Domestic fox: how many years does it live, how to feed it and how to keep it?

Any pet needs proper care and proper maintenance. This applies not only to widespread cats, dogs, parrots and hamsters. By all the rules, you need to take care of the domestic fox. This exotic animal looks very cute, you want to caress it, cuddle it. However, the appearance of domestic foxes is deceiving - they require special treatment and care from their owners.

Types of tamed animals
Exotic animals today are brought up not only in luxurious country houses, but also in ordinary city apartments. Many people prefer lush-tailed beauties - foxes. These pets attract attention to themselves by their pretty appearance, perky disposition.
It's hard not to fall in love with such a charming creature. However, it must be borne in mind that it will have to be carefully and competently looked after. If you keep the fox incorrectly, it can lead to sad consequences.
People who want to acquire such a furry friend are interested in the question: which foxes are considered tame and domesticated? Let us consider in detail the representatives of which breeds can be kept at home.

Silver fox
At one time, scientists conducted many experiments on the domestication of wild foxes. As a result, it turned out that silver foxes are most susceptible to this process.
The beautiful silver fox can be tamed easily and quickly. She remembers her master. If you provide such a gorgeous pet with all the necessary conditions for keeping, then in captivity he will feel great.

In length, the silver fox can reach a mark of 60-90 cm.It is characterized by a gorgeous fluffy tail, which can grow up to 60 cm.The average weight of a silver fox is 10 kg.
Fur can be of different colors. Some individuals have exclusively black color of wool, and the tip of their tail contrasts with a white color. There are also individuals whose fur is unobtrusive. brown or bluish shade, and their sides are gray-ash.
Experts strongly recommend buying a silver fox puppy in a specialized nursery or pet store. If the person who sells such an animal does not have all the necessary documents, then it is better not to take the pet.

Silver fox is a calm individual. If aggression does not come to her from a person and the animal does not feel danger, then it will not hide and be afraid, it will easily make contact. The movements of the silver fox are calm, unhurried. If you scare her, she will immediately stretch out her fluffy tail and run away with incredible speed.

Common redhead
In Russia, the common red fox is also a domesticated animal. The coat color of this pet can have many different shades. There are both rich red and grayish individuals. The classic and most common coat color is white or light yellow on the chest and belly, the tips of the legs and ears are black, and the tip of the tail is usually snow-white.
Indoor red foxes, artificially bred, can weigh from 10 to 15 kg. Their forest relatives grow more miniature and tidier, their average weight is only 5-6 kg.
The common red fox is very energetic and perky pet. She is playful, has a strong immune system, and therefore rarely gets sick.

The fennec fox is another fox that can be kept as pets. It makes no sense to compare this fox with ordinary dogs or cats, but they still have certain common features. Fenecs are about the same size as small cats. Their habits and behaviors are also similar.
For desert foxes, you can see the slight detachment characteristic of domestic cats. From dogs, these animals adopted playfulness and energy.
The fennec fox may seem like a real plush toy, but we must not forget that this is a wild animal. Complex care of such pets is usually not required. They can even be accustomed to the tray, however, without periodic mistakes it does in rare cases.

Pros and cons of content
When starting a domestic fox, it should be remembered that this is a very big responsibility. Such an exotic pet has little in common with the usual cats and dogs, so you should not rush to buy it. First you need to understand all the pros and cons of keeping such an animal.
Consider the pros of keeping a pet fox.
- This is a very active, inquisitive and cheerful pet. Foxes love to play, you will not get bored with them. This is a real find for an energetic person.
- Domestic foxes are considered loyal animals. They are very fond of human affection and warmth. Many of them very quickly get used to their master, love him and are not afraid. In these qualities they are often compared to dogs.
- Usually, domestic foxes quickly and seamlessly adapt to a variety of food options. Their maintenance is not expensive.
- This is a very beautiful pet. It is the visual appeal that prompts many people to get a pet fox.
- Some types of domestic foxes can be litter-trained. like cats or dogs. Of course, this training process will take a lot of time and patience, and mistakes in the future are not excluded.

Disadvantages of keeping a domesticated fox.
- Any domestic fox is a source of strong and pungent odors, which are not pleasant. Because of this, aromas soon take root in the dwelling, which neither households nor their guests like.
- Any domestic fox will mark its territory. Many people think that this problem can be avoided by having a female, but this is not the case. Females will also mark their possessions.
- The fox is a carnivorous animal. With the onset of night, she can begin to scream loudly, specifically, interfering with the sleep of all household members. In certain situations, she can bite a person painfully.
- The pets in question can jump very high. This is especially true for miniature fennecs. Often this feature of foxes creates many problems in keeping them at home.
- We must not forget that the fox is a burrowing animal, therefore, the owners will have to be prepared for the fact that she will constantly dig. The pet will do this on the sofa, on the floor, and on any other surfaces.
- It can be very difficult to control the behavior of the fox. This is an independent animal, it is not always possible to predict the course of his thoughts. You can always expect surprises from a fox.
- As mentioned above, it is possible to train a fox to a litter box at home, but it is very difficult and not always successful. It will take a long and hard work to train your pet, keeping patience.
- If other pets live in the house, for example, mice, hamsters, rats, rabbits or chinchillas, then the owners will have to understand that they will definitely not become friends with the fox. The listed animals are prey for her.
- We must not forget about the genes of the predator, therefore, keeping a fox in a house with small children is risky.

Only after weighing all the pros and cons of the content, it is worth starting a domestic fox. You need to be prepared for all the difficulties that may arise when such a pet lives at home.
Character and behavior
When purchasing such a beautiful and unusual pet, it is necessary to take into account all the features of its character and behavior. Domesticated foxes are independent, wayward animals, but at the same time they show trust in their owner. They can easily adapt to the mood of the person. Red-haired beauties do not like to be alone, which once again confirms that they have many similarities with dogs.
Domestic foxes are quick-witted and have an excellent memory. You can easily and seamlessly establish contact with them. A fox can be obedient and friendly if you treat her with kindness and love. But it is undesirable to punish a pet. Foxes are vindictive and can subsequently take revenge on a person who punished them or treated them with malice.

How fox dogs can start wagging their tails. This behavior is a signal that the pet is ready to play and frolic. If a red-haired beauty substitutes her tummy, this means that she demonstrates complete trust or wants to make peace with a person. If the fox has pressed its ears, this indicates that it is afraid of something.
With tame foxes, you can walk on a leash. True, experts advise to go for walks with such an animal in the evening. Unfortunately, the scent of the fox can attract hunting dogs that also go out for a walk. These circumstances can lead to certain problems.

Fox is playful and friendly. Like a cat, she is very fond of jumping into empty boxes, running after a ball. Neighborhood with other pets will not bring problems if the latter are large or medium in size. An adult fox and a cat are unlikely to arouse interest in each other. A fox can show aggression if it rushes to protect its offspring.
If a small puppy or kitten lives at home, then for the chanterelle they can become good friends. Often these animals go to bed together, play together and warm each other.
A distance is usually maintained between domestic foxes and dogs. They can also make friends, especially if they live in the same territory from an early age together.

Growing conditions
For a fox of absolutely any breed, it is necessary to organize keeping conditions as close as possible to its natural, natural environment. Only under optimal conditions can we talk about good health and development of an exotic animal. Consider how to properly keep a fox at home.
- First you need to find a good veterinarian who will agree to deal with such an unusual pet. The chanterelle will need timely vaccinations, it is important to keep her health under control - you cannot do without a specialist.
- It is recommended that the animal's blood be tested twice a year. According to the results revealed, the diet of the domestic fox is adjusted.
- It is very important for such an animal to equip a high-quality and comfortable enclosure of optimal height. It must be made of a strong and durable material that will not fail too quickly. The animal must be closed in the aviary for a while, when the owners leave the dwelling. All foxes are big fans of gnawing and digging, so it is advisable to make a metal cage.
- In the aviary, it is advisable to equip a den that imitates a burrow. There the animal will be able to hide.
- A dog litter box is the best choice for the toilet. You can pour sawdust or special filler into it.
- All items that are easy to break and are fragile, need to be removed away from the fox if it is allowed to move freely around the apartment. It must be remembered that this pet can jump very high.

The fox can be kept in an open-air cage outside. But it must have walls, a roof and a floor. The following should be placed in the outdoor aviary:
- a container filled with sand for digging;
- shelves on which the animal can climb;
- a den where the fox can retire;
- toilet tray;
- clean bowls of water and food.
On the street, the fox enclosure is recommended to be installed in a calm, secluded place. It is good if it is far from the neighbors, otherwise the animal's night songs may anger them.

Often, foxes in an apartment are moved to live on a balcony. This is a good solution for a simple fox, but a desert fennec fox will only feel comfortable in conditions where it is dry and warm (about +20 degrees) all year round.
Ideal living conditions for a domestic fox are a separate room or part of it with an equipped partition... Fenecs are very fond of burying themselves in the sand and do it surprisingly quickly, therefore it is better to provide such chanterelles with the specified bulk material to realize his instinct.

Correct care
The fox cannot be called an overly demanding animal, but it still needs to be properly looked after. The coat of these pets is beautiful, lush. It is recommended to brush it with an ordinary pet brush. You can buy it at any pet store.
Fenecs love to be combed, so this procedure should not be neglected. By combing the fox, you can not only please her, but also establish close contact.
Many breeders are interested in whether to bathe a pet fox. There is no urgent need for this, but if the pet is very dirty, it must be washed using a special hypoallergenic shampoo for dogs. It is advisable to choose a product that does not contain fragrances.
It is not necessary to bathe the fox more than once a month. Often only the paws of the animal can be washed. For example, after winter walks, it is worth rinsing the fox's paws with Shoe Shampoo.

We must not forget about antiparasitic treatments, protection against piroplasmosis, which is transmitted by tick bites... It is necessary to monitor the condition of the four-legged friend. If the fox has lost appetite, dry nose, frequent sneezing, tears flow from his eyes - these are bad signals indicating that the pet needs to be shown to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

What and how to feed?
The fox is a carnivorous animal, so its nutrition should be protein. In nature, these animals often eat berries, plant roots and wild fruits - they get vitamins from these products. In order for the diet of a domestic fox to be balanced, the menu should contain the following ingredients:
- lean meat - chicken, beef, turkey (cut into pieces and doused with boiling water);
- offal: meat, heart, liver, tripe, chicken heads;
- boiled fish without bones;
- fermented milk products (foxes should be given fresh milk);
- cereal porridge;
- waste of flour or oil mill production, introduced into feed: cake, bran;
- eggs;
- fruit without seeds and seeds;
- vegetable puree from carrots, beets, cabbage;
- garden, forest berries;
- premium or super premium dry and wet dog food (should not be given to foxes on an ongoing basis).
At least once a week, the fox should be given live small rodents - in their natural habitat, this is their main food. Access to water should be unimpeded.

Some food products can cause serious harm to the health of the domestic fox, up to the death of the pet. Consider what you can't give:
- bread (you can give only black and dried);
- fish: blue whiting, hake, pollock, pollock, hake;
- pork;
- any sausages;
- plums, peaches, persimmons, citrus fruits;
- any confectionery;
- fat collected after frying meat;
- yeast dough;
- bird and fish bones;
- potatoes, peppers, avocado, broccoli, mushrooms;
- vitamin complexes for people containing iron.

Foxes are prone to overeating and obesity, therefore, their nutrition must be monitored as closely as possible. Experts recommend feeding these pets in small portions, at least 3 times a day.
If you provide the domesticated chanterelle with proper and balanced nutrition, it can live up to 20 years at home. In their natural environment, these animals live on average about 7 years.

Education and play
As with any other pet, a fox must be spoken in the language of love and understanding. Despite the sufficient number of similarities, the fox should not be confused with the dog. The owners will have to be patient, especially for the first year of the animal's life in the house.
It is necessary to raise the fox from the first days of its appearance in the home. This business should not be postponed until later. The animal must learn the "fu" command. It is necessary to train and educate the fox using the "carrot and no carrot" method. Simply put, you cannot punish an animal for not following a command.
Instead, he just doesn't have to give the treat. If the fox has done what was required of her, she must be rewarded.

Experienced experts recommend using exclusively to non-contact methods of punishing an animal. If you physically influence the domestic fox, it will definitely move away from the person, lose confidence in him. Contact can be lost forever and irrevocably, so you do not need to beat the pet and yell at it.
As stated above, foxes have excellent memory and quick wits. For any offense, the animal can simply be closed in a cage / aviary, or you can skip one meal. Due to such actions, the fox will quickly learn a lesson. You can also clap your hands and shout lightly if the predator was caught at the "crime scene", but such actions will be useless if they are performed after the animal has done something.
The pet should have a sufficient number of toys so that he does not rush to spoil other things in the house. It is better to hide the latter away from the fox.

Foxes are predatory animals, nocturnal hunters. In their natural environment, they are active at night, which can be a big problem in home maintenance. You can tame and transfer the animal to day mode as follows: load it with games and activities to such an extent that by nightfall it will have neither strength nor energy. This is where a large number of toys come in handy, with which the pet can be engaged all day.

New commands should be taught to the fox carefully, without unnecessary imposition. You should not put pressure on this animal - foxes are independent and do not tolerate when they are forced to do something against their will. Classes and training should arouse the pet's interest, then things will go faster and more fun. The main thing is not to behave aggressively towards the animal.If you treat him with malice, the relationship will be ruined, training will be ineffective.
If you cannot raise the animal on your own, it is better to contact an experienced specialist.

The following video will tell you about the features of keeping the fox's house.