How to assemble a corner sofa?

Furniture assembly is a process that can be entrusted to specialists, or you can do it yourself. You can independently assemble structures of any type. This applies not only to cabinets, tables and nightstands, but also upholstered furniture, namely sofas. In this article, we will consider in detail how you can assemble a corner model of upholstered furniture with your own hands.
Tools and materials for work
Many people prefer to assemble upholstered furniture on their own, bypassing the call of specialists, for whose services you have to spend extra money. If you plan to carry out such work, you need to stock up not only with patience, but also with suitable tools. It will be possible to assemble the corner sofa correctly using the following devices:
- a hacksaw with a tusl or a good electric jigsaw - these tools will be needed to make the component parts of the furniture structure of the appropriate size;
- screwdriver and drill - with their help it will be possible to securely fix all structural elements in place;
- a special construction stapler - a tool that will be needed to install the upholstery material for a corner sofa;
- scissors or a stationery knife - with the help of such parts it will be convenient to cut out foam rubber if you are going to completely make furniture with your own hands, and are not keen on assembling a factory product;
- screws, nails and self-tapping screws - with the listed components, it will be possible to assemble a strong frame of the corner sofa;
- carpentry and PVA glue;
- sewing machine;
- tape measure for taking measurements;
- sandpaper sheet for grinding individual pieces of furniture.

All of the listed tools and adhesives will be needed by the home craftsman both in the assembly of a factory and a homemade corner sofa. If you are engaged in the manufacture and assembly of handmade furniture, then you will also need some materials, for example, sheets of fiberboard and chipboard with dimensions corresponding to the future furniture structure, filling the sofa and material for its subsequent sheathing.
For self-assembly of the corner sofa, it is recommended to use only high-quality and serviceable tools that will not let the craftsmen down at the most crucial moment. Due to a poor tool, the work can be delayed for a long time.

Step by step assembly
Having prepared all the necessary tools and materials, you can proceed directly to the assembly of corner upholstered furniture. The main thing, carefully study all the diagrams and instructions, which in most cases come with any furniture structure... You should not neglect this stage so that you do not have to do “work on mistakes” later.
If we are talking about assembling a homemade product, then the home craftsman will definitely need to prepare a detailed drawing of the future furniture, indicating all the parameters and design features. Having a detailed diagram at hand makes it much easier to assemble a corner sofa, and the risk of making mistakes is minimized.

Let's consider how to assemble a corner sofa in stages using the example of a factory product.
- First you need to unpack all the component parts of the corner sofa. It is advisable to let them lie down for a while so that they “straighten out” in the new conditions.
- The first step is to attach the support parts to the armrests using self-tapping screws. It is necessary to fix the supports on the roll-out part of the upholstered furniture.
- Special support rollers must be screwed to the section that will be extended.
- The components must be fixed in such a way that they fall on both the corner and the main part of the structure.
- Then, using the conformate, the corner part is connected to the side of the upholstered furniture.
- The assembled structure will need to be well fixed with the corner compartment.
- The next step is to carefully connect the back and the main section of the sofa structure, again using the screws. It is advisable to use parts with parameters 3.2x32.
- Now, using the side bolts, you need to fix the armrests, as well as the box of the first section. The main component will need to be fastened to the corner using a conformate.
- This is followed by the final stage, during which you will need to attach the sides of the sofa to the wall located in the back.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that on the process of assembling furniture itself is influenced by the mechanism provided in its design. If there is a too complex system with a lot of small and moving parts, it is better to entrust the work to professionals. So you will save yourself from serious mistakes that can ruin brand new upholstered furniture.
Using the scheme of actions described above, you can qualitatively assemble not only a factory, but also a homemade corner sofa. The main thing is to correctly build all the blanks and not forget about their mandatory grinding.

Each person can independently assemble upholstered furniture, be it a mini-sofa or a large structure with a built-in transforming mechanism. Carrying out such work, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions.without neglecting any of the stages of work. In addition, the work will go faster and easier if you arm yourself with some helpful tips and tricks from experienced craftsmen. Let's get acquainted with them.
If you have planned to assemble not a factory, but a homemade corner sofa, then it is important to build on your own experience and skills. If you have never done such work before, then it is better to develop a product with the simplest possible design.This way you will definitely not waste your time and spoil the purchased materials.
For the first independent production of such upholstered furniture, it is not recommended to buy expensive materials. Most likely, for the first time, you will make certain mistakes and just throw your money away.
It so happens that during the assembly of the sofa, the accessories that come with it fail. In this case, you should not try to use it, even if the damage seems to be minor - you need to go to buy new parts.

During the assembly of the corner sofa, the master may encounter protruding pieces of upholstery material. Do not be afraid of this - such shortcomings can be easily and quickly hidden using a special construction stapler or tape.
It is recommended to prepare all the tools necessary for assembling upholstered furniture in advance. If all the devices are at hand, the master will not have to waste time in vain, rushing about in search of the desired item.
Even if you consider yourself a good craftsman and are confident in your abilities, you cannot neglect the study of the accompanying documentation that comes with the factory upholstered furniture. Many of the design and assembly features of sofas are indicated in these documents. Not knowing all the nuances, assembling a product can be difficult, time consuming and not always productive.

When assembling the corner sofa, there is no need to rush and tighten the fixing bolts all the way. Many shortcomings and errors can be corrected easily and quickly if the bolts are not tightened too tightly.
Collect upholstered corner furniture carefully, you should not rush. Treat all details of the product with care. If you hastily assemble such structures, you can accidentally damage one of the important parts or harm the mechanism, if any.
If the furniture structure is complemented by a transforming mechanism (folding, roll-out or any other), then it must be installed especially carefully and carefully... If you make a mistake in this matter, the system will not function as it should. Because of this, the master will have to disassemble the sofa again, look for and correct any mistakes.

If you do the construction of a corner sofa with your own hands, it is important to consider what material it is made of. Parts made of natural wood of any species must be treated with antiseptic compounds before assembly. Thanks to them, the natural material will not rot, dry out or deteriorate due to the attacks of wood parasites.
Having assembled the structure with the mechanism, you must immediately check the correctness of its operation. When testing the existing system, you should not make sudden movements and jerks. If the design works with a creak, crunch or jamming, then it is better to stop and look for the cause of such problems, and then be sure to eliminate them.
If you doubt your own abilities or are afraid to ruin a brand new corner sofa, it is better to entrust its assembly to specialists. You shouldn't risk so much with a fresh purchase.
An example of assembling a corner sofa, see below.