Crystal deodorants: advantages, disadvantages and tips for use

Crystal deodorants are considered by many to be the best way to combat sweat odor. However, not everyone knows what the advantages and disadvantages of this product and how to use it correctly. The tips for use will help protect against unpleasant sweat odor, reduce irritation and feel confident in any situation.

What it is?
Deodorant-crystal is a natural product containing potassium alum among its ingredients. These elements are of natural origin and belong to the category of minerals.
Many people may remember that in the arsenal of their grandfather or father there were such products with which they carried out the cauterization of the cuts that appeared during the shaving process.
This natural deodorant is based on the composition of alum, which is endowed with beneficial qualities. These include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and drying effect, due to which it can be applied to the skin for prompt wound healing. Also, alum has found its application in the culinary industry: with their help, you can purify water, remove fat deposits from dishes and even use as a baking powder in the manufacture of bakery products. Some cooks add alum to jams and marinades.

The main benefit of crystalline deodorant is that it does not contain aluminum hydrochloride, which is of synthetic origin and has a detrimental effect on the human body.
But in such a deodorant there are double sulfate salts, which are of a completely natural origin, without synthetic additives. They also contain aluminum, but this is a completely natural component that does not penetrate the pores and does not have a negative effect on the body.

This type of deodorant does not have a large number of items on the list. It lives up to its name and is a crystal formed by alum. It is a double salt, chemically speaking. It is mined in pure form in mines. It is enough to cleanse the mineral from natural inclusions and it is ready to use.
A similar component has a second name: alunite or alum stone.
The mineral is mined in Asia, Thailand and the Philippines. Products are delivered to Russia already processed and ready for use.

Mechanism of action
Stone deodorant prevents bacteria from growing. Thanks to salt crystals, excess moisture is dried, so the unpleasant smell of sweat, which develops due to the activity of harmful microorganisms, will not appear.
If you compare it with other antiperspirants, it should immediately be noted that Salt deodorant only helps to eliminate odor. It has no effect on the process of sweating. Thanks to the stone deodorant, the pores will not be clogged and the activity of the sweat gland will not be affected.
Numerous studies have been carried out, according to which the productivity of such a tool has been confirmed. Compared to synthetic drugs, its effectiveness is 10 times greater.

Benefit and harm
Natural crystalline deodorants have many positive qualities that you should be aware of before buying. The advantages include the following points.
- The presence of a powerful antibacterial effect. The tool is capable of not only eliminating unpleasant odors, but also killing harmful bacteria that live on the surface of human skin.
- Using this deodorant, you do not have to worry about the risks to the body. It has no effect on the functioning of the sweat glands, so the natural procedure for producing sweat is not disturbed, as is the body's thermoregulation. Along with this, the appearance of unpleasant aromas from sweating zones is not observed.
- The drug is absolutely safe for the body, as it consists only of natural ingredients. It contains no chemical components, all sorts of fragrances and essential oils. Each component works only on the surface layer of the skin, without penetrating inside.
- No stains on clothes during use.
- Since the deodorant is odorless, it does not overpower the scent of the perfume.
- When using the crystal deodorant, allergic reactions are not observed. For this reason, asthmatics can safely use it. You can use the product during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
- Since there is no alcohol in the composition, the product will not irritate the epithelium and will effectively cope with various inflammations.
- The products are classified as environmentally friendly and are sold in natural packaging.

Despite the large number of positive properties, the product also has negative qualities. Several points can be attributed to this.
- The crystal is fragile. If it falls from a height onto a hard floor, there is a high probability that the product will crack. It will not be very convenient to use it in the future.
- Complete lack of smell. Someone will consider this item an advantage, other people consider this a disadvantage. This is especially true for people who do not use perfumes.
- Application to dry skin is not possible. Before use, it is imperative to moisten the surface of the epithelium, or the use of the product will be useless.
- Before applying the product, you need to take water procedures. The skin needs to be clean. Otherwise, the duration of the drug will be minimal and the person runs the risk of encountering the smell of sweat.
- The category of people who suffer from increased sweating will not be able to appreciate the effectiveness of the product. This is due to the fact that the crystal deodorant is aimed only at eliminating the unpleasant odor, but not at eliminating the sweat production itself.

Mineral deodorant comes in two flavors:
- fused;
- whole.
Whole Salt Formulation is a handcrafted product. It has a more lasting effect, the duration of which is 1-3 days. Most often, such options are in demand among men.
It is a solid deodorant made from a solid crystal that is sanded by hand or with a grinder. During this procedure, the salt stone takes on predetermined shapes, the sharp edges are smoothed out to facilitate contact with the skin.

Externally, the product is characterized by transparency or translucency. Crystalline structures of the stone should be visually clearly visible... It can be characterized by heterogeneity, the presence of inclusions or cracks. The mineral itself is very hard.
This option is different longest service life, since the products practically do not dissolve and can please their owner for several years. The mineral is applied to damp skin, but it should be stored strictly dry.
Most often, you can find whole products of the Philippine origin on sale.

Fused alum can be easily recognized: it is impossible to discern the stone structure in them, the product is homogeneous. It is almost matte. Usually, manufacturers add various additives of natural origin to this variety, thanks to which the qualities of the deodorant increase and even new ones are acquired.
Such an alunite product is characterized by increased softness, it quickly dissolves during operation. It is usually sold in a plastic case.
Also crystal deodorants can vary in size and shape. Each buyer will be able to choose the option that suits him the most.
Rounded whole species are less susceptible to melting. It is more convenient to hold them in your hand. They can be located in a Pacific shell, wicker basket or casket.

There are products sold in spray form. This is an option familiar to everyone, which is comfortable to use. It is enough to pour a small amount of water into the bottle so that you can start using it. The solution has a saturation limit, for this reason, the mineral in it will not dissolve instantly.
You can use the product already 15 minutes after the case is filled with water. The service life of such products is about 3-4 months.
The positive quality of such a product is that the liquid does not deteriorate. This is due to the fact that the acidic antibacterial environment acts as a natural preservative. Also, the solution can be used for too oily skin. By rubbing the skin with such a composition, you can cope with acne or the inflammatory process after shaving.

If your all-in-one deodorant breaks, don't throw it away. You can put the fragments into a bottle and use it further. Crystalline solution is effective in the fight against stomatitis or sore throat. The dispenser should be flushed periodically with hot water to remove any salt deposits that clog it.
The third type of crystal deodorant is sticks. They are a combination of a convenient product in modern packaging. There are different variations of them: large, small.The latter type is convenient to take with you on trips, while the former is suitable for family use. It is larger and lasts at least one year.
Products in demand Ecolab. When applied to the skin, this product forms a protective antibacterial film that prevents the formation of an unpleasant odor. It contains potassium alum and ammonium alum, which prevent inflammation, itching and burning.
The tool has the only contraindication - intolerance to the components in its composition.

This deodorant is considered hypoallergenic and safe for the human body. Mineral components act as an antiseptic. A similar preparation is made from a mineral, aroma oils with natural plant extracts.
The assortment of the brand is presented in several varieties.
- Deodorants in which mineral components are diluted with oak bark and green tea extracts. When the agent is applied to the skin, there is a decrease in inflammatory processes, perspiration is noticeably reduced, and the skin surface is disinfected.
- Adding citrus notes: lemon with oranges, allows you to get freshness and hydration. Choosing this option, you can heal microtraumas after epilation, eliminate the smell of sweat.
- The natural preparation normalizes the activity of the sweat gland and prevents bacteria from multiplying.

Various manufacturers offer alunite deodorants.
- Thai deodorant Grace Crystal contains only natural ammonium alum and is odorless. The absence of alcohol and other ingredients prevents the skin from irritation and inflammation. It also has an antibacterial effect. Deodorant Grace from Thailand contains only natural ingredients.
- Crispento Crystal Body Deodorant Silver offers protection for 24 hours, is suitable for all skin types and is characterized by a natural composition. Such products are considered hypoallergenic.
- Deostone brand produces different types of deodorants: in sticks, without packaging and other variations, a distinctive feature of which is the lack of processing. It is a completely natural product that actively fights against unpleasant sweat odor, promotes wound healing and eliminates inflammation.

How to use it correctly?
Many people wonder how to properly use crystal deodorant. The terms of its use are simple. To do this, just take a shower or a bath, and then apply the drug to the desired areas.
The drug can be used not only in the armpits, but also on the legs: for treating the feet and between the toes.
The moisture that remains on the skin after taking a shower will help dissolve the salt crystal, and the substance will be located in a thin layer along the epithelium. With the use of the drug will begin to decrease, but this does not mean that it has become worse at performing the tasks. The shelf life of such a product is unlimited.
Many people have appreciated the profitability of buying such a product, since one stone, the weight of which does not exceed 120 grams, can last a whole year if you use crystal deodorant on a daily basis. If the product breaks, you can try to crush it into powder and continue using it further. All characteristics of the product will be preserved.

The duration of the effect depends on several indicators:
- human activity;
- how much of the product was applied to the skin;
- temperature indicators on the street or at home;
- individual characteristics of the human body.
There is an opinion that natural deodorants work until a person takes a shower. It is not true.In reality, the active ingredients do not clog the pores, so the sweat gland produces moisture, which reduces the protective coating, and its effect is reduced.
When buying such products, you need to be prepared for the fact that the effect that it will show may differ from what the reviews and advertisements say.
The product qualitatively protects the skin from the development of microorganisms, does not allow the spread of an unpleasant aroma and acts instantly, but the body of each person is unique and this must be taken into account.

It must be remembered that the body has its own odor, which cannot be removed through cosmetics. Some people hardly feel this aroma, while others, on the contrary, try to cope with it with the help of powerful deodorants, which still cannot cope.
If, after applying the crystal deodorant, an unpleasant odor is felt after two hours, this indicates that in addition to the presence of bacteria, there is an additional reason for the formation of the odor.
Most often, such reasons include hormonal disruption in female representatives. During the period of bearing a child, a similar situation may also occur. Stress, addictions such as smoking and drinking alcohol can also affect the appearance of an unattractive smell.

Review overview
There are many reviews written about the crystal deodorant. Someone says that such drugs are best friends in the fight against sweat odor and that the natural composition is much better than synthetic antiperspirants. Other people write that the products did not help them at all and they are disappointed with the purchase. Most of the reviews are positive, since mineral deodorant almost always copes with the tasks.
Doctors speak only positively about the natural remedy. Dermatologists always recommend their patients who suffer from allergic reactions to purchase alunite products without additives. they say that such products do not cause allergies and are the best option for this category of people.
Also, doctors recommend using the mineral product for pregnant women and nursing mothers. In this regard, the remedy has no contraindications, which is its indisputable advantage.

Usually doctors advise salt crystal for patients who value natural formulations. However, any doctor will tell you that if you sweat profusely, crystal deodorant cannot help... With hyperhidrosis, attention should be paid to other drugs that are aimed at reducing the functioning of the sweat glands.
Men and women are actively sharing their impressions of the purchase of crystal deodorant. Most of them say that they like the product, as it has a long service life. Buyers report that the purchased product lasts for at least one year of daily deodorant use.
Positive reviews suggest that the product retains its qualities for a long time and the smell of sweat does not bother people for at least a day. Convenient use is also an advantage of the drug. The majority opinion also agrees on the effectiveness of the alunite remedy: the smell of sweat disappears.

Buyers report that the use of such a deodorant allowed them to say goodbye to irritation and inflammation on the skin. Some have tried it as an anti-acne treatment and have been pleasantly surprised. Men apply crystal deodorant after shaving to minimize inflammation.
Also, buyers like the opportunity to purchase an option in a beautiful package. Wicker baskets are often purchased as a gift for a loved one or friend. Such a present will be not only pleasant, but also very useful.
Most women respond to the drug as a good remedy in the fight against perspiration and unpleasant odor of sweat. According to them, it decreases markedly even in the summer season. Girls talk about how they can use their favorite perfume and not worry about the deodorant overpowering the scent. Alunites are odorless and therefore ideal as invisible protection.
The products do not leave white marks on the clothes, which makes them even more popular among consumers around the world.

You can see the features of the crystal deodorant in the video below.
Thank you, interesting and detailed. I bought it, tried it, I still can't believe the result. ))
I've used it before. It took me 3 years, if not every day to smear. Especially helpful in summer, no irritation like from chemical disinfectant