Toilet according to Vastu in the house

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Vedic teaching on how to equip housing so that the peace and well-being of the whole family is in harmony with the Universe. The main idea is that before the start of construction, knowledgeable people - experts in Vastu - make a calculation taking into account the cardinal points so that the house fits into the cosmic matrix. Correct calculation will fill the house with positive energy, radiating love for its inhabitants, because it is tied to the star of a person's birth.

Influence of the bathroom in general
Rooms in a dwelling are arranged according to the principle of primary elements, planets, and so on. The main goal is to conform to the cosmic order. If the family nest is considered as a living organism, which is subject to the influence of the electromagnetic field of the Earth and the Cosmos as a whole, then you need to arrange your home taking into account these factors. Each part of the apartment is looked after by its own planet.

Based on this, you can most likely improve your health and life. If a person is comfortable in the house, he feels well-being, there is no tension in relations between family members, then the surrounding space complies with the Vastu rules.

A toilet is a place where waste water is drained, and this is its main function. Together with wastewater, the positive energy of wealth and well-being goes away. Therefore, the toilet door must always be closed, as well as the toilet lid.

It is very useful to take a shower in the evenings, in this case the energy of passion is washed away, calming and relaxation comes.

A person in a dream secretes sweat and saliva, which desecrate his body. To purify oneself, one must perform the morning ablution.One should wash oneself before prayer, because only in its pure form are mantras read, thereby showing respect for higher powers. As a result, a person becomes:
- strong;
- attractive;
- shining;
- clean;
- soft.

The one who bathes in the morning is joyful, patient, anxiety, sinful thoughts disappear.

Features of the location and arrangement of the toilet room
In the cultures of many peoples, they adhered to a single principle - the toilet was located away from the main dwelling. In Russia, the toilet was called a latrine. The most optimal location of the toilet room in the house is in the northwest or west direction. The South is harmful to the health of family members.

Vastu suggests the following rules.
- The toilet room is not located in the center of the house, it is located in the west, in the northwest part, and as far as possible from the food preparation area.
- Inside the room, the toilet is fixed in the west, in the right or left corner. Next to it is a cistern.
- The face of the person sitting on the toilet should be facing north or east. This is where the front door is located.
- Bathing taps are located in the eastern part, closer to the north or northeast.
- The floor level should be inclined towards the north or east. The drain is directed in the same direction.
- The location of the drain pit or sewer cannot be done in a south direction. If there is no other way out, then they should not be deep.
- The toilet room is 0.7-1 m above the basement level. In no case should you lay out walls and floors with marble tiles.
- Wall decoration is not fundamental, it can be anything.
- A small window in the toilet room can be in any wall except the south one. If you want to make the window large, then only with an exit to the north.
- Mirrors are hung on the north and east walls.

How to correct?
Only the achievements of modern civilization have made it possible to combine a bath with a toilet. Vastu teachings such a combination is not called favorable, both from an energetic and from a hygienic point of view. Living in an apartment building, we cannot equip a toilet where the Vastu teachings require, but we can correct the negative.
To correct the outflow of positive energy, it is necessary to make this zone heavier with artifacts. These can be pyramids, spirals, natural minerals. They are mounted on walls or floors.

Flowers give the greatest effect.

In the color of the walls, shades of yellow, brown, woody and cappuccino are more suitable.

If you start building a house based on certain teachings, you can get some result. Whether it will be positive or not, depends on the mentors' own knowledge and literacy. But even a bad result can be corrected.