At what age can you use deodorant?

The problem of profuse sweating is probably well known to everyone - both children and adults. It would seem that it is a common physiological feature of the body, but this phenomenon is unpleasant. Despite all the variety of means for dealing with sweat, if it is easy for an adult to find a suitable deodorant for himself, then the situation with a child is more complicated.
Manufacturers have been making baby deodorants for a long time. In this article, we will talk about how to choose the right one for your child, what to look for when buying, and also decide at what age you can use it so as not to harm your health.

Why do you need a deodorant?
A sweat repellent is primarily necessary for hygiene. It does not block perspiration, but helps to cope with its unpleasant consequences - a pungent odor and possible irritations on the skin.
Even if your child adheres to all the rules of hygiene, monitors his health and constantly takes water procedures, he cannot avoid the appearance of sweat. There may be several reasons for its abundant discharge:
- during the period of growing up, together with physiological changes in the body, the hormonal balance may be disturbed;
- active lifestyle, constant physical activity;
- improper lifestyle - I mean nutrition, the use of foods that can hardly be called useful for the body;
- emotional activity - a manifestation of emotions that contribute to the active work of the sweat glands.

In addition to the above reasons, another one should also be noted, which may be associated with various diseases.
So, profuse sweating is fraught with such consequences.
- Health problems can occur that manifest as skin irritation... In the future, this reaction can even form abscesses and wounds, to combat which it will be necessary to use special medicines;
- Complexes. This is a very terrible consequence, which in the future can affect the whole life of the child.
Based on all of the above, we can conclude that deodorant is necessary in order to:
- to protect the health of the baby;
- maintain his emotional stability;
- accustom to personal hygiene.

Types of hygiene products
On the modern market of cosmetics for children's hygiene, there is a wide selection and range of deodorants. The entire line of antiperspirant products for children is presented in the form of:
- deodorants - block odor and destroy bacteria;
- antiperspirants - perform the function of a sweat blocker and reduce the activity of the sweat glands;
- antiperspirant deodorants. They are versatile and versatile.
Each of the above listed funds may differ in composition and form. As for the form, the drug can be:
- ball;
- spray;
- powder.
Each consumer can determine for himself which form of deodorant to give preference to. All of them are applied to the skin by spraying or lubricating.

Correct and valid components
The composition of baby deodorant is very important. Taking into account the fact that the safety and health of the child is in the first place for parents, it will be relevant if we tell you which components are acceptable and which should not be in children's deodorant at all.
So, a hyena child remedy should consist of:
- herbal extracts - mint and sage;
- substances of natural originthat have a drying effect - these include soda, starch and cosmetic clay;
- essential oilswhich have antiseptic properties.
It can be concluded that only natural ingredients are allowed... But various chemical impurities are excluded, because they can harm the delicate skin of the child and cause an allergic reaction.
Of course, you can use a deodorant that contains antibacterial ingredients. But this is permissible only if the child's skin is prone to the appearance of inflammatory processes, and there is a doctor's conclusion about the need to use this cosmetic product.

Terms of use
It is also important to mention what are the rules for using deodorant. They are important for everyone, and especially for children, they are of great value.
So, you need to adhere to the following rules:
- deodorant should be applied exclusively to clean and dry skin;
- after applying a cosmetic product, give it time to dry - this will save you from the appearance of stains on clothes in the armpit area;
- Do not apply deodorant to your child's skin before bathing, going to the pool or beach, or at night.
Before using it, be sure to explain to your child that the product does not stop perspiration, but only helps to cope with its unpleasant consequences.
And also say that the substance is applied exclusively to the armpit area or to the legs (there are also such drugs), and it cannot be applied to other parts of the body - this is fraught with serious consequences.

Products for girls and boys
The line of hygiene products for little representatives of the fairer sex is very diverse, therefore before you start choosing a deodorant, you should carefully read the assortment and preferably get a doctor's advice.
Experts say that you can use the deodorant for a girl at the age of 10 years. In most cases, it is from this age that they begin the period of puberty, which is accompanied by hyperhidrosis, in other words, active perspiration.
Parents often ask themselves whether, for example, it is possible to use this cosmetic product for a girl aged 6 to 9 years. Answer: undesirable. Cosmetologists recommend resorting to other measures during this period, such as:
- thorough body care and constant water treatments;
- clean clothes, preferably made from natural fabrics;
- exclusion of active physical activity.

If these measures do not give the desired result, firstly, you need to consult a doctor, and secondly, when choosing a remedy, look at the permissible age of use.
Parents with a son also need to know what age is acceptable to start using deodorant as a means to combat sweat. A teenage boy is only allowed to use deodorant from the age of 12, not earlier. This indicator is also directly related to puberty. As in the situation with female representatives, at this time, boys are actively showing hyperhidrosis.
Until the age of 12, young men should also use procedures and measures similar to those described for girls.

Criterias of choice
In the light of all the above information, we can conclude that it is very important to choose the right deodorant for a child for his first ever deodorant. To avoid mistakes, you need to know the selection criteria and be guided by them.
So, when choosing a hygiene product for a child, you should focus on the following factors:
- the goal that is pursued is to prevent an unpleasant odor or to cope with increased sweating (if we are talking exclusively about the first, then you can buy a deodorant, but in the case of active work of the sweat glands, it is advisable to use an antiperspirant);
- the age of the child;
- composition of the product;
- the presence of allergic reactions;
- smell and principle of action of a cosmetic product;
- the opinion of a specialist doctor;
- manufacturer;
- price.

As for the last two points, it is best to give preference to a well-known brand, whose products high quality, safe and complies with all manufacturing standards and rules. Of course, the cost of such cosmetics is much higher than its counterparts, but when it comes to the safety of the child's health, this should not make any difference.
For information on the age at which you can use deodorant, see the next video.