Children's sofas

Children's bunk beds with a sofa: varieties and tips for choosing

Children's bunk beds with a sofa: varieties and tips for choosing
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Dimensions (edit)
  4. Materials (edit)
  5. Design options
  6. How to choose?
  7. Beautiful examples

Owners of small-sized apartments are forced to think over the decor of the bedroom to the smallest detail in order to use the available square meters as ergonomically as possible. In our article, we will talk about how practical a bunk bed with a small sofa underneath can become, and also give examples of beautiful placement of such furniture in the interior.

Advantages and disadvantages

For small houses and apartments in which a family lives with children, the best option to equip several sleeping places at once is to buy a bunk bed, where the lower "floor" is represented by a small fold-out sofa, and the second - by an ordinary crib. Such furniture allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • provides households with full-fledged sleeping places;
  • allows you to rationally plan the placement of functional areas in the room;
  • frees up space, gives the interior originality and stylish look.

The advantages of such a design are difficult to overestimate:

  • saving free space in the room;
  • stylish design that contributes to the creation of a cozy atmosphere in the home;
  • if the bed is equipped with a high-quality orthopedic mattress, then such furniture will create all the conditions for a good healthy sleep.

However, there were some drawbacks - they primarily relate to those who sleep on the second tier. If this is a resting place for a child, then the sleeping place must certainly be protected by bumpers that prevent accidental falls and injury to the baby. A climbing ladder is also considered hazardous; it can pose a significant threat if:

  • made of low quality materials;
  • inconveniently located;
  • made in violation of technological requirements;
  • has cracks, as well as chips and burrs - which significantly increases the risk of injury during operation.

The second tier can accommodate people of light and medium weight; for obese users, being at a height may be unsafe.

Please note that any bunk furniture is allowed to be installed with a ceiling height in the room of 250 cm or more.


The furniture industry offers several ergonomic options for a two-tier product:

  • for a family with two children;
  • for one user;
  • for a joint bedroom of children and parents.

The most common is the model, equipped to a minimum: below is a sofa, and above is an attic. However, products that are additionally equipped with shelves, storage boxes or a small cabinet are equally popular. Depending on your budget and personal preference, you can install structures in different designs.

  • Two-level model with a pull-out sofa. In this case, the bed is placed at the top, and the stationary sofa is located below. Such products create two functional areas - a resting place and a platform for spending time in the daytime (chatting with friends, reading, playing games, etc.).

If the size of the sofa allows, then you can use it as an additional place for a good sleep.

  • Bunk bed with eurobook. As in the previous version, here the bed forms a sleeping place, while the sofa placed underneath acts as a guest area during the day, and unfolds with the onset of night.
  • Loft bed with sofa... This model is usually used to furnish children's rooms and rooms where teenagers live.

Dimensions (edit)

Determination of the dimensions of the berth directly depends on the following factors:

  • age will be users;
  • their anatomical features;
  • the purpose of the furniture and, in particular, the sofa.

As practice shows, in order to create conditions for a healthy rest, the length of the berth should exceed the height of a person by 20-30 cm or more. It is very important to pay attention to this factor when choosing furniture for an adult's room. If we are talking about children and adolescents, then the backlog should be greater, since children grow up quickly, and if you pick up furniture "right next to", then it will last no more than 2 years.

Traditionally, the dimensions of the bed-bed are:

  • for children 5-9 years old - 1600x800 mm;
  • for children 10-14 years old - 1700x900 mm;
  • for users over 15 years old - 900x1900 mm.

The size of the sofa is influenced by its purpose, it can be used:

  • exclusively as a resting place;
  • as a sleeping place;
  • combine the functions of a place for daytime rest and healthy sleep.

Materials (edit)

The base of the structure can be made from different materials, each of which has its own pros and cons. The frame is under maximum load, therefore, first of all, it must meet the strength requirements - that is why most often it is made of metal or wood.


Natural wood is an environmentally friendly material that is characterized by increased durability and a long service life. A bed made of wood, made in natural shades or painted, can harmoniously fit into a variety of stylistic directions. This material is most often used to decorate a children's room.

The following types of wood are commonly used.

  • Beech and ash - the most common breeds in the furniture business, they are distinguished by noble shades, due to which the furniture looks elegant and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Pine - the most accessible material in terms of the price decision.The structures made of solid pine are durable, however, when choosing such a model, be sure to pay attention to the presence of knots - the fewer there are, the longer your furniture will serve.

Structures whose frames are made of chipboard and laminated chipboard will be much cheaper.

This material is obtained from pressed shavings, however, it is not as environmentally friendly as wood, since it uses an adhesive based binder. This is a less practical and durable material, however, due to its low cost and the possibility of creating models in the form of houses, cars and ships, it is very popular among users.


The main advantages of metal include relatively low cost in tandem with practicality and long operating period... However, such a material is rarely chosen, since metal structures do not always harmoniously fit into the overall style of the interior. In addition, metal products are classified as traumatic, therefore, their installation in a children's room is not recommended.

Design options

For girls

A bunk bed with a sofa for girls is usually decorated in light, delicate shades - white, pink, pale lilac, blue. The second floor is often made in the form of a fairytale house or carriage - thus, the sleeping place can be used not only for relaxation, but also for games. For teenage girls, the emphasis is on the sofa - the upper block looks like a standard bed, and the lower one is made more stylized, taking into account the interests of the owner of the room.

For boys

The boys' bed is finished in brown, blue, olive and light gray, and the top floor is usually decorated to give it a typewriter or ship look. The use of black colors is allowed only in the teenage room, while the color scheme must be complemented by prints, corresponding to the stylistic solution of the teenager's interior.

How to choose?

        When choosing a two-tier structure, it is important to take into account all possible nuances and features of the room where the crib will be installed. Special attention should be paid to the following factors.

        • The quality of the material used, and if we are talking about wood, then also the level of its "maturity". The fact is that "raw" wood begins to warp as it dries, as a result, furniture creaks and deforms. The presence of cracks, chips, protruding knots and poorly processed surfaces are not allowed.
        • Functionality. Features of using the design of the sofa and the basic requirements for the model - if you are going to equip a couple of sleeping places, then the sofa must be folding. If you need the lower part exclusively for relaxation, then a stationary model of a mini-sofa will be enough.
        • Pay special attention to security issues. On the second floor, sides must be provided, the stairs must be strong and stable. If a fat teenager or an adult will sleep on the bed, then it is desirable that the stairs are located at an angle. There should be no inconvenience when going up and down, otherwise there is a great risk of the bed tipping over.
        • When buying, be sure to check the bottom of the sleeping area - the strength of the base is of fundamental importance. For an adult user, it is determined by the user's body weight, and for a child - by his activity and desire to jump.
        • Another point that should not be ignored is psychological comfort of a person, sleeping on the ground floor.

        Some people dislike the sight of furniture hanging over them - if such sensations take place, preference should be given to products in which the distance between the blocks is maximal.

        Beautiful examples

        A feature of bunk beds with a sofa is their compactness. This is especially true for small rooms. The wide variety of materials and models that are used for production also captivates.

        If you wish, you can always choose a product that can be installed in different places of the room, even in the center so that it does not violate the overall design, but harmoniously blends into the existing environment.

        In children's and teen rooms, the sofa often serves as a place to socialize with friends - it is much more convenient than placing peers on the bed.

        In the nursery, preference should be given to bright colors and printed upholstery.

        And in a teenager's room, high-tech furniture is the best fit.

        Girls will be comfortable if she is surrounded by a product in Provencal decor.

        Adult two-tier models are rare, but they are irreplaceable if the parents live in the same room with the child.

        For an overview of a bunk bed with a sofa, see the video.

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