Deodorants for girls

Excessive sweating in adolescents is associated with changes in physiology. This is a natural process of growing up, characterized by the restructuring of the hormonal system. However, increased sweating is not a pleasant experience, especially for girls. The main question that worries parents is whether a child can use special protective equipment, such as deodorants, so familiar to adults.

Is it safe to use deodorant?
With the onset of puberty, great changes occur in the adolescent's body - growth, changes in the hormonal background and the nervous system lead to a natural increase in sweat secretion. Of course, every teenager is different, but such transformations apply to all children. The peculiarity of baby sweat is the actual absence of odor, but an unpleasant "aroma" appears when mixed with the fungal and bacterial flora found on the hair.
With increased sweating in girls under 8 years old, the use of any deodorants, according to doctors, is considered unnecessary. They recommend using wet wipes, spending more time on hygiene, and maintaining an optimal climate in the child's room.

It is quite another matter when such a nuisance is associated with the growing up of a girl.
According to statistics, puberty can begin at 11-12 years of age, but in some advanced adolescents, it may begin earlier at 9-10 years.
At this time, girls who turn into girls can react as sharply as possible to annoying smells. In this case, it is not enough to use clothes made from natural materials and carry out daily water procedures.But even at this age, experts speak negatively about the use of store drugs, which, despite the advertised safety, still contain a number of unwanted chemicals that are harmful to the health of a teenager.
In their opinion, in order not to sweat, it is allowed to use the most gentle agents, such as talcum powder, baby powder or starch. You can also solve the problem with the help of aromatic oils.

What should be the composition?
A deodorant for girls 11-12 years old who have already started their period can really help if the perspiration is not too profuse. The composition of this product absorbs the repulsive odor and only a faint scent of fragrances is felt.
When an antiperspirant is used, there is a blockage of sweat secretion and, as a result, a blockage of the sweat glands. The most dangerous are drugs that include substances harmful and toxic to the body - aluminum salts, triclosan, farnesol. It has been proven that such a component of antiperspirants as aluminum hydrochloride, when deposited inside the sweat glands and accumulates in large quantities, can cause the development of bone tissue diseases, anemia and even dementia, especially with unsatisfactory kidney function.
It is difficult to imagine what harm a girl using such a remedy can do to her health.

Currently, manufacturers of high-quality deodorants produce special series of gels and creams for teenagers, which contain essential minerals, antiseptic and antimicrobial compounds and natural essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

The following types of deodorants can be found on sale:
- sprays with a mild, gentle composition that does not stress the skin;
- creams are the best, safe option for teenage girls, they can be used after shaving;
- sticks differ in a harmless composition, but the disadvantage of such a drug is that in the heat it can roll on the skin, and also leave marks on clothes;
- the most preferable option is deo-gel, the product reduces the production of sweat, saturates the skin with water and softens it, has an antibacterial effect (this is the most expensive product from the above, but its price is fully justified by its high quality).

Undesirable products include roll-on deodorants, which include alcohol, but that's not all.
When used, a thin film forms on the skin, which prevents the formation of sweat, but at the same time blocks the access of oxygen... The body does not breathe and the result is discomfort, itching, redness, and skin rashes.
It is also worth avoiding the use by the child of any cosmetic protection products containing zinc oxide, which provokes inflammation, allergic rashes and other pathologies.
You can choose a harmless remedy for a teenager, if it contains such natural ingredients as oak bark, sage and peppermint, antimicrobial substances, clay, starch, sodawith a drying effect, essential oils and minerals.

Reliable and safe means
Among the many deodorants released for adolescents, it is better to choose proven products that do not disrupt the natural function of perspiration, all the more so do not cause dermatological complications.

These drugs include:
- deodorant "Crystal" contains natural mineral salts of mountain-volcanic origin on a natural basis;
- "Altera" - the product includes flax extract, vegetable oils, sea salt;
- a drug Nivea cares for the skin, does not have a pungent odor, made on the basis of avocado oil, coconut, chamomile extract;
- baby cosmetic Avon with a natural composition, there are many positive reviews about this drug;
- deodorant Lavera contains rose extract and witch hazel flower water;
- has a harmless composition and caring properties of a high-quality deodorant "Deonat", the composition of which is based on alum stone;
- Urtekram - a high-quality version of children's cosmetics, a completely natural composition and the presence of antimicrobial additives will help eliminate the strongest odors (all products from this manufacturer are considered ecological cosmetics, do not contain dyes, alcohol, parabens and synthetic compounds, along with getting rid of the smell of sweat, the products are designed to moisturize and skin nutrition, it includes hyaluronic acid and cold-pressed coconut oil).

Correct use of deodorants
Any remedy that reduces sweat odor is easy to use, but if used incorrectly can cause additional problems, the most common of which is skin irritation.
Therefore, parents should explain to the child how to use store products correctly:
- before applying, you need to wash and wipe the body dry;
- any deodorant at night must be washed off so that the skin can breathe during sleep;
- the products applied to dirty skin, instead of a positive effect, cause an even more repulsive smell, the same applies to mixing deodorant with cologne or perfume;
- you can not use such drugs before visiting the pool or sauna;
- when removing hair, rash or hyperemia, it is not recommended to use an antiperspirant, so as not to cause complications.
- deodorants are not designed to remove odors in intimate areas - they use a special liquid soap for this.

With hyperhidrosis in adolescents, the problem is not always solved only with the help of protective gels and sticks.
It is important to fight sweat in all directions to keep the annoying smell out. This requires regular hygiene procedures, natural clothing, and the organization of a comfortable bed. A balanced diet, avoiding salty, spicy and fatty foods and unhealthy foods - soda, hamburgers, convenience foods, will also help to significantly reduce the production of sweat. Only an integrated approach can give a positive result, and parents should take care of this.

About the age at which you can use deodorant, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in the next video.