All About Levrana Natural Deodorants

Body deodorant is a real salvation for those who are prone to excessive sweating. However, some types of this hygiene product become ineffective if the problem is too large, and there are even deodorants that harm the delicate skin of the armpits. Natural cosmetics is a product that is suitable for all skin types. Try Levrana Natural Deodorant.

Sweating is a natural process in the body of any person. When sweat is released, bacteria builds up on the skin, which causes an unpleasant odor in the armpits. To destroy these microorganisms, most manufacturers use alcohol and various chemicals in the manufacture of deodorants that can irritate the dermis, dry it out, and disrupt natural processes.
Levrana produces natural cosmetics, which do not contain petrochemical products, harmful surfactants and animal products.
Thus, a product based on natural ingredients is more gentle to the skin of the armpits, promotes its breathing, nourishes and restores after damage by chemical agents.

Another plus of Levrana natural deodorants is hypoallergenic. This problem often accompanies women when using deodorant sprays, but in the case of the cosmetics of the presented company, this trouble can be avoided - natural raw materials do not cause allergies, therefore it is suitable even for people suffering from asthma.
In 2017, the domestic manufacturer received COSMOS NATURAL certificate, which confirms the natural composition of hygiene products, the quality of components and compliance with environmentally friendly production technologies.

The Levrana line of natural deodorants contains several products with different effects and aromas. Having studied the company's products in more detail, each person will be able to make the right choice. Read the description of the following tools.

"Aloe vera"
The unique herbal composition qualitatively inhibits the development of bacteria that contribute to the spread of sweat odor. At the same time, the substance does not clog the sweat glands, that is, it does not disrupt the natural biological process. Here, potassium alum and eucalyptus essential oil act as an antibacterial component.
The content of exclusively natural substances makes the skin softer and prevents dryness. It also refreshes the armpit area with eucalyptus aroma. The product can be used after shaving.
The absence of parabens, dyes and preservatives allows allergy sufferers to use the product.

"Wild Rose"
This antiperspirant attracts women with the sweet scent of roses that evokes a romantic mood. The softened, fragrant armpit skin gives confidence, helps to cope with fatigue and anxiety. Rose makes the dermis elastic, tones and nourishes it, eliminates irritation and dryness, stabilizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
In addition to rosehip extract, which fills the product with fragrance, contains aloe vera gel, which gives the skin softness and protects against dryness... Geranium essential oil contributes to the restoration of damaged skin.

"Citrus freshness"
The main tasks of the tool are - elimination of excess moisture and unpleasant odors and retention of the refreshing effect throughout the day. As an antiseptic, potassium alum and tea tree essential oil are used here, aloe vera gel is again used for softening, and grapefruit essential oil gives an invigorating citrus aroma. Like all products of the manufacturer, the deodorant is hypoallergenic.

"Polar birch"
The composition contains extracts of birch leaves and buds, which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities. These properties help to heal ulcers, maintain tone, and nourish the skin with useful ingredients. In this case, a pleasant natural woody aroma is offered. Aloe vera gel and vitamin E are used to soften the dermis.

"Wild mint"
This product is designed for men who start their day with an invigorating freshness and prefer to keep it throughout the day. Peppermint essential oil gives the skin a pleasant coolness, refreshes and tones it. The male antiperspirant contains potassium alum, aloe vera gel and vitamin E. Can be used after shaving.

The peculiarity of this remedy is that it eliminates the smell of sweat, but the biological process itself does not block. That is, the pores are not clogged, the skin breathes and does not dry out. The manufacturer notes that the product consists of natural raw materials by 99.5%. The composition does not contain alcohol, chlorine and ammonia.

Review overview
Levrana cosmetics are getting good reviews from consumers, although buyers also note disadvantages. The Citrus Freshness product is very popular.... Women highly appreciated the absence of stickiness after application, during use there is no feeling of heaviness and discomfort, the excess does not need to be blotted with a napkin. Freshness is noted for the whole day, and customers also like that the product is offered in a glass bottle - this is how cosmetics should be stored.
Users recommend applying the deodorant 10cm immediately after showering, but on dry skin.

The Aloe Vera deodorant also received good marks. In application, women like that it is sprayed finely, covering a large area of the skin. Unlike deodorants from other companies, the straw is extended until the very day, that is, the product is used to the last drop.The product maintains freshness for about 9 hours, does not leave stains on clothes, is quickly absorbed, does not stick, soothes the skin after shaving.

Quite good reviews are also left by customers about the "Wild Rose" products. This product does not cause a sticky feeling, softens the skin, dries quickly, however, there are conflicting opinions about the smell. For some, the drug saves from odor throughout the day, while others cease to feel freshness after an hour.

In general, the disadvantages of Levrana products, judging by the reviews, are associated with the fact that the products are not able to cope with perspiration during hyperhidrosis or in situations of increased physical activity, but it is quite suitable for daily use with a normal lifestyle, not burdened by excessive physical activity.
For an overview of Levrana deodorant, see the video.