Corner sofas

Corner transforming sofa: features of models and choice

Corner transforming sofa: features of models and choice
  1. Features, advantages and disadvantages
  2. Varieties
  3. Transformation mechanisms
  4. Selection Tips
  5. Examples in the interior

A corner transforming sofa will help organize a cozy space even in an apartment with a very modest footage. We learn to choose the right option and combine it with other pieces of furniture in the interior.

Features, advantages and disadvantages

A corner convertible sofa is a great option for any home. It is convenient, practical, multifunctional. Modern transformation mechanisms make it possible to use this piece of furniture as a place for relaxation, gatherings with guests, games, and sleep.

The product consists of separate sections that can be easily transformed into a variety of designs at the discretion and taste of the owners. It can be divided into separate segments, or it can be assembled into a single item.

A corner sofa has its advantages, since it takes up less space in the room and uses 2 corner walls at once, which is very convenient. This design looks good, creates a feeling of coziness and comfort.

The advantages of a corner transforming sofa are as follows:

  • the design of such a product will successfully fit into any interior design, into any footage of the room;
  • the sofa consists of separate modules, which can be composed at your discretion;
  • a corner sofa is a great place to receive guests, when you can sit on it facing each other and pleasantly communicate;
  • often this type of sofa is equipped with additional pull-out shelves, coffee tables, and other elements;
  • the corner sofa has more storage space for bed linen and other items;
  • the product easily turns into a full-fledged sleeping place.

The disadvantages include not always a convenient folding mechanism, sometimes it sticks, has very tight springs, which requires additional physical effort.


Modern manufacturers of upholstered furniture offer the consumer, taking into account his wishes and financial capabilities, a wide choice in the form, design, construction of sofa models.

So, in its shape, this piece of furniture can be straight, angular, in the form of the letter "P", rounded, have an intricate geometric shape.

Very popular and popular sofa models - straight or angled. A straight-type sofa in the classic style can look different depending on the transformation mechanism: "accordion", "book", "eurobook". It unfolds easily and simply, does not require the intervention of additional physical strength.

Products with a retractable mechanism are more complex in design, unfold a little more difficult, but the resting place can be located both along the entire length of the sofa, and along the armrests with a ledge to the center of the room.

The straight retractable version has recently become very popular with buyers. Due to the specific design of the sliding mechanism, the shape of the sofa becomes angular. The product consists of two corners, where one corner is much longer than the other, but there are models where both parts of the sofa are the same in size. If desired, the corner part can be removed, turning the model into a standard version of the sofa. This type of upholstered furniture easily turns into a great place to relax, has enough space where you can store bed linen.

Another multifunctional type of corner sofa is model for 2 corners U-shaped. This option is best placed in rooms that are spacious in terms of footage. In this case, the corner sections of the product can have the same parameters and shapes, or different. It depends on the construction of the sofa and its design. The sleeping place during transformation increases significantly in size (several people can easily fit). This type of sofa has a lot of functionality, it has a lot of spacious drawers and storage areas.

    An arc-shaped or round sofa belongs to the U-shaped models. When folded, it resembles an arc, has a wide back, large comfortable armrests, a side table. It is better to place a thing of such a modification in the center of a large living room; such an arrangement fills the space of the room with an original unforgettable chic.

    Transformation mechanisms

    Each transforming sofa differs from the other in the mechanism of folding and transformation, internal filler, material from which the structure and frame are made, upholstery material, functionality.

    The choice of the folding mechanism directly depends on the purpose for which the sofa is purchased, and how often it will unfold for sleep.

    The folding mechanisms can be divided into folding, lifting and retractable.

    Folding options product transformations have a simple mechanism, strong and durable.

    This method of unfolding has been in vogue since the middle of the 20th century, but even now it has not lost its relevance and popularity. The folding options include the mechanisms "book", "eurobook", "click-clack".

    The retractable type of mechanism hides the lounger under the seating position; when unfolding, part of the berth moves forward and rises to the level of the sofa's height ("Accordion", "dolphin", "American clamshell", "French clamshell").

    The lift-type conversion mechanism is great for small compact sofas, it works very simply - the seating surface moves forward, and the back of the product is lowered horizontally to it. The result is a spacious, flat seating surface. The spring mechanism is simpler and more reliable, easily unfolds, does not require much physical effort.But the mechanism on springs wears out over time due to their stretching, respectively, the level of comfort decreases, the appearance of the object worsens.

    Selection Tips

    To choose the right corner sofa-transformer, and not regret your purchase, there are several factors to consider:

    • the amount of available funds;
    • personal taste preferences and wishes;
    • in which room the sofa is purchased (kitchen, living room, bedroom, nursery), the parameters of the product depend on this;
    • model design, decoration, upholstery;
    • the mechanism for transforming the product should be simple and convenient, folding parts are made of metal, sliding rollers should not jam;
    • the quality of the materials from which the thing is made;
    • the presence of great functionality (roomy boxes, recesses), practicality, comfort;
    • what material the frame is made of - it is best if it is natural wood or plywood;
    • what material is used as a filler - the level of rigidity of the sofa surface depends on this, which in the future excludes the possibility of its subsidence, the formation of waves or pits;
    • the upholstery fabric should be dense, strong, attractive, easy to clean (upholstery made of thin fabric quickly wipes off and becomes unusable);
    • The pretentious catchy design will quickly go out of fashion, and the sofa is purchased for several years, so the model should be elegant, easily combined with other furnishings.

      Convertible sofas with a corner structure are perfect for a small apartment. Such a thing does not take up much space, it can be easily expanded, turning into a full-fledged bed, has enough space for storing bed linen and other items. The main criteria when choosing a sofa for a small room are the level of functionality, the quality of the folding mechanism, practicality and comfort.

      Examples in the interior

      Consider a few examples of the use of corner convertible sofas in the interior.

      • Simple shape, soft upholstery in a neutral color, optimal dimensions characterize this model.
      • An interesting option for a room with a niche. Suitable for the smallest apartment.
      • Unusual design and color are the highlights of this simple-looking transforming sofa.
      • One of the most versatile and concise options. The simplicity of the upholstery is in harmony with the decor and is played up with pillows.
      • This model will appeal to fans of both minimalism and ethnic styles.
      • Corner transformer is always maximum functionality.

      An overview of the corner transforming sofa is presented below.

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