How to remove underarm stains on colored clothes?

Recently, more and more cosmetics and hygiene products have appeared, without which we now cannot imagine our life. One of these - deodorant - is just a godsend for those who feel discomfort due to the appearance of sweat. However, using this tool can also be problematic.
If suddenly there are spots from deodorant under the arms on your favorite blouse or shirt, then the thing seems to be spoiled, but do not rush to throw it away. In this article, we will analyze several simple and reliable methods that will help get rid of this nuisance.

How to remove with household cleaning products?
The first thing that comes to mind when you find a stain on your clothes is using a washing machine. But sometimes the technique may not cope with this problem, which means that you have to wash the thing by hand.
There are many stain removers to make cleaning easier, and there are regular hygiene products that can help you get deodorant stains off colored clothes.

Let's consider the most common household chemicals.
- Dishwashing liquid. The detergent perfectly removes grease not only from dishes, but also from fabrics, which means it will help to cope with the task. It's simple: wet the spot with warm water, apply a little gel, spread over the entire stain, rub and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then you can wash the item by hand or in a typewriter.
- Glycerin soap. This soap breaks down fats in the same way as detergent. Rub the soap off the dirt and leave it in the water for a few hours, and then you can wash it as you like.
- Any stain remover. You can find stain remover in the form of a gel, soap, or powder at home supply stores. Use the product in accordance with the instructions, and then wash it in a convenient way.
- Ammonia and gasoline. Test on an inconspicuous area of clothing before using these substances. If there is no damage, then you can safely use them. To remove the stain, soak the garment in warm, but not too hot, water. Then wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline and on top of it with a 2% ammonia solution. Wait a few minutes, rinse the fabric under water and wash as usual.
- Hydrogen peroxide. If you notice stains on light-colored clothes, hydrogen peroxide will help you. After dampening a cotton pad with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, wipe the stain until it disappears, and then wash the item. It is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide only for cleaning light-colored items; use it with caution on brightly colored fabrics (first test the solution on an inconspicuous area of clothing).
- Hyposulfite. You need to prepare a solution: add 1 teaspoon of hyposulfite to 200 ml of water. Treat the deodorant stain and wash in this solution, then you can wash the item by hand or in the washing machine.
- Toothpaste. You can also try washing clothes with toothpaste, but only made from durable fabrics. Apply the paste to an old toothbrush and rub the stain with it, leave it on for half an hour and wash.
- Acetone. This method is also not suitable for delicate fabrics, as it can compromise the integrity of the material. To clean, wet a cotton pad with acetone (or nail polish remover), then check it on an inconspicuous place of clothing; if there is no reaction, then you can start cleaning. Wipe the fabric until the stain disappears.
Wash immediately and rinse thoroughly to avoid acetone stains.

The best folk ways
Sometimes it is not possible to buy special means for removing stains, so you can use one of the presented folk methods, after all, almost everything for this is always at your fingertips.
- Lemon juice. Fresh white marks from colored clothes can be removed with lemon juice. To do this, moisten a napkin with juice and wipe the stain. To improve the effect, you can mix it with salt, and if you don't have lemon on hand, you can use citric acid granules.
- Laundry soap. Laundry soap should be in every home, because it can be used to remove the most difficult stains. To remove underarm stains, rub the soap on a fine grater and mix with salt. Rub the thing with this mixture and leave it overnight. Do your laundry in the morning.
- Vinegar. It is an excellent stain remover even on delicate fabrics. If the stain is small, you can treat it with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar (6 or 9%). To remove large stains, place the garment in a container of water (about 5 liters) and add a glass of vinegar. Leave it in this solution for a few hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly to eliminate odor.
- Alcohol. It is necessary to soak the contaminated place well with vodka or medical alcohol, then rinse it under running water.
- Soda... Sometimes you can remove the stain by applying baking soda to it. But if the contamination is fairly persistent, then follow this method: first, soak the item in a saline solution for an hour, then remove the clothes from it and squeeze it out. Mix vinegar, salt and baking soda in a 1: 1: 2 ratio. Apply this mixture to the stain until the reaction is over, leave it for half an hour and wash in a convenient way.
- Aspirin. This drug has long been learned to use not only for its intended purpose. In our case, aspirin can remove deodorant stains from colored fabric. To do this, crush a few tablets into powder, mix with water until a slurry forms and rub the place of contamination, leave for 3-4 hours and wash by hand or in a washing machine.
- Salt and ammonia. This mixture is suitable for removing stains from natural fabrics (linen, cotton). One teaspoon of salt and ammonia is added to a glass of water, then clothes are soaked in this solution and left for 30 minutes. After that, you need to wash the thing.
- Capron. White spots from antiperspirant can be wiped off with a nylon cloth rolled into a ball. After a few seconds, the stain will disappear.
- Sodium tetraborate. To remove more complex deodorant stains from clothes, you need to prepare a paste: borax - 30 g, kefir - 40 ml, vinegar - 30 ml. Treat the stain with the resulting mixture, and wash after half an hour.
- Yolk... If you are worried about damaging the fabric or accidentally removing a pattern or pattern from clothing, then use this method. Mix the yolk from a chicken egg with alcohol or denatured alcohol, apply to a cloth and wait until the mixture dries. Then scrape off the yolk.
The rest of the egg can be removed with glycerin, and then washed as you like.

Features of removing old stains
If white streaks or fresh stains are easy to remove, then you will have to tinker with old stains. When deodorant particles react with sweat, yellow stains are difficult to remove. Let's consider what to do in this case.
- Soak your clothes. Before you start washing, you need to soak the item for several hours in soapy water or powder solution. This will make it easier to clean up the dirt.
- Combine ways. If one method does not bring a visible result, then try cleaning several methods in turn.

If you are still unable to remove the deodorant stain, use one of the methods below.
- Vinegar. Add a glass of vinegar to 5 liters of water and leave the thing there for several hours, then rub the armpit area on the clothes with soda dissolved in water (4 tablespoons per glass). Then wash the item.
- Salmon and lemon... Soak a cloth in vinegar as above. Then pour with a mixture of ammonia and water - 1 tablespoon for half a glass of water, rinse and fill with another mixture - lemon juice and water in the same ratio. Wash and rinse thoroughly.
- Aspirin with peroxide. First, soak clothes in soapy water and treat with aspirin paste, leave for 3 hours, then pour a mixture of peroxide and water (in a ratio of 1:10) on the armpit area. Wash after 10 minutes.
- Vinegar, ammonia and citric acid. This mixture can ruin the fabric, so test it on an inconspicuous area first. You need to prepare three solutions: vinegar - 1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water, ammonia - 2 tablespoons per glass of water, citric acid - 1 tablespoon per glass of water. In the first solution, leave the thing for half an hour, rinse the fabric, process with the second, rinse, apply the third solution, leave for a couple of hours and wash in the machine on a suitable setting.

Removing stains
- Get rid of the dirt under your armpits, as soon as you notice the problem, without delay.
- Always test a corrosive substance on an inconspicuous area of clothing.
- Do not wash items that are stained with deodorant in hot water, otherwise the dirt will eat in even more.
- For delicate fabrics, use a sponge or tissue and for sturdy fabrics, a brush is suitable. Wipe the inside of the stain to avoid damaging the fabric.
- Chlorine bleach will only make matters worse., making the spots more visible.
- Please note that some methods are not suitable for cleaning certain fabrics. For example, lye can ruin silk and wool products.
- Wash well and rinse clothes thoroughly, so that no traces of cleaning agents remain.
- Do not dry things on a radiator or in the sun, so as not to damage the fabric and to prevent stains from returning.
- Certain Substances May Be Hazardous to Your Health, so please adhere to the safety rules when using them.
- Do not rub too hard or stretch the fabric, so as not to spoil it.

- Pay attention to the composition of the antiperspirant, it should not contain aluminum salts. In addition, there are products on sale that do not leave marks.
- Apply deodorant to dry, cleansed skin.
- Wait until the product is completely dry, and after that put on the thing.
- For those who suffer from increased sweating, have come up with special pads for the armpits, which are attached with a sticky layer. This method will definitely protect your clothes from stains.
Do not put off washing until later and do not be zealous in this matter. Try several methods and you will find the one that suits you. Most importantly, do not give up and follow these rules.

How to get rid of sweat and deodorant stains from clothes using 8 proven methods, see the following video.