Clothes and footwear for girls

Antelope Sneakers

Antelope Sneakers
  1. Features of the company
  2. Reviews

Features of the company

When making antelope shoes, all the features of the seasons are taken into account. In winter, the main thing is to be warm and comfortable, in spring and autumn it is dry, but in summer it is not hot. In the manufacture of TM "Antelope" sneakers, not only quality standards are taken into account, but also fashion trends.

For almost 20 years of the company's existence, more than 20 million pairs of children's shoes have been produced. Several collections are created per year. These include boots and trainers for the little ones as well as teenagers and high school students.

So that every family can afford this brand of footwear, Antelope regularly holds promotions and sales, as well as monitors prices. Sneakers from this brand are a good combination of price and quality.

For the manufacture of sneakers, environmentally friendly materials are used - genuine leather and harmless artificial materials. All materials are approved by the Ministry of Health and will not harm the health of children. In addition, the materials allow the foot to breathe in the summer and keep it warm in the winter.

Antelope attracts only highly qualified employees with extensive experience in cooperation. The company operates not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also supplies goods to the countries of near and far abroad. The quality of this brand has long been recognized internationally.

The company has a program of children's orthopedic assistance, namely, diagnostics of children's feet is carried out using specialized equipment. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent deformity of the leg and flat feet.

In addition to the production of quality footwear, Antelope participates in charity work. She helps children with disabilities and orphans.

During its short history, TM "Antelope" has won many awards and prizes, including the gold badge "100 Best Products of Russia", the Quality Mark of the competition "Best for Children", gold and silver medals at the INPEX exhibition.


Most mothers who have bought Antelope sneakers note only positive aspects and are not going to switch to another brand.

The design of the sneakers is very pleasing not only for kids, but also for parents. Bright, beautiful, original. This is how most parents describe this shoe. Many people note the presence of LED backlighting in some models.

As for the strength and quality, when choosing children's shoes, these are perhaps the main criteria. All moms talk about the high quality of these sneakers, comfort and lightness. Natural materials and quality seams guarantee strength and durability.

Everyone is familiar with the situation when children's clothes and shoes are inherited from older brothers or sisters. There are several reviews on the Internet about antelope sneakers, which the child got in this way. And they are all the same - the appearance is the same as the new ones.

The sneaker is very durable, even after repeated machine washes and constant wear.

For the little ones, those who are just taking their first steps, the Antelope sneakers will be an ideal option. They are stable, strong and lightweight.

The only negative that can be found in reviews on the Internet is the price. But there are very few such reviews.

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