
Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake: characteristics and compatibility

Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake: characteristics and compatibility
  1. Characteristic
  2. What kind of man does she need?
  3. Behavior in love and relationships
  4. Career and attitude to money
  5. Compatibility

The Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake, is an interesting and intriguing person. By nature, she is endowed with external and "internal" beauty, well-developed intuition and analytical thinking. Persons belonging to the Virgo-Snake union are often lucky in life. Thanks to these qualities, most people of such a tandem achieve all their goals in their life path.


Virgo-Serpent combines masculine and feminine qualities. The first include prudence, prudence and the ability to maintain "common sense" in any situation, the second - a well-developed "sixth" sense. These features allow a woman to be not only attentive to the little things, but also to be guided by intuition, which rarely lets her down.

The main qualities of the character of a person belonging to the Serpent-Virgo union include the following:

  • dedication and ambition;
  • punctuality;
  • accuracy;
  • innate intelligence;
  • pedantry and cleanliness;
  • sociability.

The Snake-Virgo woman is a friendly nature. She will never weave intrigues, gossip behind the backs of her acquaintances or provoke scandals. On the contrary, this person will try in every possible way to smooth out sharp corners, since he does not tolerate negative energy.

Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, has some character flaws. For example, she is sensitive. If someone offends her, she will definitely remember this and, at any opportunity, will try to take revenge. Also, these women are incredulous. They rarely fully "open up" to anyone. As a rule, these are time-tested childhood friends or relatives.

What kind of man does she need?

The Virgo-Snake girl, like a magnet, attracts men of all ages and statuses. The reason for the increased attention is her optimism, ease of communication, sincerity and natural charm. However, such a girl will never lead to the words or material wealth of her boyfriend.

First of all, it must meet a number of its requirements:

  • be punctual and responsible in all matters and undertakings;
  • have a neat appearance;
  • differ in accuracy;
  • be an intellectually developed person with whom you can keep up a conversation on any topic;
  • have material wealth, but at the same time not be a spender.

Virgo-Snake needs a well-mannered and intelligent man. First of all, with boyfriends, such a woman will evaluate the appearance and manners, and only then - the qualities of character. Among her many admirers, she will give preference to someone who will be distinguished by kindness, loyalty and reliability.

Behavior in love and relationships

The Snake woman, belonging to the constellation Virgo, almost never falls in love at first sight. The person will keep an eye on her potential chosen one for a long time, weighing all the pros and cons. A woman is very critical of the opposite sex. If a man does not meet most of her requirements, she will immediately reject all courtship, without giving a second chance.

Virgo-Snake will never start a romance, even if for a moment he doubts its development. She is not a lover of "superficial" relationships, as she values ​​both her feelings and the feelings of a partner. The main thing for her in the union is loyalty, devotion and reliability. This woman will never betray or deceive. She is a connoisseur of deep feelings and sincere emotions.

Usually Snake-Virgo quickly finds its ideal thanks to charm, charisma and eloquence. Many men are ready to change in order to be close to the representative of this tandem. But not every guy can withstand the pressure of his chosen one. The fact is that in the relationship, Virgo-Snake perceives his soul mate as property. She does not want to share her beloved man with anyone: be it relatives or friends. The Virgo Snake will strive with all his might to ensure that the guy devotes all his time only to her, surrounds her with constant care and attention. Because of such exactingness, a woman's first marriage is often unsuccessful.

In family life, the Snake-Virgo shows itself as a wonderful housewife and a good mother. This woman will always greet her husband with a delicious dinner, ironed shirts and order in the house. Where she is, warmth, coziness and comfort.

If a woman ceases to control her beloved and allows him to have personal space, her family life promises to be long and happy.

Career and attitude to money

Thanks to the strength of spirit and determination of a woman belonging to the Virgo-Snake union, she often achieves great success in her career. She will be able to become a reliable business partner due to her honesty and disinterestedness. Full of energy and new ideas, this woman is often inclined to rule people.

The Virgo Snake was born under a lucky star. Luck and luck accompany her everywhere. All this helps her to succeed in any endeavor and achieve her goal. Thanks to her fortune, she often meets influential people or happens to be in the right place at the right time.

Virgo-Snakes usually do not need finances. They attract money from everywhere. Again, this is facilitated by their natural luck. If a woman achieves certain heights in her career and begins to receive large sums, she will never waste money. Prudence and frugality allow her to competently manage money.


    The Virgo-Snake woman has good compatibility with a partner belonging to the same zodiac tandem. Chances are good that she will be able to build a strong, long and happy relationship with a Virgo man born in the year of the Snake.This is an ideal union in which both partners will show themselves only from the best side. In a relationship, a man and a woman will understand each other perfectly, listen and hear, feel each other at a distance.

    Also, the Virgo-Snake is suitable for a man Dragon, Rooster, Goat or Rabbit according to the eastern calendar, and according to the zodiac sign - Virgo, Taurus or Cancer. This tandem has an average compatibility with the Serpent, Ox or Horse, born under the constellation Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra or Capricorn. The Snake-Virgo is completely unsuitable for the Tiger, Dog or Pig.

    Medium and minimal compatibility does not indicate that the connection is doomed. If a man and a woman in a pair will support each other, make compromises and strive to develop relationships, there are great chances for a strong and friendly union.

    Character features of a girl born under the sign of Virgo, see below.

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