How to make friends with a dog in an apartment?

People are known to be divided into cat and dog lovers. But there are also those who simply love animals, cannot choose a pet - they want to take care of both. And they do not ask themselves the question of whom they should choose as the smaller brother: they take both the cat and the dog. For some reason, many breeders are so self-confident that they think that other cats and dogs are enemies, and they will make friends from the first second. Of course, not everyone is so lucky. There are many reasons for this.
Causes of enmity and rivalry
These animals have radical differences. What they have in common is that they are mammals that walk on their hind legs and can live next to humans.
But dogs serve a person, and cats just get along with the owner.

Differences in behavior
It is far from always possible for two people to get along together, let alone animals. Dogs are, by nature, social animals. In order to get praise, acceptance from a person, they are ready to go to some hardships. Thanks to this, the dogs are amenable to training. Dogs have a developed gregarious instinct, therefore, in principle, they converge more easily with other animals. You saw packs of stray dogs that "walk in a big company." It is impossible to meet the same flock of cats: it will most likely be a mother with children.

Cats are antisocial animals. Some signs give them an understanding of potential competition, but by and large they do not need a company. They quickly become attached to the home, react very painfully to moving.
It is not so important for a dog where to live, the main thing is to follow the owner.

Seals sometimes seem arrogant, and even if they show affection, the owners think that this is nothing more than flattery for a selfish purpose. This is not entirely true, because there are cat breeds that compete with their relatives for the attention of the owner. Siamese cats are from this category. As a result, it turns out that the dog is a more welcoming domestic animal.
A cat, only seeing a competitor in the territory, can hiss, arch its back and show its aggression in every possible way. But this does not always happen.

As already mentioned, the cat gets used to the home, the dog to the owner. And if the dog appears in the house after the cat, she feels that her territory is being encroached on. It's good if the cat is already an adult, and the puppy is small: as a rule, somewhere the cat shows condescension, somewhere else a completely unintelligent dog listens to the "senior in the house."
Most often, animal friendship grows if the owners take them as babies.

There are cases when the animals became so friends that they help each other in very difficult situations. For example, a little puppy fell ill: he is sad, lethargic, does not eat anything, does not really react to anything. There is a puppy in the village, there is no veterinarian, the owners sadly think - "plague", and are waiting in tears for a terrible end. But the cat (in this story we are talking about a Siamese cat) does not leave a shaggy friend. Lies side by side, drives away flies and, as if playfully, pushes a bowl of water to the puppy. And he starts drinking! And then, just a little bit and there is. Finally, the dog is on the mend. That story had a happy ending: both the mongrel dog and the Siamese cat lived for many more years, and were always devoted to each other.

The roots of the struggle for food are at the heart of the instinct for self-preservation. Even if there is a lot of food in the house, and each pet's plate is full, they can get seriously nip at lunch.
Here, only training will help: both a dog and a cat can be taught not to covet someone else's.

Small kittens, pulling food from the dog's plate, lightly hit the nose and tell him what he is doing wrong. This technique is spied on by mothers-cats: they hit the little naughty little nose with their paws and purr something, denoting the fact of offense. A dog learns commands well, in this sense it is easier to negotiate with it.

Incompatibility of characters occurs, as well as incompatibility of smells. But, I must say, rarely. If both pets are babies, and only sniff at the world around them, they will take a lot for granted, without unnecessary tantrums.

Partly solving the problem is a clear definition of where is whose place. Let them not break the rule by entering each other's territory, there will be nothing to conflict about. In most cases, you have to negotiate with the dog: the cat is rather indifferent to commands.

Who is the head in this house?
If you have babies at the same time, the problem usually does not arise. They are still too young to see competition in each other's faces. It's another matter if the pet appeared on the territory where the second younger friend already lives. Or rather, the first one.

If a dog lives in the house
Before bringing a cat into the house, evaluate how the dog reacts to yard cats. If he just rips off the leash, so he wants to catch up and nag the nasty cat, you need to teach the dog commands "no" or "fu". You can take the dog to visit the people where the cat lives.
If there is no aggression, but there is interest, you do not have to worry - most likely, he will accept the kitty in his house without too much jealousy.

It is advisable that the dog already knows the basic commands before the cat appears in the house. So you will control it, but a dog, unlike a cat, serves its owner, does not dare to disobey.
If the dog is large, put a muzzle on it before meeting the cat - it is better to insure yourself.

If a cat lives in the house
A similar algorithm and work with a cat. First, you need to introduce her to the neighbor's dog, see the reaction. But everything is done, of course, under the supervision of the owners.
Be sure to trim the claws of the cat before you bring the puppy into the house: it was not enough for the pet to be hurt by the "mistress". Since the sounds of dog barking can annoy the cat, breeders often warn the problem: put the sounds of barking on a loss, play films with dogs, and so on.

Nuances of the first acquaintance
Almost all further communication of animals depends on this. It is possible to make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment from the very first, successful acquaintance. If the dog greets the cat with a loud bark, it will be stressed.
If a puppy scares a cat, she is unlikely to be supportive of him in the future.

First of all, you need to introduce the cat to the dog.
- In the most relaxed atmosphere. If the cat loves to sleep in the living room, and you brought a puppy into the house, arrange an acquaintance for them in a neutral room. So, the cat will not think that this "miracle" will sit on her favorite place now, and will not show any expressed aggression.
- Demonstrating his own favor to both. If the dog, not very happy to accept the kitten, obeys the owner, it is difficult to "prove" something to the cat.
- Their common age can reconcile them. If they are both kids, they can even play together. Sometimes animals, oddly enough, are reconciled by a common meal. If the owner calls the animals to dinner in a certain voice, in the appointed word, they run together in the direction of their bowls.

The main thing is that the owner tries to evenly distribute attention between the pets. They are united by common affairs: sometimes these are trips to the dacha (not all cats suffer when leaving the apartment, many adore dacha outings). Sometimes it's just watching TV - the cat is on the back of the sofa, the dog is at the feet, the owner is happy.

Rules for keeping animals under one roof
If the goal of a breeder is to make friends with pets, he will have to follow certain rules. He should not just watch the animals from the sidelines, sighing that a truce is not coming.

Consider what the owner should do.
- If the owner walks the dog on a leash, it often does not even occur to him that it is also possible and necessary to walk with the cat. And also on a leash. If a joint walk succeeds, it is highly likely that this will make the pets friends.
- If the cat is snuggled up on your lap, invite the dog to be there too. And he will not be upset by your switching of attention, and the kitty will understand that this situation is normal.
- Take turns to throw the ball to the cat and the dog, if they are still kids, they will be happy to join the game. Maybe not the first time, but they will turn on.
- Don't feed them from the same bowl! Everyone should have their own dishes and their own corner for eating.
- Don't let your dog claim the cat's possession. If she has her own scratching post, her own house and ladder, the dog should know - this is a cat's house, you do not need to touch it.
- If a dog in the game accidentally snatches a cat (maybe not by accident), do not disregard it... Say "No!", Lock up the dog in another room for a while.
Make sure to show animals to the vet, and not just for a good reason. Preventive examinations every six months are required.

What shouldn't you do?
Don't feed the animals the same thing. Since you have decided to keep two pets at once, you will have to seriously assess the costs... Different food, different bowls, shampoos and much more.

You cannot impose friendship on a cat and a dog: forcibly lock them in a room, make them play with each other, feed from the same bowl. Show the animals gently and unobtrusively - you are in charge in the house, they must obey. If there are no problems with walking, feeding, grooming, games, most often the cat and the dog get along peacefully with a good owner and each other.
If you brought the kitten to the house where the hunting dog lives, more effort will be needed.

Think several times if you can master this task. You are responsible for the animal if you take it into the house.
How to introduce a cat and a dog to each other - in the next video.