What can replace deodorant at home?

The usual sweat repellent is not for everyone. There are times when it irritates the skin of the armpits, so the question arises of replacing the product with a natural version with a gentle effect.

Deodorant can be replaced not only in case of allergy to its constituents - research by scientists has shown that the substance of deodorants provoking pathology is aluminum. The constant use of an industrial product affects the condition of the skin. Advertising does not suggest that aluminum accumulates. It blocks the work of the sweat glands, but does not clear them.
The armpits become dry, however, toxins and toxic substances accumulate. In addition, metabolic processes are upset in the body, and dysfunction of the lymphatic system and liver can be noted. The constant use of alcohol preparations is also harmful, because of which the skin is often dried out and the pores are clogged.

You can replace underarm deodorant with a variety of folk remedies. The alternatives for sweating have their own advantages and disadvantages. The pluses include:
- lack of harmful chemicals;
- ease of manufacture;
- lack of allergies;
- pleasant aromas.
The disadvantages of homemade products are special storage conditions and not the fastest absorption. Deodorant elements are not absorbed immediately. In order not to get dirty clothes, you have to wait about 10 minutes.
Some products need to be used with caution; others can dry out the skin with continued use.

If there is an unpleasant odor in a public place, and there is no deodorant at hand, you can use deodorant wipes. They quickly eliminate the odor that has appeared, preventing bacteria from multiplying.You can use them in the toilet room. Their action is short-lived, but for a while they will save a person from the problem. If the odor is removed, the amount of sweat will not decrease.
Baking soda can be a substitute for deodorant if your skin is not overly sensitive. It is very simple to use this substance: after a shower, fingers must be moistened, dipped in baking soda and wiped under the armpits.
It is impossible to squeeze in or rub in soda - wiping should be superficial and light. However, the effect of such a remedy is short-lived.

You can make a deodorant substitute out of baking soda by placing a little powder and warm water in a container (1 teaspoon is needed for a glass of water). For wiping, you can use wipes, lubricating with a mild solution areas subject to increased sweating. If you want the product to have a pleasant aroma, you can add 1-2 drops of lavender or orange oil to it.
You can mix soda with starch in a 1: 1 ratio. It is also recommended to add essential oil and tea tree oil to this. However, baking soda-based deodorants can only be applied to healthy skin. If she's freshly shaved, she shows cuts and irritations and should not be used with this type of deodorant.
If the house has baby powder or talcum powder, you can use any of these tools. They are able to neutralize excess moisture and absorb unpleasant odors. They are applied in a thin layer, but it is undesirable to use them under dark clothes, as they leave white spots.

Natural remedies
You can replace sprays, roll-ons and solid deodorants with various natural analogues and products made from available ingredients at home.
Burnt alum
The mountain mineral acts as an antiseptic, suitable for sensitive skin. It not only disinfects but also eliminates sweat odor and also soothes the skin. Its principle of action is based on the suppression of pathogenic microorganisms, it does not clog the sweat glands. The action of alum lasts about a day. They are sold in powder form, applied to clean skin with a thin layer.

The use of citrus, which has bactericidal properties, eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat, destroys the spreading bacteria, and also dries the skin of the armpits. As a result, sweating decreases and the body receives the necessary vitamins. However, you can use lemon as a deodorant on skin that does not have inflammation. Do not use it immediately after shaving.
It is not suitable for allergy sufferers. Do not replace lemon with lime. The exposure of the second citrus is more aggressive, which can lead to skin inflammation. The use of the fruit is simple: it is cut into slices and applied to the armpits for a few minutes.
If you don't like the method, you can squeeze the juice, soak napkins with it and wipe the skin of your armpits.

Herbal tonics
If store products are allergic to sweating, you can use herbal tonic. It is harmless to health and eliminates unpleasant odors. It can be used by pouring it into a spray bottle.
Homemade deodorant is being prepared from chamomile (50 g), boiling water (1 l) and 1 tbsp. l. soda. Chamomile is poured with boiling water, kept for 60 minutes, after which soda is added. The cooled deodorant is poured into a container and used as needed.
Liquid antiperspirant can be prepared from oak bark (1 tbsp. l.), boiling water (1 tbsp.) and one lemon. The oak bark is poured with boiling water, aged, the juice is squeezed out and poured into the broth. Lemon-scented product helps to get rid of unpleasant odors and inflammations on the skin.

From coconut oil
To make a deodorant you will need Hard coconut oil (150 g), baking soda (0.7 tablespoons), starch (0.7 tablespoons), and an empty used deodorant bottle. Soda and starch are mixed in a prepared container, then melted coconut oil is added to them. After thorough mixing, the mass is placed in a bottle and placed in the refrigerator. Used as a store-bought deodorant.

Apple vinegar
This remedy is able to normalize the work of the sweat glands, but has a specific sour aroma. It must be used with caution as it can irritate sensitive skin. It is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Then you need to take cotton pads, moisten and wipe your armpits.
This solution will also help get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat from your feet. In addition, you can make lotions from it, applying to problem areas for 10-15 minutes.

From soap and broth
For those with hypersensitive skin, you can make a deodorant using soap and decoction. Due to the components included in the composition, it will be possible to achieve the suppression of pathogenic microflora and moisturize the armpits. You need to take baby soap without fragrances (100 g), grind and put in a metal container 2 tbsp. l. oak bark. After that, you need to pour a container of 0.4 liters of boiling water and boil for 5-6 minutes over low heat.
Then you need to combine the mixture with soap to a creamy consistency. After the mass has cooled, add 1-2 tbsp. l. soda. If desired, add bergamot oil (3-5 drops). For ease of use, the mass should be given the appearance of a piece.
If you use laundry soap instead of baby soap, it can eliminate the unpleasant odor coming from the feet.

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is great for dealing with excessive sweating. For the treatment of armpits, it is necessary to select its weak concentration. For 1 tsp. the drug must be taken 0.13 liters of water. The product is applied no more than 1 time a day on clean and dry skin.
If the effect does not last long, you can resort to lotions instead of rubbing.
It is also recommended to try compresses, adding aloe juice to the solution (no more than 2 tsp).

Essential oil
Essential oils such as grapefruit, orange, tangerine, and bergamot also have a pronounced effect. Unlike many deodorants, they don't leave marks on clothes. They cannot be used in their pure form, as this can lead to allergies. In order for the product to work like perfume and not smell under the armpits, it has to be supplemented.
Smelling deodorant is easy to make. For example, it can be based on chamomile or almond oil in a volume of 10 ml. Ether is added to it in an amount of 5 ml, the mixture is stirred and applied with fingers to problem areas. You can put on clothes within 2 minutes from the moment of processing.
However, such a remedy is not suitable for everyone, and besides, it cannot be used during pregnancy.

If you run out of deodorant, you can buy Listerine, a mouthwash. Due to the components that make up its composition, it can well be used to eliminate unpleasant odors, impart freshness and eliminate bacteria. A few drops are sufficient for application. You can moisten cotton pads with the product and wipe clean armpits with them. The composition has antipruritic and sedative effect.

This drug has antimicrobial, antiseptic and disinfectant properties.
You can use either a cream, a spray, or a liquid solution to treat your underarms. It does not irritate the skin, does not stain clothes and does not create a greasy film effect. You can apply it before and after epilation. The armpits are wiped with a solution of the drug 0.02, 0.05, 0.5%. You need to process dry and clean skin no more than twice a day.

Despite the simple composition and tangible benefits, some funds can harm the body. For this reason, there are some helpful tips to keep in mind.
- Do not push home remedies for sweat into your armpits.
- If the skin is hypersensitive, the amount of baking soda in the deodorant should be reduced.
- Do not apply the formulations to the armpits after shaving.
- Talc, baby powder can be used for redness and inflammation.
- Wipe clean and dry skin. Before using a home remedy, wash it with soap and water.

For information on how to make a deodorant with your own hands, see the next video.
In general, I switched to the pharmacy "Formagel": a cool thing! The effect lasts for a week. And the armpits practically do not sweat for a week. In principle, the need for deodorants and antiperspirants has disappeared.