Aquarium nail design: features and recommendations for implementation

In recent years, manicure has undergone significant changes. Techniques are being improved, new ones are appearing, while various techniques allow you to bring the design of nails to perfection. Recently, the so-called aquarium design has been in demand among modern women of fashion. What it is, what are its advantages and disadvantages, what is the implementation technique and what are the best ideas, the material of this article will tell.

What it is?
Aquarium nail design is a special manicure technique that looks like a drawing sealed under glass. Indeed, the technique of its creation consists in covering the print with a layer of transparent gel or acrylate. At the same time, the front surface of the nail is always perfectly smooth, which is convenient in everyday life. The drawing inside creates the effect of volume, for which the manicure got its name.

One of the features of this technique is the fact that it is carried out on artificial nails simultaneously with the extension. The composition uses various decorative elements, as well as various paints and details of nail art. Only after the design is completed, the nail is covered with a layer of acrylic material or transparent gel.
Not only ordinary decorative material can be used, which is usually used when working with hybrid varnishes. Aqua design is more creative, and therefore you can even decorate your nails when performing the technique with tiny feathers, multi-colored sand, shells, lace. Even pieces of ordinary newspaper, dried flowers, glitter, foil and even water can be used.Many women dream of a manicure with an aquarium effect, because it allows you to stand out from the crowd and feel special.

Advantages and disadvantages
Aquarium nail design is characterized by a lot of advantages. For example, it is variable in the choice of design theme and is suitable for nails of various lengths and shapes. It can look beautiful not only on long nails, but also on short ones, and this is especially important for many housewives. In this case, the design can be performed both on the entire area of the nail plate, and on the edge.
Other benefits of aqua design include:
- external unusualness, even a certain three-dimensionality, as well as volume that attracts attention;
- the novelty of the idea, its freshness and the possibility of performing it in different methods of manicure;
- the ability to use any theme in the design, due to which you can add seasonality to the manicure, which is so popular this year;
- the reliability of the coating and its durability, since such a manicure will adorn women's hands for up to three months;
- attractiveness of appearance during the entire period of wear, absence of chips and cracks;

- the ability to decorate a woman's image by introducing a special mood into it;
- no need to file a growing nail and resistance to burnout during wear;
- high design security, decor resistance to mechanical damage;
- practicality in everyday life, because even the stucco material is sealed with a smooth surface.

Also, aquarium nail design is self-contained. As a rule, such nails are so beautiful that you no longer need to decorate your fingers with rings or hands with bracelets. In this case, the jewelry will lose its relevance. Another advantage of aqua design is the ability to disguise it. For example, if you urgently need a different design, you can simply cover your nails with any varnish without harming the aqua design. Upon arriving home, the coating is removed with a regular nail polish remover without acetone.

Unfortunately, the aquarium technique has its drawbacks as well.
- For example, often all nails are performed in it in the same way, and therefore the manicure looks colorful instead of expressiveness.
- In addition, one of the main disadvantages is finding a professional, because in the end the nails should not be too thick.
- An important criterion is the professionalism of the execution, because the curved lines of the drawing or the decorative "pile is small" on the nails will not look beautiful and will not be able to adequately complete a woman's bow.
- Aqua design is done for a very long time, which can tire the client, because it is difficult to sit for about two and a half hours.
- The price of work in a nail salon for this technique is quite high. Of course, if a professional gets down to business, it will justify itself. Otherwise, it will be wasted money.

How to make it at home?
If you want to decorate your own marigolds with an aquarium design, you will have to take care of the availability:
- transparent modeling gel or acrylic;
- UV lamps for drying coatings;
- acrylic based helium paints of different colors;
- necessary decorative elements;

- polisher or soft files;
- a set of thin brushes for painting;
- tweezers for convenient work with small decor.

In order for the finished result to be not only beautiful, but also durable, it is important to treat each step of the technology correctly. First you have to prepare the nails themselves. Hands should be thoroughly washed and dried. It is important to degrease the nail plates so that the adhesion of the coating to the surface is as strong as possible. Someone uses a nail polish remover at this stage, but you need to use special preparations. After all, it is their formula that allows you to extend the wear of a manicure and prevent the appearance of detachments. Before degreasing the nail plates, they are given the desired shape and length. The adjustments are made at the stage of preparation for the design.

An equally important step in aquarium manicure is marking an approximate pattern. This point is especially important, because it is he who will show how beautiful the selected design will look on the nails. In addition, fitting will allow you to see the appropriateness of the decor for a particular style and image of a woman. At this stage, the master is considering whether the foil and pattern, rhinestones will be combined, or whether it is better to use beads, broths, golden threads, mica or even marble chips.

If nails need a medical manicure, you need to do it before the main technique. You cannot skip this stage, because the pterygium and cuticles will interfere with the growth of the nail, and unkempt nails look extremely ugly. Getting rid of burrs will be a prerequisite. Everything must be flawless before extending nails on plastic tips or paper templates.
Basis for design
After the preliminary steps are completed, proceed to the design of the nails themselves. To do this, after grinding and degreasing them, the plates themselves are treated with a special adhesive material. The master chooses a substrate that is convenient for him and the material that suits her best. It can also be upper forms, which is especially true for short and broken nails. It is convenient to work with them: the master collects the poly-gel, slightly distributes it inside the tips at the future base of the nail and applies it to the natural nail, pressing firmly at the same time. If necessary, the shape is corrected. It is easier to work with poly-gel, because it does not flow, but it is more difficult to cut it down in case of need for adjustment at home.

If you work with modeling or building gels and paper forms, the ideality of the form will largely depend on how correctly and firmly the paper templates themselves will be fixed. The biting nail must not be tilted, and the drop of gel itself must be distributed correctly. All adjustments must be made immediately after the material has solidified. Excessive bulge should not spoil the design.

How to make an aquarium effect
After the base is ready, a layer of gel or acrylic is applied to the nails. In this case, the layer will be considered basic, it is important that it is thin. The translucent material will trim the base for even design and precise application. After application, the decor is laid out on the base layer, repeating the pattern selected during the fitting. To perform this stage accurately, use a thin brush or tweezers in the work.

In order not to get lost in the stages of decorating the nail, you can first make a design and look at it in the process. This will allow you to follow the sequence chosen when trying on. You can add abstraction to the design, paint on the contour at will, using a thin brush for this. After all the decor is laid out in the desired sequence, it remains to be fixed with a modeling product with a transparent texture.

This stage is considered final. However, the modeling material is not always applied in one layer: sometimes several of them are required for a design. This is what allows aqua design to look voluminous, as if the decor is under glass. Each layer applied needs to be dried, the time of which will depend on the type of gel or acrylic, as well as on the type of lamp itself.
Interesting aqua design ideas
Depending on the experience of the master, aqua nail design may differ in the level of complexity. If houses are often ordinary pictures and abstraction, then in the salon you can make a completely realistic 3D effect. However, each design will have its own nuances, which will be reflected in the idea itself.

For example, one of the best topics in aquarium technique is the use of floral motifs. Indeed, nails with voluminous flowers look beautiful and delicate, this design breathes a feminine principle. However, for a more harmonious design, the length of the nails should tend to be elongated.It is better to use dried flowers instead of pictures as the basis for the decor.

They will look especially beautiful in the French technique. Such a design will be imbued with elegance, but for expressiveness it is better to soften accent nails with a more concise coating design. For the base, you should choose a plain pastel or gradient. You cannot distort the pattern, and therefore the size of the flowers should fit on the nails. It is undesirable to cut off dried flowers - this spoils the compiled composition.

With sequins
Sparkling sequins are one of the best evening designs. They are ideal for decorating nails of different lengths and shapes. Glitter can be mixed, used in different shades, thereby creating an ombre effect with a smooth stretch. Any colors can be used, but the tones of the pastel group fit more harmoniously into the female bow. You can use a brush to create a picture, you can emphasize design elements with glitter.

They can also decorate the marine theme, add elegance to lace motifs, decorate the laconic smiles of a jacket. At the same time, glitter designs can be done not only on the inside, by sealing over. Sequins can also be used to decorate sealed designs. Of course, this type of outdoor decor cannot be called practical, but glitter can create a volume contour, and this option will look completely different.

Using foil
Aqua design looks beautiful under an amber French manicure. Do it using island type manicure foil. In addition to her, manicure acrylic powder is used to decorate nails, making out the surface of the extended nail with a base layer with it. The foil itself can be finely chopped and applied in accordance with the intended design to the desired places on the nail plate. After decorating, the nail is sealed with a modeling material.

Polymer clay is one of the most popular materials used to create aqua design. Most often, summer decorations are created from this material, which is partly due to the multi-colored juicy shades of clay. The pattern is formed by cutting the clay with a special blade. At the same time, they collect it from various smallest elements. To fix this decor, you have to cover the nails with the applied material not with one, but with several layers of transparent gel or acrylic. Since the fimo are small, they can be used to play around with techniques such as French manicure, as well as reverse french.

Sequins and bouillons
When choosing such a decor, you should pay attention to its size and shape. For example, the same gold shells or starfish are easier to seal if they are flat. Broths will require several layers of modeling gel. Sequins can be combined with sequins, you can lay out a certain pattern from them. Varieties for any composition are selected based on its theme. For example, for flowers it can be broths, for drawing a beach coast - shells, for space themes you can choose options that imitate the shining of stars.

Professional advice
Since it takes a lot of time to create a unique design with an aquarium effect, I want to extend its durability and do everything right. Before starting work, study the main nuances that professionals in the field of nail art pay attention to.
- Do not use hand cream before work. This reduces the coupling.
- It is better to degrease your nails with lint-free napkins. Often, it is the villi that cause the material to peel and crack.
- Poorly pigmented paints look bad and invisible in the design. An overly harsh color destroys the tenderness of aqua design.
- It is better to choose the colors of the decor in a range related to a particular garment. So the manicure will more harmoniously flow into the desired image.

- The number of rhinestones or their use should be considered carefully. Often they are not needed at all in aqua design, because kamifubuki look better under layers of gel or acrylic.
- For greater harmony of the image, you can choose a design for a specific dress or bag, decoration. So the nails with a pattern will not scream about themselves.
- To prevent nails from looking short, the size of the pattern should not be overly voluminous. In addition, it is undesirable for all ten nails to be decorated with designs over the entire area of the nail plates.
- To prolong the durability of the coating, it is important to protect your hands from interaction with aggressive chemicals and sudden changes in temperature.

When performing a volumetric design, you need to take into account its tenacity: everything that is glued on top of the gel or acrylic will somehow cling to anything. In addition, we must not forget that the additional decor will thicken the overall layer of the nail along with the coatings. Often it looks ugly, and therefore, before hanging something else on a three-dimensional design, it is worth considering how appropriate and whether it is necessary at all.

Successful examples
You can make nails using the aquarium technique in different ways, and in each case, you can achieve an excellent result. Finally, we suggest referring to examples of photo galleries that clearly demonstrate the capabilities of unusual technology.
- An original summer jacket made with fimo to look like juicy fruits.
- A laconic solution using a nude base can decorate any bow of a modern city woman.
- The volumetric design with dried flowers and sparkles, made to imitate the technique of negative space, will appeal to romantic natures.
- A beautiful and delicate design of marigolds using a floral theme and tiny broths looks great on almond-shaped nails.
- An unusual translucent jacket with a holographic print can make even the most boring outfit bright.

- A laconic but juicy solution for summer in the spirit of a French jacket with the use of multi-colored sand.
- The use of small seashells, glitter and brush strokes allows you to decorate your nails with a nautical theme, which will come in handy for summer trips to the sea.
- An original and expressive manicure, made in a classic style and decorated with an accent in a floral theme, will be able to adequately complete an evening outfit.
- The design with sparkles and helium drawing in gentle colors will fill the feminine look with sophistication.

For information on how to make an aquarium nail design with your own hands, see the next video.