Deodorants: types, selection and application

Today there is a list of cosmetics that are used most often by humans. Among the variety available, it is worth highlighting antiperspirant deodorants, represented by a large number of brands in various forms, each of which has individual properties.

What it is?
An aqueous solution based on organic salts and substances, called afterwards, is odorless. However, after a while, bacteria begin to multiply under the armpits, which become the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant odor. A deodorant is a modern cosmetic product, the main task of which is to combat unpleasant odor. The product can be used on underarms and other areas of the body where there is increased sweating.
The main feature of the composition is neutralization of unpleasant odors without blocking sweat glands. The components of the deodorant, due to their antibacterial properties, destroy pathogenic microflora, which helps to get rid of the unpleasant odor. Manufacturers today offer the consumer a line of fragrance-free deodorants, as well as products that can have different smells, suitable for men or women, unisex, similar to the fragrances of famous brands that make perfumes or eau de toilette.
And also there is a medical line of deodorants that protects against sweat, while not having in its composition harmful substances for the human body.

Operating principle
Since the main function of deodorants of any line and variety is neutralization of unpleasant odors, its actions directly depend on the components, as well as their interaction with bacteria that develop on the human body. Active ingredients found in most products, such as triclosan, alcohol or farnesol, after application to the epidermis destroy microorganisms that have caused an unpleasant odor. And also these components can have a drying effect. In the presence of aromatic fragrances, the selected aroma of the product appears under the armpits.
Deodorants are powerless against strong perspiration (hyperhidrosis), since the task of their constituent components is not to block the sweat glands.
In fact, modern products are effective only in combating the main symptoms and negative consequences.

Difference from antiperspirant
To understand the difference between similar cosmetic products such as deodorant and antiperspirant, you need to study the properties of each product. The main property of a deodorant is the destruction of pathogenic microflora that develops in the sweat ducts. That's why the product applied to the selected area of the body, when used correctly, neutralizes the unpleasant odor, but does not reduce perspiration. That is, a person using such a remedy will continue to sweat within the usual framework, but at the same time will receive protection from bacteria and, as a result, from an unpleasant odor.
As for the line of antiperspirants, in this case, the product fulfills the task of blocking the sweat glands, as a result of which sweating is reduced. In addition to this function, pharmacy or other products, similar to a deodorant, neutralize unpleasant odors by destroying harmful microorganisms, providing a pleasant smell when choosing a perfumed product. It is in the functional features that the difference between these compositions lies.
It is worth noting that such differences determine the presence of different components in the composition of the funds under consideration. Deodorants do their "job" due to antibacterial substances, when antiperspirant interacts with sweat glands due to metal salts - zinc or aluminum, which thicken in the epidermis.
Taking into account all of the above features, it is also worth noting that the effect of a deodorant is about 5-8 hours, when the antiperspirant "works" for about 24 hours. This leads to differences in the frequency of application of the products - the first product is not prohibited to be used several times a day, while there are certain restrictions regarding the antiperspirant, in light of which their use requires caution, especially for allergies, acne and other ailments.

Benefit and harm
To use deodorants safely, it's worth examining their positive and negative characteristics. As for the benefits of the product, in this case, some characteristics can be noted.
- The cosmetic product removes the unpleasant odor. But subject to the instructions for use.
- Perfumed deodorant allows you to use only one product. This fact should be viewed from the positive side in terms of saving money.
- Most of the presented products are suitable for use on all areas of the body where there is increased perspiration, without risk to health.
- Modern remedies include a caring complex that will be effective in combating irritation. They also help moisturize the epidermis.
- A large number of product varieties will make it possible to select the composition for the individual requirements of each person.
- The composition does not block sweat glands, which excludes possible health problems.
However, there is an opinion about the presence of negative factors arising from the use of deodorants.
- According to some experts, deodorants, like any other chemical-based products, can lead to the development of various ailments. However, this applies to the moments of misuse, individual intolerance to any components.
- Low-quality products can be harmful to humans in light of their composition, where the inclusion of components was carried out in violation of established norms.

Ingredients: what ingredients should you be wary of?
Among the components of deodorants, which in large quantities can pose a danger to humans, some substances are worth noting.
- Various flavored fragrances. These chemical compositions are able to neutralize unpleasant odors, however, the body's response to the components is not always positive. So, odorous ingredients can provoke allergies, dizziness or irritation on the skin, in some cases lead to the development of asthma.
- Triclosan. A component of many deodorants that can destroy not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria. This property is fraught with the appearance of an allergic reaction, as well as problems related to the functioning of the liver.
- Propane, butane, isobutane and the like. The types of chemicals that penetrate the skin in large doses can cause nausea, headaches, and dizziness. In addition, these components tend to accumulate in breast milk.
- Aluminum salts. A component that accumulates in large quantities in the body and causes serious poisoning.
- BHT (antioxidant). A constituent of deodorants that leads to a lack of vitamin D in the body.

Today, deodorant manufacturers offer consumers the following types of products:
- spray;
- roll-on deodorant;
- stick;
- anti-sweat gel composition;
- creamy deodorant;
- deodorant crystal;
- napkins;
- deodorant with talcum powder;
- products with a powder effect.
Aerosols are a popular option for sweat protection, which is a liquid spray solution. Sprays, or propellants, are sprayed onto the body. Typically, these products are based on water and alcohol. And also antibacterial ingredients, perfumed additives are present in deodorants.
Among the disadvantages of this variety, it is worth noting the method of their application to the skin, in which some of the microparticles can enter the respiratory tract, which cannot be called beneficial to health.

Roll-On Deodorants realized in small containers with a special rotating element inside, thanks to which it is possible to distribute the composition over the surface of the skin. Such a product will take longer to dry, and among the shortcomings it is worth noting the impossibility of accurately calculating the amount of funds that will be required to treat the armpit area.
Solid varieties Is another popular type of deodorant that, when used correctly, stands out for its economy of consumption. However, mistakes, such as the application of a thick layer of the substance, can lead to staining of clothing. Most of the products in this line contain talc, which is capable of absorbing fluid secreted from the sweat glands well.
Gel products notable for its long duration. Such a tool is convenient to use as it allows the consumer to adjust the amount of substance used to prevent unpleasant odor. However, the container must be handled with care as too much substance can be squeezed out by pressing on the bottle.
The composition dries quite quickly due to its structure, with the correct dosage, it does not leave stains on clothes. And also gel products stand out for their long-lasting action.

Deodorant cream - hypoallergenic product, therefore it is in demand among consumers. A feature of its composition is the absence of thickeners, which has a positive effect on contact with sensitive skin. However, the cream will not be as easy to apply when comparing solid varieties or aerosols. Typically, these deodorants are sold in tubes or jars. The products have a positive and caring effect on the skin, usually applied in a thin layer.
Mineral deodorants, or crystal deodorants, - an option for those who seek to use only natural cosmetics. However, the assortment available on the shelves does not always contain natural minerals or quartz. A positive feature of such funds is the absence of metal salts. Instead, the product contains potassium alumina and ammonium alumina salts, which have a good antibacterial effect. However, with all the advantages, natural products still have their disadvantages - a short duration.
Deodorant powder, antiperspirant wipes and talcum powder - travel recommended products. This version of remedies for the unpleasant odor of sweat is completely hygienic and does its job well. These products are recommended in cases where a person will not be able to take a shower, as well as use the usual means for body hygiene. Among the varieties available are powder-type deodorants that come in a variety of fragrances.
Popular are talcum powder with perfumed additives that can be used not only for armpits.

Manufacturers and their best products
In the line of this cosmetic product it is worth highlighting popular brands and products in demand today.
- Weleda Salbei Deodorant. Products in a glass container with a spray bottle with a sage aroma. The product does not leave marks on clothes, contains natural essential oils and plant extracts. The products are free of parabens and aluminum salts.
- Vichy. Mineral based roll-on deodorant for sensitive skin without hazardous chemicals and alcohol. Due to its hypoallergenic composition, it is recommended for epidermis prone to irritation. The deodorant lasts for 48 hours.
- Lancome bocage... A creamy deodorant produced by a French brand. The products have a persistent aroma, but are ideal for use with eau de toilette. A remedy for sweat is sold in a small tube, a minimum amount is required for use. The deodorant does not leave marks on clothes, reliably protects against sweat.
- Payot. Another product recommended for use by people with sensitive epidermis, the remedy can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The composition nourishes the skin, eliminates signs of irritation, and also destroys pathogenic bacteria.
- "Clean line". A phytodeodorant made using natural herbal ingredients has an affordable cost and an unobtrusive aroma. The deodorant has a caring effect, does not leave stains, and is suitable for use with an active lifestyle, heavy physical exertion.
- Tawas Crystal. Natural deodorant, does not contain aluminum salts and alcohol. Has a persistent antibacterial effect and a pleasant aroma.

In addition to the above products, deodorants from other well-known companies are also in demand by consumers:
- Natura Siberica;
- "Makosh";
- Malizia;
- Purax;
- Dr. Nona and others.

How to choose?
To purchase an effective product for personal use, it is recommended to adhere to the recommendations of specialists.
- You should not purchase natural products for those people who have an individual intolerance to such components.Even expensive natural deodorants can cause allergic reactions.
- Today, a large number of products with perfumed additives are on sale. However, a neutral and unobtrusive smell will be optimal for products of such a line. Sweet and intense scents mixed with body odor or eau de toilette can form a rather unpleasant composition. And also you should not experiment with aromas during pregnancy and lactation.
- Before buying any product, you must check the expiration date. Expired deodorants can cause irritation and other negative reactions when used.
- As practice and reviews show, the effectiveness of a deodorant does not depend on its form of release, so you can purchase any convenient option. However, in terms of comfortable operation, the leading positions are still occupied by solid and roll-on deodorants.
- To minimize the risk of stubborn stains from deodorant on clothes, you should give preference to products that have components in the form of salts of different origins. But these components are capable of forming a transparent emulsion when interacting with other ingredients of the product.
- It is most correct to refuse to purchase alcohol-based formulations. Since this component irritates the epidermis, it dries out the skin. Ideally, the product should be hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested.
- Deodorants with natural emollient extracts will not only help get rid of unpleasant odor of sweat and bacteria, but also moisturize and nourish the skin.

How to use it correctly?
There are a number of recommendations adhering to which it will be possible to achieve the maximum effect from the use of deodorants.
- Shake the deodorant spray before use. It is recommended to spray the substance at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the armpits or other area. Do not use it for more than 2-3 seconds in one place.
- Roller versions will also require preliminary manipulation of the bottle. In order for the agent to be distributed over the ball, it must be shaken or turned over several times, and then applied to the skin, moving from top to bottom.
- The solid composition, according to the size of its working plane, makes it possible to process the entire surface of the armpits in one application, therefore it is used for each area one-time.
- To use the gel composition, you need to scroll through the special mechanism at the bottom of the container. The gel will come out through the dispenser, after which you can start treating the skin.
- Cream formulations will require the use of additional improvised means, for example, dry wipes. In conjunction with some creamy deodorants, a special spatula is sold to distribute the substance over the skin.
- The crystal will need to be slightly moistened before use, and then treated with the desired area on the body by analogy with a ball or solid composition.
- The unifying rule for all types of deodorants is to treat only clean, dry skin. Otherwise, reliable protection against the unpleasant odor of sweat cannot be achieved.
- It is not recommended to use deodorants for some time after laser hair removal, sauna or steam bath, as well as in the presence of any imperfections on the skin.
And also it is worth temporarily refraining from using such products before shugaring or other cosmetic procedures.

In the next video, you will learn about the mistakes when using deodorant.