillfully investing in promising projects, the Tiger Virgo reaches certain heights in financial affairs. Thrift and prudence make it possible to accumulate sufficient capital.

Tips for Virgo Tigers

  • relationships with the opposite sex will become more harmonious if girls are more open to their partner and begin to listen to the opinions of other people;
  • you should learn to admit that you are wrong and moderate the desire to control absolutely everyone and everything;
  • self-development will help you move forward even more successfully;
  • in a love relationship, try to trust the heart more, and not the calculation.

There are many celebrities among the representatives of these signs. Including Agatha Christie - the author of exciting detective stories, Maria-Teresa of Austria - a real princess.

What is the position in life of a girl born under the sign of Virgo, you can find out from the following video.

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