Simple and beautiful pedicure design options

Any well-groomed girl knows that a pedicure is one of the most important components of a complete look in the summer. But in the modern world of free time there is so little that it is advisable to perform nail care as quickly as possible.

Colorless pedicure
If there is absolutely not enough time, and in the coming days it is not expected either, then it is best to stop at well-groomed nails with a colorless protective coating. This will help avoid a sudden incident with a piece of varnish that has fallen off or a half-worn pattern.

In order to make a simple and beautiful pedicure yourself, you may find it useful:
- quality tools (nippers or scissors) with well-sharpened blades;
- nail brush;
- cotton pads and nail polish remover;
- file for finishing the nail plate;
- container for steaming feet;
- pumice;
- stick for pushing back the cuticle;
- foot scrub and cream;
- transparent strengthening nail polish.

At first glance, it seems that this is a lot. But if you think about it, then almost every girl has such a set.
Below is an algorithm of action that is not inferior to salon procedures.
- First of all, you need to take a foot bath, after removing the nail polish. The procedure should last about 20 minutes, after which corns and calluses are removed with the help of pumice, and dirt from under the nails with a brush.
- You need to use a foot scrub, dry your skin with a towel and prepare a stick.
- Use an orange tree stick to push the cuticle back along the nail line.
- The nails should be trimmed and the ends filed.
- Then you need to cover the nail plates with clear varnish.

You can familiarize yourself with the described technique in more detail by watching the following video.
Which color should you choose?
If, nevertheless, it was decided to make a beautiful design, but there is no desire to use complex patterns, a monochromatic pedicure will be the best solution. Before choosing a color, you need to properly prepare your nails, following the above algorithm, or head straight to the salon to see a nail care professional.

The choice of shade is complicated only by taste preferences. For this season, you can recommend the tones described below.
- Classic scarlet or wine color. Looks good on short square nails. Suitable for three: white, blue, black. Looks appropriate both at work and on a romantic date. The versatility of color makes it easy to change shoes in everyday life.

- Pastel shades. Here, too, do not be afraid that a pedicure will not suit anything - delicate shades look good with any clothes. One of the options for a simple pedicure would be French.

- Monochrome pedicure. If preference is given to a certain color, then you can choose it. The main thing is that it fits the whole image and does not look awkward. Another option for beautiful toenail coverage is to paint your toenails with two colors. For example, two nails in one color and the rest in another. Shades can be contrasting, and can be two tones lighter or darker.

- With geometric patterns. Nowadays, you can find many tools for decorating nails on store shelves or in the salon of the master. One of them is special strips for pedicure, which are glued to create various geometric patterns on the nails - in this way you can easily get the desired components in different colors. It looks ultra-modern.

- Stripes or peas. This classic has not ceased to be fashionable for many years, and what is important, you can do such a pedicure yourself. To do this, you will need, again, special peel-off nail strips and a stick to leave dots. It is better to choose a contrasting color combination so that the difference is visible to the naked eye.

- Drawings in the form of animals, butterflies, flowers. Such jewelry will easily cheer you up at any time of the year - you just need to choose your favorite picture and contact the pedicure master. But if artistic talents are hidden, then try to bring the idea to life yourself.

If you go to a beauty salon, then you can easily and simply implement any idea of your own pedicure. It can be a combination of colors or different paintings. Now such pleasure is not so expensive to deny yourself this. But at home, if you take a little time for your feet, you can make a beautiful and simple toenail design.

Additional pedicure decorations
If it is a warm season outside, and you want something unusual, bright and eye-catching in pedicure, then to achieve this goal, you can use various volumetric and flat decorations:
- Rhinestones. Now there is a huge selection of such shiny jewelry in completely different colors and shades. You can purchase special glue for them to make a pedicure yourself or, again, go to the salon. Rhinestones are often laid out along the growth line of the nail plate or some other possible combination is made. For example, the big toe is completely laid out with rhinestones, and the rest are covered with a monochromatic varnish.

- Sequins. These sequins differ from rhinestones in their shape: they are flat. It is also fashionable to use them now, simply by gluing them with a special glue.

- Stickers. And in the pedicure with your own hands, and in the salon, you can use special stickers. Their rich selection allows you to find any pattern you like and not paint it with brushes. These tools save you time and money.

- Texture. For nails, special powders are often used that have a certain texture, for example, sand, pile or fabric. It looks very interesting in combination with a simple smooth finish.It is quite simple to apply - you need a special base for the best bonding of the particles.

- Rubbing. Many different experiments and amazing coatings can be seen in the gel polish industry now. One of these is rubbing. This substance is rubbed into the base under the varnish, and then covered with a protective layer. Often made in metallic color or shimmery with all the colors of the rainbow.

- Small metal or plastic figures. These decorations are glued to a special base and most often come in the form of seashells, geometric shapes, symbols, flowers. They look interesting and allow you to create your own unique design.

A simple and beautiful, neatly executed pedicure cannot be boring.
And if you love originality, use the whole flight of imagination, and then the unique pictures on the nails will delight you with their original idea.