Deodorant spray: features, selection and application

A deodorant is a cosmetic product that can be found on the shelf in the bathroom or on the dressing table of almost everyone. Today, manufacturers produce many options for this product, including sprays. Let's consider what are the advantages of such an antiperspirant and how to use it correctly.

What it is?
A spray deodorant is a form of antiperspirant release. The purpose of using this product is reduce sweating and prevent the spread of unpleasant odors. The product is available in cans, in the form of an aerosol. The volume of the spray can vary from 80 to 250 ml. It has a spray button, when pressed, the product is applied.
Means are subdivided depending on the scope of application - deodorant for the body (applied to the armpits), for the legs (has a deodorant effect on the feet). The separation can be carried out based on the gender of the user - there are female and male deodorants, depending on the type of skin - deodorants for sensitive skin, on the severity of the problem of perspiration - deodorants to combat increased perspiration.
Depending on the characteristics of the composition the spray can have additional properties, for example, to provide softness to the skin, to have a special protection against the appearance of stains on clothing.

And also the products are divided by the duration of exposure, for example, a means of protection for 24 hours, deodorants intended for an active life (gym).
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of the spray is its pronounced antibacterial effect. Since it is bacteria that are responsible for the appearance of a bad smell, we can say that the aerosol form helps to effectively fight increased sweating, as a result, prevents the appearance of sweat odor. An antiperspirant spray is suitable even for people with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
The aerosol does not irritate the skin, it is suitable for people suffering from allergies, skin reactions (although, of course, it is better for this category of users to choose a hypoallergenic spray). The product does not clog the sweat glands, the skin continues to breathe after applying the spray, natural metabolic processes and thermoregulation processes are not disturbed.

The use of a spray is the most hygienic, since in this case contact of the product with the skin surface is excluded. Thanks to this, the spray can even be used by several people at the same time (for example, family members), without fear of the spread of skin infections. One of the main advantages of aerosol deodorant is instant absorption, no sticky film on the skin and no marks on clothes from non-dried deodorant. It is enough to spray the product on the skin, and it is immediately absorbed. And most of the products also leave a pleasant softness and a feeling of coolness.

Usually aerosol forms have a more pronounced aroma that lasts for a long time. At the same time, the range of choice of deodorant scent is quite wide - from gentle, almost imperceptible, to independent, active. For this reason, some types of aerosols can be used like eau de toilette by spraying them over the body.
If we talk about the compactness of the product, then in this deodorants are inferior to the roll-on and solid counterparts. With the same volume, the latter usually have a more ergonomic packaging. That's why the spray is still considered a product for home use, it is not always convenient to take it with you. While it's fair to say that there are mini versions of this deodorant, they are smaller in volume and also more expensive.

Another drawback is uneconomical consumption - when spraying the product, part of it goes into the air. In addition, with careless use, you can get into the eyes, nose and mouth, causing discomfort and burns to the mucous membranes. For this reason spray deodorant should be kept out of the reach of children... Finally, the agent is explosive and fire hazardous, which is also important to remember when using and storing aerosol.
Comparison with other species
In terms of its effectiveness, the spray deodorant is generally comparable to its roll-on counterpart. However, the antibacterial protection provided by the first agent is still lower than that of a roll-on deodorant. If we compare these cosmetics in terms of ease of application, then the roller versions are inferior to the spray. It is enough to spray the spray, after which you can immediately get dressed. The product is instantly absorbed into the skin, leaving no sticky layer or marks on clothes. The roller analog needs to be given some time after application to absorb, otherwise you can put stains on the clothes.
If you can't wait for the deodorant to soak in, a spray or solid deodorant stick is a better choice.

With regard to the safety and hygiene of the product, the product in the form of a spray wins, unambiguously. This is due to the fact that when the spray is applied, the product does not come into contact with the skin. All other forms of antiperspirant involve contact with the surface of the skin, which is fraught with the transfer of bacteria from the body to the deodorant, their further multiplication and transfer back to the skin during the next use. Thus, using the spray is safer for your health.
In favor of sprays - and a pleasant aroma that they have. Some manufacturers even produce a single line consisting of aerosol deodorant, cosmetic body milk and eau de toilette with one aroma. This allows you to make its sound more pronounced, multi-stage.
Spray also differs from roll-on and other types of deodorants in higher consumption and, as a rule, higher cost.

How to choose?
The difference between deodorant and antiperspirant should be understood. The former only mask the unpleasant smell of sweat, the latter block the very process of perspiration, which means they fight against its consequence - the appearance of odor. Amendment should be made - contrary to popular belief, antiperspirants do not completely block the sweat glands, but narrow them. That is why the use of such agents does not cause disturbances in thermoregulation and cannot be the cause of the development of oncological diseases. However, antiperspirants are more effective, which is why most sprays are exactly that.
Most aerosols contain alcohol. The presence of essential oils in the composition will also help to soften the effect of such a remedy. They neutralize the effect of alcohol, reduce its ability to dry the skin.
For people with dry and sensitive skin, products with alcohol in the composition are taboo. They may be better off skipping the spray altogether and switching to a roll-on or deodorant stick.

The standard composition of the product is as follows:
- water (plays the role of a base environment in which the remaining elements of the composition dissolve);
- plant extracts (depending on the type of plant, they perform antibacterial, drying, softening and other functions; calendula extract is often used, which has a deodorant and drainage effect);
- perfume (provide the aroma of the product);
- alcohol, farnesol or triclosan (responsible for the disinfecting ability of the spray);
- plant oils (care for the skin, soften the effect of the disinfectant);
- menthol (provides a feeling of freshness and pleasant coolness after application);
- diethyl ether (Provides instant drying of the spray after applying it to the skin).

Triclosan is the most powerful disinfectant and is commonly used in formulations for people who sweat heavily. However, it is quite dry to the skin and must be thoroughly washed off at the end of the day. It is better to refrain from buying a product that contains phthalates, since they can affect the production of testosterone in men and are dangerous for pregnant women. The presence of propylene glycol can trigger an allergic skin reaction.
Most sports antiperspirants block odors by blocking sweat glands.
With too oily, problematic skin type, such a remedy can cause skin inflammation. It is important to use this deodorant only for its intended purpose - during increased physical activity. For the rest of the time, choose a less aggressive product.

Pay attention to the scent of the cosmetic. Quite often, if the deodorant has a strong odor, this will reduce its antibacterial activity. In other words, the remedy is less effective at reducing perspiration, which means it is not suitable for people who sweat heavily. If the problem of increased sweating is not relevant to you, you can choose a perfumed deodorant. Usually it has a more pronounced odor and comes with eau de toilette, body products (gel, milk). In addition, too pronounced aroma of deodorant can be intrusive, "argue" with the amber of eau de toilette or perfume. Finally, too active an antiperspirant aroma can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

Terms of use
The most important rule of using deodorant (and in any form of release) is to apply it to cleansed skin. Optimally - after taking bath procedures. The skin must be dry. If it becomes necessary to re-spray the product, it is better to first cleanse the skin by taking a shower, or at least wiping the surface of the armpits with damp wipes.The spray is quite simple to apply - you need to spray it onto the skin from a distance of 25-30 cm. Make sure that the product is turned in the right direction so that you do not inadvertently spray the composition on your face.

Before use, the can with the agent must be shaken to ensure the even distribution of its "ingredients". After shave deodorant spray should only be used after 10-12 hours. This time is necessary so that the microdamages of the skin obtained during the procedure have time to heal. For severe cuts, the spray can cause burning and other discomfort. Before going to bed, it is advisable to wash off any deodorant residues from your skin. It is important to understand that the uncontrolled use of aerosol, like all cosmetics, can harm the body.
It is undesirable to use the product before visiting the beach, solarium. Under the influence of UV rays, the deodorant spray begins to dry more strongly, which can provoke the appearance of age spots. It is important to remember that deodorant cans are explosive. The aerosol is under pressure and when heated up to + 50 ° С and higher it can explode... For this reason, it is impossible to store the product near heating devices, as well as in places where the sun's rays fall.

See below for how to choose a deodorant.