Varieties of sofa beds for girls

Modern sofa beds for girls are often the best solution for equipping a sleeping place in a children's room. Upholstered furniture with transforming or folding elements helps to rationally use free space, and a variety of design solutions pleases both children and parents. Soft and fluffy, white, pink, with drawers and armrests - sofa beds can be completely different.

Not getting lost in such a variety is a difficult and ambitious task. Choosing a sofa bed in the room for girls 7, 10 years old and other age, it is important to take into account the comfort of the young owner, the orthopedic properties of the bed... It is good if, as the child grows, it does not experience the inconvenience of adapting the bed to his needs. Besides, it is important to pay attention to the practicality and simplicity of the upholstery in care, otherwise the most beautiful sofa will soon lose its presentability.

Advantages and disadvantages
A sofa bed for a girl is traditionally considered the first step to sleeping on her own separately from her parents. It is often bought on the eve of school or when moving to a senior kindergarten group. Let's note the following advantages of such furniture.
- Compact dimensions. When assembled, the berth remains compact; as the child grows, it can be increased without additional costs.
- Comfort. A children's sofa bed with a high-quality orthopedic base is able to guarantee the same sweet sleep as a regular bed.
- Ease of maintenance, practicality. Modern children's sofas are made with anti-vandal microfiber or Teflon-impregnated upholstery.It is easy to clean and maintain.
- Simple transformation mechanisms. The young mistress will be able to disassemble the children's sofa without outside help.
- Wide range of construction and design options. You can choose options for the interior design or in accordance with the tastes of the girl.

There are also disadvantages. When installing a sofa in a child's room, you must make sure that it is suitable for sleeping. Not all models are equipped with a sufficiently strong orthopedic base. Quality sofas are quite expensive, they cost much more than a regular bed.
If the selection is incorrect, there is a risk of impairing the child's posture.

Among the varieties of soft sofa beds can be distinguished some of the most popular design options.
- With sides. The most requested solution. Provides comfort in use, suitable for young people. High sides on 3 sides can be rigid, supplemented with soft upholstery or overhead bolsters. This sofa bed can be folded forward or in a standard single design with a constant length.

- With boxes. Its own storage system inside the sofa bed is the best solution for a small children's room. Drawers are convenient for storing bed linen and toys, slide out easily, but if handled carelessly, they can jam. Retractable options are more reliable and help to teach the child to order faster.

- L-shaped... Sofa beds of this type consist of several modules, they are convenient when several children live in the room at once. However, the corner module can be a good addition to the nursery for one hostess. In this case, part of the furniture is used as a sleeping place, and on the second soft block you can play or receive guests.

- With transformation mechanism... Most often, a roll-out transformation mechanism is used, with the help of which it is possible to get a sleeping place without folds and folds. But it will have a small height and thickness. Among the folding sofas with a berth, the leading designs are the "dolphin" type, which form a large berth and are easy to fold out.

Design and colors
The variety of design options for girls' sofa beds can amaze even seasoned parents. Modern manufacturers offer bright colors and accents, upholstery with cartoon characters. Younger girls will love the soft white upholstery of a sofa made of plush or faux fur, but such a solution is not very good for children with allergies, because the fur collects a lot of dust.

Stylish pink carriage or princess castle is a good idea for a preschooler... In addition, today you can find design options in the form of animals or models stylized in the wild jungle. It is worth focusing solely on the interests of the child and the convenience of using the bed, because sometimes manufacturers sacrifice comfort for the sake of beauty. When choosing a color scheme, it is better to choose pastel colors: peach, pink, lilac.
You can choose bright, but natural: grassy green, raspberry, strawberry.

Choose by age
A sofa bed for a girl must correspond to the age category of the child. The first furniture for a baby aged 1.5-2 years can be a mini-sofa with a berth size up to 120 cm in length and up to 1 m in width. These furniture usually have drawers for toys, safety bumpers and boosters. The form is only straight.

A girl from 5 years old can already choose sofas of different shapes, including corner sofas. It will be enough to use a single version with a high orthopedic mattress to form the correct posture. Sometimes these models are combined with additional shelves on the back or at the foot of the sofa. It is better to take the filling for such a sofa monolithic, dense, made of foam elastic material.

A 7-year-old girl is a schoolgirl who needs a good sleep. To get the desired results, it is worth choosing corner or straight convertible sofas with a sufficiently high berth. Among the options are asymmetric designs that delight girls in elementary grades. Given the active growth of the child, you can choose a sofa bed with a back only on one side, at the head, and a blank back wall.

A 10-year-old girl can buy a full-fledged sleeping place, which can later be used in adolescence. In this case, it is better to take the sofa with the transformation mechanism "eurobook", "dolphin", "kangaroo". The width of the berth should be at least 130 cm, and the length - 180-200 cm. It is better to choose an orthopedic base of the highest quality, highest, with a spring block.

Beautiful examples
A single version of the sofa bed in a bright design. This option is suitable for girls from 10 years old, it will allow you to correctly plan the placement of furniture and does not require complex transformation.

A bright sofa bed for a preschooler or younger schoolgirl. In the interior of a nursery, the smooth texture of the upholstery and the combination of pink and white tones looks very attractive.

An ottoman-style sofa in the interior of a girl's room. The bright upholstery of the soft part brings a richness of colors to the interior, it is echoed by soft medium-sized pillows.
The storage system in the lower tier allows you to easily solve the problem of placing unnecessary toys.

For information on how to choose a children's sofa, see the next video.