How to decorate the yard beautifully?

How to decorate the courtyard beautifully - this question arises from the owners of private houses, not only on holidays. Often, you just want to see your plot attractive and cozy at any time, so that it pleases the owners and guests every day. It is worth considering that each season allows you to create a new decor and diversify the decoration of the adjacent territory.

How to make ice decorations?
Decorating the courtyard of a private house with your own hands in winter is not so difficult. It is not necessary to immediately be puzzled by tricky ice figures, without having any skills for this - you can create very original decorations that will make your yard truly unique. Moreover, the process itself is extremely simple. Everyone knows how to freeze ice cubes for drinks - this requires special molds. For decorations that can be placed in the yard on trees, benches and just on the ground, shapes will also be needed. It is enough to find an ordinary container. If you plan to hang the decoration (for example, on a Christmas tree in the yard), then you need to install a plastic object in the form of a tube in the middle of the container.
Pour water into the selected container and send it to the freezer. When the water turns into ice, we leave the container in the room for literally five minutes. And as soon as the ice melts slightly, we take it out of the mold. If we installed a tube in the container, we should get an ice circle with a hole in the middle. This is the very principle of making the base. But you can get by with a simple rope. For this, a string (two ends) is placed in the water in advance.
Thus, the frozen form will then have a loop, with which you can hang the decoration anywhere, decorating trees, fences, building facades.

You can add dyes to the water, place berries, flowers, coniferous twigs. All this will freeze, and you will get a very original ice decoration. Moreover, you can put anything in the water, nothing limits the flight of fantasy. You can use cookie cutters to make small ice figures. Water is simply poured there, and the forms are sent to the freezer. You can freeze many blocks in plastic rectangular containers and build a castle from them. Quite a lot of blocks are required. They can also be colored by adding dyes. When building a wall, one layer is laid out from such blocks and poured over with water. This will help hold the cubes together.
Another simple option: pour colored water into the balloons and leave to freeze outside. When the water freezes, we remove the upper shell, and a colored ball of ice is obtained. If from such balls to lay out paths throughout the yard or even scatter chaotically, it will be unusually beautiful. If you want to place the balls on tree branches, you need to place the two ends of the rope in the water in advance. When the ball hardens, it will already have a loop, with which you can hang the ice ball on the tree in the yard.
But if all this seems too long and complicated, you can just build a beautiful snowman in the yard, build a slide and fill it with water.

It is recommended to take a closer look at the ready-made examples in order to understand how beautiful the winter area looks like, you just have to show a little imagination.
- Apple slices, sprigs of needles and berries, frozen in water, allow you to create very original decorations for trees. You just need not to overdo it. For powerful trees, you can make large shapes, decorate small trees with miniature toys of your own making.

- Colored ice balls in the snow look amazing. They bring bright colors to the winter landscape and cheer you up. Such decorations are good for any holiday, and especially in the New Year.

- Colored palms are also an original version. And for this you just need to pour water into ordinary rubber gloves, having previously painted it in any color with the help of paints.

Decoration of the yard with improvised materials
It is not at all difficult to arrange a plot in the summer, as well as in the off-season. And the most beautiful decor is flowers. It is only important to choose those that bloom for a very long time - there are many such species that bloom in spring and delight with their beauty right down to the frost. These include, for example, petunias, ageratums, marigolds, roses. You just need to think over where to place which flower beds, how to arrange them, and for this it is better to draw up a preliminary plan of the garden so that the composition looks organic and does not represent chaos. Flowerbeds can be made from any available means: old tires, unnecessary boards, stones - large and small - will do. There are many options.
- If you make a flower bed of boards (by the way, it can be multi-tiered), they can be painted, patterned, varnished.
- When making flower beds from tires, there is a wonderful option: you need to dilute the cement, coat the tire with a thick layer and stick small pebbles on it. You have to work quickly before the cement is frozen.
- Laying out a flower bed of large stones is also easy. You can leave them like this, but if you want more strength, cement mortar will help. It is up to you to paint them or leave them in their original form.

You can make figures for the garden from cement mortar or plaster mass with your own hands. If the skills of a sculptor are not enough, you can simply find a suitable shape and use it. So, to create a turtle, an old basin is suitable, it is already easy to mold the head and legs. You can paint it with paints and cover it with a protective varnish on top.
Large multi-colored stones also look very beautiful. If you find the necessary shapes and volumes, each stone can be easily turned into an animal with the help of imagination and colors.Well, you can make ladybugs and bugs as much as you like: just find round-shaped pebbles and apply the appropriate pattern on them.

Consider a few ready-made examples that will help you understand what a courtyard can be if you put your soul into its design.
- It is not at all difficult to create such a composition, but only stones, boards and flowers are needed, you will also need any fabric for bags and cement to hold the stone structure together.

- A fun kettle and mug can be easily created from tires: you just need to put them on top of each other, paint and apply patterns. After that, it is recommended to plant flowers there - and the bright flower beds are ready.

- From simple cans, painted in any shade, and colors, you can create an excellent composition for decorating a fence.

More ideas
The area near the house can be made well-groomed and beautiful in a variety of ways. At the dacha, you can get by with just flowers, but there is always a chance to come up with something more unusual. For example, if there is a tree in your summer cottage, you can decorate it with LED garlands. In the evening, it will be a cozy corner for friendly gatherings.

Shrub pruning
Outdoor decorations are often created using plants. All shrubs look very beautiful if they are regularly looked after and pruned. At the same time, if you set a specific goal, then you can create the necessary shapes by systematic cropping.
This business, of course, is troublesome and slow, but the result is worth it. However, flowering and green shrubs are beautiful on their own. They will successfully play the role of a hedge, become part of the composition, and even in a single version will decorate the yard.

Stone garden
Stones attract a lot of people. Indeed, they look very natural and harmonious on the site. You just need to pick up stones of different sizes, think over compositions, supplement them with herbs, perennials, conifers. In this case, junipers, and heather, and lavender are suitable.
A very good addition will be an artificial reservoir, a stream or even a waterfall flowing down stones of various sizes and configurations. Through the mini-reservoir, you can throw a bridge, launch fish there.

For birthday
The garden should always be beautiful so that it is pleasant to be there. But a birthday is, of course, a special occasion to add extra decor. And here, just the same, a variety of options are suitable:
- decorating the territory with balloons: you can make arches for a photo shoot, fill some of the balloons with helium and fix it somewhere, then release it into the sky;
- bouquets of fresh flowers in large flowerpots will also serve as good decorations;
- banners with inscriptions for the birthday person can be placed where an area for games or a picnic will be equipped;
- if you have to get together in the evening, the whole yard can be turned into a fairy forest and luminous garlands can be hung on the trees - you just have to do all this very carefully so as not to damage the trees.

By the new year
New Year is another great occasion to transform your yard. The lights can be fixed to the facade of the house and trees. If a pine, fir or spruce grows in the yard, this is just a gorgeous chance to dress up a New Year tree for the holiday without chopping it down. Even a small juniper will do its job, miniature lights and balls are fine for it. Winter decorations made of ice will complete the picture. To make it beautiful, garlands can be placed in small ice houses made of blocks, and then light will appear inside.
If you want a grandiose holiday right in your yard, you can purchase a projector: the laser will help to recreate the picture of a winter fairy tale, stars and snowflakes of various colors can fly around the yard. Any ideas for arranging your yard on weekdays and on holidays can be realized.
By the way, if you involve all family members, including children, in this, the process will turn out to be even more exciting, then it will be doubly pleasant to enjoy the fruits of your labor during your vacation.