Triol Cell Variety

Owners of certain types of pets are often faced with situations where it is necessary to provide maximum comfort for their beloved pets. One of these solutions can be the purchase of a special cage where the animal will spend its time. In this case, the pet will always be in one place, so it will be easier to feed and watch him. The manufacturer of these accessories is Triol.

Advantages and disadvantages
The range of this manufacturer is very well known among pet owners. Customers choose Triol products for a number of benefits that influence their final purchase decision. The most important plus is the variety of the lineup. Each buyer can choose a two-story, three-story cage for his pet, which will meet all the necessary requirements. In addition to the large number of options, it is worth noting that each of them differs depending on the size, interior arrangement, location of various objects. Triol also focuses on a variety of colors so that a potential purchase can fit into a wide variety of room interiors.
In addition to a wide range of models, this manufacturer manufactures products at very different prices depending on the design, its complexity and the presence of other elements that allow the pet to be more active in the cage. The consumer can find good options at a fairly low cost. All this makes the product more affordable and attractive to purchase.
It should be noted the quality that is achieved through the use of effective modern manufacturing technologies.The paint always stays in place, rods made of durable materials do not deform even under the influence of physical damage.

If the structure is made of plastic, then it does not crumble and is not susceptible to cracking.
But besides the advantages, there are also disadvantages. They are associated with the features of only specific models, and not the entire assortment as a whole. It should be said that on some products there is an inconvenient system for positioning or securing drinkers, bowls or other parts of the structure. The most common problem is when the tilted position of the accessories causes the contents to fall or spill. To eliminate this drawback, it is worth taking care to independently install the structure correctly.

Overview of large and medium models
Triol C4-1 - one of the largest cells from this manufacturer. The high degree of versatility allows this model to be used for a wide variety of animal species - chinchillas, ferrets, large rats and other rodents, as well as squirrels, degus, small cats, and rabbits. In C4-1, the pet will always feel free and comfortable due to the large internal space. Depending on the selected configuration, this cage can have 4 or 5 floors, which allows the consumer to choose their number before purchasing in accordance with the size of the animal.
This model is very diverse, because it includes quite a lot of different components - 4 wheels, one plastic bowl, one drinker with a secure attachment, as well as 4 or 5 ladders and shelves, depending on the final configuration. The pallet is insulated, so pet food debris will remain inside and will not clog the surface on which the cage sits. The entire structure is mobile due to the presence of a mobile system; there are two doors on the front panel. It is also possible to find the old version of the model with three doors.

As for the colors, there are only two of them - black and white. Quite comfortable ladders are very well suited for keeping a budgerigar. This cage-aviary has a distance between rods of 22 mm, vertical 2.3 mm thick, horizontal 4.1 mm, pallet depth 3.5 cm. The doors are closed by a lock, which is a metal rod on a chain. Dimensions 790x525x1400 mm, weight 16 kg.

Triol YD-435 - a medium model designed for keeping a wide variety of types of small rodents. A feature of the design is a pull-out tray, with which you can quickly clean the cage. Its lower part is made of metal mesh, so that fallen stale food cannot be eaten by your pet. Among the structures in the interior, it is worth noting a small plastic house, a running wheel and one bowl. A 90 ml drinking bowl is attached to the side.
Two metal shelves and two ladders provide the necessary space for the animal, while not making the YD-435 too heavy compared to the larger models. A distinctive feature of this cell can be called a varied appearance, which is possible thanks to a variety of colors. The grille, for example, is available in green, white or blue, and the pallet is green, blue or red. The pet owner can pick them up in a variety of combinations.
The distance between the rods is 1 cm, the dimensions of the YD-435 are 350x280x480 mm. There are only 3 floors, there is a single door on top. Considering the complete set, this cage has a very low price, and therefore is in great demand among consumers.

Triol BC27 - another large cage, specialized for keeping small and medium-sized birds. In addition, the model can be equipped for rodents. The robust and reliable design is equipped with wheels for movement. The distance between the rods is 1 cm. On the sides there are special doors 11x13 cm in size, designed to secure feeders, drinkers, nests, bathing suits and other accessories.Access to the inside of the cage is provided by two convenient front doors, the closing mechanism of which will not allow animals to leave the enclosure on their own.
It is impossible not to note the paint applied to the structure. This type of enamel is resistant to physical impact, so birds cannot just peel off the paint layer. The pull-out tray has a depth of 4 cm, due to which cleaning of the aviary is noticeably simplified, because you will not need to open the cage and disturb your pet. The construction is stable, which is very important for the owners of especially active animals. Due to the use of high-quality materials, BC27 will serve for a long time and reliably. The length of the installed legs is 25 cm, with wheels this figure increases to 30 cm.
The set consists of four large feeders and two wooden perches that can be installed in a variety of places. The dimensions of this model are 560x560x1250 mm. BC27 is one of the heaviest cells, since its weight reaches 20 kg, but this is not so critical due to the presence of transport wheels.

Assortment of round cells
Triol 33A - an attractive model that will be a good place to keep feathered pets. This cage successfully combines structural strength and an attractive appearance, due to which overall ease of use is achieved. The internal space is completely enough for the pet to feel comfortable.
It should be noted that the package includes two plastic feeders, one wooden perch and a swing. To enhance ease of transport, the 33A is equipped with a handle on top of the structure. A plastic pallet with a pull-out installation method is provided. Thus, the owner can easily remove garbage and stale food debris.
The dimensions of the cage are 330x330x565 mm, the enamel color is purple. The distance between the rods is 12.92 mm. In general, this model can be called one of the most practical due to its good capacity and convenient location of accessories. Among other round cages, the 350G model can be distinguished, which is similar to the 33A in its configuration.
The main difference is the shape, presented in the form of a ball. The attractive appearance and light color of the enamel is perfect for any room design.

Features of curly cells
This type of cage is best suited for keeping ferrets, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters and other small animals. Due to their activity, the manufacturer has equipped its products with special passages both within the framework of one floor and several at once. Feeders, treadmills and other accessories are located at an optimal distance from each other so that the pet can move comfortably.
Another characteristic feature of this type of cells is the appearance, expressed in a large number of very different colors. - pink, blue, yellow, red and others. This not only allows you to choose a model for the interior of the room, but also to make the perception of the environment for the animal more diverse. The convenient cleaning system makes it possible to empty the lower part without any inconvenience.

Due to the small size, the transportation of curly cells seems to be very simple. An important role in this is played by the material of manufacture. If for birds, rats and other larger pets, cages are made of metal rods, then these models are made of plastic. This option significantly reduces weight and makes operation easier.
Among the curly Triol models, it is worth noting such as 31003A, 31002A, 3305B-K, Monstropolis. The latter is equipped with a removable roof, since the upper and lower parts are separated by special structural tunnels and other accessories.