Fennec foxes - all about unusual domestic foxes

The fennec fox has recently been very relevant for home maintenance. This is due to the fact that these animals very quickly adapt to living at home, and they also get along well with people. Foxes should only be purchased from licensed breeders. Before you start a fenech, it is very important to know all the nuances of keeping this animal, the peculiarities of its nutrition and behavior, as well as it is equally important to consider advice from experts, since fenech is a predator.

In nature, these are dwarf foxes that live in the desert regions of North Africa, very often they can be found in the Sahara. A distinctive feature of the Fenech are large ears measuring 12-15 cm, adults weigh no more than 1.5 kg.
In captivity, these animals live on average up to 12-14 years, but there are cases when, with proper care and proper care, individuals lived with people 18-19 years old. The height of the fenech at the withers ranges from 18 to 22 cm, the length of the body, as a rule, is no more than 40 cm.

Fenech foxes include to exotic pets, which require special care and close attention. They do not tolerate cold temperatures very well, which is why they should be kept warm.
Foxes are born light, almost white, a little later their color becomes red, their hair is quite long and soft. These animals are very nimble, they can jump about 60-70 cm in height and at a distance of up to one meter.
Interestingly, although fennecs form flocks, they hunt mostly alone, it is also known that in one night these little foxes can dig a hole up to five meters.

Features of the content
It is very important to acquire already domesticated baby foxes, since very often people cannot tame an adult animal. Such animals require a lot of attention and care so that they do not pose a threat to humans.
- It is very important to provide a comfortable temperature regime for the fox in the place where the fox lives. Because of the cold, this species of fox can develop eye problems.
- It is best not to leave the animal at home alone, putting it in a specially organized aviary or a spacious cage.
- These foxes get along well with other pets, provided that they grew up together from childhood.
- An extremely difficult question is whether it is possible to keep such a fox in a house where there are children. Many experts agree that while children are small, it is best to refuse such an animal.
- These animals are very negative about too loud sounds and very bright light.
- Since the fox is very fond of digging holes, it is advisable to keep it in a place where there will be sand, otherwise, it will dig where it likes, using whatever it sees.

If there is a desire to have an eared fenech, then it is best to take a little fox, which lends itself best to education and training. Animals get used to the tray in different ways, sometimes a special approach is needed.
Predatory animal instincts will be present anyway, and therefore damage to furniture and objects is not excluded in the dwelling life, therefore it is recommended to set aside a separate place for keeping the fox, it is also very important to stock up on a lot of toys.

Fenech in apartments is a controversial issue, this animal needs a lot of space and its own aviary for full life. It is preferable to have such foxes in large houses.
Although these foxes belong to the canine family, they are not treated like dogs, and they are also vaccinated.
Before purchasing, it is recommended to find your veterinarian in advance, who can not only give useful advice, but also, if necessary, treat the animal correctly.

It is important to go for a walk with Fenech, even if the animal is accustomed to going to the toilet, in the place designated for it... But this is possible only in the warm season. Moreover, walking is possible only on a harness, since in an unfamiliar environment the animal can get scared and run away.

All about nutrition
Fenech is a carnivorous omnivore, it cannot be fed from a common table with human foodlike any other pet kept at home.
It is very important for the fox to set aside a separate place for a meal. Bowls should always be washed thoroughly after meals. Wherein there should always be clean drinking water, although foxes rarely drink it, getting the main moisture from vegetables and fruits.

Fenech will not give up mice and insects, but at home you can feed the fox and porridge with meat. And also the following foods are acceptable in the diet:
- eggs, you can give both chicken and quail;
- lean meats, including chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit, young lamb and beef, sometimes by-products can be given as a substitute for full-fledged meat;
- fruits of plants, a variety of vegetables (preferably boiled) and fruits, especially figs and dates, which are considered their favorite delicacy;
- fish, when serving, it is very important to remove all bones from it;
- raw meat;
- fermented milk products can be given no more than once a week.

When purchasing a fox it is very important to consult breeders on the diet, which can give no less valuable advice on this matter.
Foxes can also be fed with special premium food, but they are not a substitute for natural meat, vegetables and fruits, which must be present in the diet of a predator for a full-fledged existence.

Behavior and socialization
To a greater extent, domesticated foxes do not show aggression, but with them you should not make very noise and make sudden movements, these animals are very shy next to a person.
Fenech is a very friendly animal that is always curious.... You can often hear him snort, howl, and sometimes whine.Domestic cubs can become so attached to a person that you can often see them sitting in his arms without much fear.
Foxes are not the cleanest, which is why sometimes questions arise with training to the tray. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to clean up after the animal even in those places where it plays.
A fox can bite if something is taken from her. This should be done with extreme caution. It is also not recommended to distract the animal from food.

Many foxes are inherently very moody, they love attention. If the owner is not at home for a long time, there is a possibility of loss of contact and neutrality on the part of the animal. Some foxes are very fond of meeting new people, but most of them are very wary of them.
It is very important to keep the fox away from wires that it could chew on. If the fox is alone at home, it is extremely important to close all the windows, because if the animal escapes, the chances of finding it will be extremely small.

Note to owners
Reviews about the content of decorative fennecs at home are very diverse, so before you get yourself this animal, you need to weigh the pros and cons, and most importantly, your capabilities. Keeping exotic animals is not an easy task, not all veterinarians know how to deal with such foxes and how to properly treat them, moreover, keeping foxes on good food is a big penny.
In general, we can say that keeping such a fox is real, but it will take a lot of patience in teaching such an animal to housekeeping and a litter box, it may not be as easy as with a cat or dog.

There is no one hundred percent guarantee that Fenech will fall in love with all family members., even over time, to some of them, he may show aggression or fear. This point should be taken into account before purchasing an animal.
Of course, it's worth mentioning the price tag. Foxes are homely expensive exotic, on average, the price from good breeders and from a proven nursery is 150-200 thousand rubles with documents.
Such a high cost is due to the difficult raising of foxes and their maintenance.

For interesting facts about fennec, see the next video.